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John sang Krsna 'fore George

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Friday Night I'm approaching our AP HarinAm spot & what do I hear?

An amplified guitarist playing what? "Something"

I arrived early so I spoke a while with this musician.

Saturday Night I arrive at our TS HarinAm spot; what do I see?

2 fellows dancing along holding to 2'x2' photos of whom?

One of all 4 Beatles, the other of George alone.

Is it possible to separate The Fab 4, PrabhupAd & HarinAm?

Me no thin' so.

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When is the next Beatle's birthday?

We all know George left end of Nov, John 8Dec.

I ask because Strawberry Fields is such a special place where great musicians gather on such special occasions.

I could've sworn I saw Chaingang Cheney there strummin' a 6 string, singin' "Give Peace a Chance" a few days back.

Any chance?

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Originally posted by Tarun:

When is the next Beatle's birthday?

We all know George left end of Nov, John 8Dec.

I ask because Strawberry Fields is such a special place where great musicians gather on such special occasions.

I could've sworn I saw Chaingang Cheney there strummin' a 6 string, singin' "Give Peace a Chance" a few days back.

Any chance?

Another undisclosed location?



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Ha! Yes, or what I was seeing was done using mirrors. Or holographic?

gHariji: didn't we just celebrate George's Birthday around 24-25Feb?

Donji: another point about "I am the Walrus" lyrics.

Elementary Penguin singing Hari Krishna means kaniSThAdhikari.

Penguin means frozen heart, robotic, stiff-dancing devotee.

Great starting point, neophyte, but not the "Final Solution".

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Yes, Tarun. I just dropped by to mention that upon trying to look up the exact date I discovered that I had misread the information. It has indeed passed. But then, all things must pass.


This time I verified with two sites:

The Beatles


John Winston Lennon October 9, 1940 - December 8, 1980


James Paul McCartney June 18, 1942


George Harrison February 25, 1943 - November 29, 2001


Richard Starkey July 7, 1940





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  • 1 month later...

I heard in the early 70's from some fellow dopers that Paul was the heart, John was the mind, George was the soul and Ringo was the body. The pipe concluded that was the perfect combination, accounting for their unprecedented success.


[This message has been edited by gHari (edited 05-18-2002).]

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Who's the pipe? Drummer can be interpreted as body/heartbeat.

Perfect combination broken by Rolling Stone's Satanik Voodoo.

Last night PBS Ed Sullivan reruns showed Brian Jones up close.

Another victim of Jagged-edge Mickelodeon's evil worship.

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gHariji: There's another Irish George Harrison about 80 yrs old connected to IRA or Shin Fein whose birthday was announced in April.

Maybe u heard such announcement? I did.

It confused me a bit till they further clarified.

Also I thought I heard Paul's birthday was 24Jun, no?

I'd like to make sure so I attend Strawberry Fields that evening.

Musicians there r very good;

3-4 part harmony sing along very invigorating.

Great opportunity for book & prasAd distr.

Chanting aloud nearby a bit rasAbhAs. Special circumstance.

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I revisited NYC Strawberry Fields Thursday Night, a few hrs ago.

Very special place.

However many births it takes to totally uncover his assassination.

I have eternal time. So do we all. I can wait. No problem.

KRSNaloka's on my back burner. Way back there. Way back.


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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 month later...

George's death day? You mean his disappearance day.George is not dead. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif


He reasons ill who says that Vaisnavas die,

when thou art living still in sound!

The Vaisnavas die and living try to live,

to spread the holy name around.


(Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura)


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Leyh Lady Leyh, so u really think George is now with cowherd boys up in Golok?

Have u read what it takes to get there?

This Sukadev 10th Canto cowherd boy verse PrabhupAd quotes in his Srisopanisad purports. Take a look at it.

George was certainly very pious and special from our tiny perspective.

Suddha-bhakti is no cheap thing.

Even in My Sweet Lord, it is not he who is chanting Hallelujah and Hare Krishna in the background.

Is there any tape wherein George is actually chanting Maha-mantra?

I have heard him sing Jaya Radhe Jaya Radhe Radhe, Jaya Radhe Jaya Sri Radhe etc.

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On the apple album of this name, george is clearly heard singing Om purnama with my old friend jivananda das, while playing sitar, yet. He is also heard singing the samsara prayers, and many others. He is a main voice throughout the album.


Haribol, ys, mahaksadasa

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Dear Streetstraw:


George Harrison rendered tremendous assistance to Srila Prabhupada's Movement and although George never took formal initiation from Srila Prabhupada, I remember reading somewhere that Srila Prabhupada once said that George is more then his disciple. I'm sure he must have gone back home, back to Godhead.


btw, leyh is a spirit soul in a male body /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

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It is my understanding that George Harrison was listening to Srila Prabhupada chant japa at the time of his passing. If one takes shelter of the Holy Name of the Lord at the time of death, then that is all that matters. Whatever you can do to remember the Lord at the time of death - do that. So I think George Harrison has indeed gone to His Sweet Lord. Hare Krsna.

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Like JayAnanda Prabhu whom I personally knew.

"Maybe Heavenly Planets" as SP said & wrote.

All 4 Beatles were probably Gandharvas anyway.

Harrison 'accepted he was dying'

Olivia and George were married 23 years


The widow of former Beatle George Harrison has spoken about the death of her husband and how he had accepted the fact he was dying of cancer. She also told how Harrison saved her life when an intruder broke into their home and began attacking them.


Olivia Harrison, who was married to George for 23 years, was speaking ahead of a tribute concert at London's Royal Albert Hall on Friday to mark the first anniversary of his death.


Sir Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, Eric Clapton and Ravi Shankar are among a host of names performing at the concert which will raise money for the Material World Charitable Foundation.


Harrison was recording music up until the end

In a televised interview Olivia said George had never felt in control of the cancer which finally killed him at the age of 58.


"He gave his life to God a long time ago. He wasn't trying to hang on to anything. He was fine with it," she told NBC's Katie Couric.


"Sure, nobody likes to be ill and nobody likes to be uncomfortable. But he went with what was happening."


'Good ending'


She said the former Beatles guitarist had spent years searching for inner peace and had aspired to "a higher kind of consciousness, a higher life".


"George dedicated a lot of his life to obtain a good ending, and I don't have any doubt that he was successful."


Olivia also relived the moment paranoid schizophrenic Michael Abram broke into their Henley-on-Thames mansion and attacked them.


George was stabbed at least 10 times during the ensuing struggle as he tried to protect his wife in December 1999.


She has been praised for fending off Abram with a fire poker and an antique lamp but she said it was her husband who gave her the strength to fight back and had been "coaching" her through the whole ordeal.




"George was very brave, and people don't know that, because he had already been injured and he had to jump up and bring him down to stop him from attacking me.


Sir Paul will take to the stage to remember his friend

"He saved my life, too."


Olivia also dismissed claims that her husband was a recluse.


"People would say, 'Oh, he's a recluse'.


"He said: 'I just don't go where all the press is. People say I don't go out. I just don't go where they are'."


The concert at the Royal Albert Hall will feature a mixture of Harrison's own music and a selection of his favourite songs.

Stars of the comedy series Monty Python's Flying Circus have also agreed to take part



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  • 2 weeks later...

FBeye WAS BUSY PHOTOGRAPHING OUR HEADS to collect data to figure out what shaped brain would sing Beatle songs in freezing cold weather without even a roof under which to play musik.

Uniformed Polizei were prominent.

Both George & John's disappearance days attracted so many flatfeet.

We were busy singing Peace & Love songs.

They were preparing to bomb more unarmed women, children, elderly on a slaughtered mother cow diet.

No wonder we frightened & haunted them so.

Only SUkara-rUp can effectively whitewash Wash DC.

Such a filthy, wretched, degenerate locale.

What other Divine Incarnation would dare to enter such decrepid muck & mire?

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  • 1 month later...

Friday afternoon 17Jan2003, Pacifica's Matthew Finch interviewed musician Bobby Whitlock who recounted his experiences with Beatles, Stones. During George's 1970 "All Things Must Pass" recording, Whitlock remembered Hare Krishnas being there distributing their delicious "Peanut Butter Cookies". Question: where r those peanut butter cookies NOW?!?

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>>Leyh Lady Leyh, so u really think George is now with cowherd boys up in Golok?

Have u read what it takes to get there?

This Sukadev 10th Canto cowherd boy verse PrabhupAd quotes in his Srisopanisad purports. Take a look at it.

George was certainly very pious and special from our tiny perspective.

Suddha-bhakti is no cheap thing.

Even in My Sweet Lord, it is not he who is chanting Hallelujah and Hare Krishna in the background.

Is there any tape wherein George is actually chanting Maha-mantra?

I have heard him sing Jaya Radhe Jaya Radhe Radhe, Jaya Radhe Jaya Sri Radhe etc. <<




Haribol Streetstraw! /images/graemlins/smile.gif


I have written many of my newsletters on this very topic! I agree it can be hard to understand how George, with a sometimes wild lifestyle, could have gone back to Godhead. And as some have suggested, a heavenly planet may be more like it. However, George received benedictions from Prabhupada! Unusual, I know, but he was benedicted that he would return to Krishna. Unless someone has information I dont have, but that is what I've discovered. A few years ago I didn't pay much attention to George and knew very little about him (admittedly, by choice). Just as I was starting to think about how wonderful it is we have this person as a devotee of Krishna, he left his body. So I felt I had to find out more. To make a long story short - I ended up including a lot of information I unearthed about him in a many of my Inspiraiton Newsletters. Matter of fact, people started sending things in! I will put a link here for you and others to check out, tho not sure which one to put as I discovered so much! /images/graemlins/smile.gif


The bottom line of what I found out is that he was hearing and chanting (both) at the time of death, plus the benedication I mentioned. Let me add what had been related to me was that Prabhupada said no matter what George did, he would go back. Hmmmm I had to think about that and don't feel Prabhupada was giving a blanket allowance for bad karmic activities, but compassion over falldowns, etc. IMHO. Like any other devotee, he was expected to try. And I think he did.


Anyway, here is a newsletter which may give some idea of where George was at spiriutally, according to what I have been told so far.



Here is one with info in the letters section that Prabhupada gave this benediction to him, no matter what, that he would go back to Home, back to Godhead. Tho please understand, there are different types of "going back to Godhead." Well, thats explained here, and his destination is just my opinion and I am the fisrt to say I can never know for sure. But based on shastra it appears this way. Anyhow, check out:


And as if I haven't given you enough links hehe (sorry), well, this is the big one, the one with EVERYTHING in it. It is a site about Srila Prabhupada and George Harrision.



I do not know that everything I have said is correct, tho of course I think I got it right and am trying my best. Hope folks like it.


By the way, someone mentioned they heard George was listening to a tape of Prabhuapda as he left his body. I heard this too, but never read it. Does anyone know where it can be found? I am sure Mukunda M. knows what went on, but he aint talking. ha At least not yet. /images/graemlins/smile.gif


>>Save a tree; chop down a politician <


I love that! Thanks.



Prtha (Priitaa) dd

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I dont mean to be a royal pain in the neck, posting twice in a row and to you, but I have a question about something you said.


>>>Like JayAnanda Prabhu whom I personally knew.

"Maybe Heavenly Planets" as SP said & wrote.<<


Prabhupada wrote a letter specifically stating that Jayananda went to the Vaikuntha planets of the Spiritual World, so maybe I am not understanding what you meant? Could you explain? Thanks.



Prtha dd


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