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George got cancer for singing Hare Krsna?

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If God is the cause of all causes then He also gave George Harrison cancer of the throat and brain. It`s worth to study why it is such. Thus if we were to collect names of people who chant hare krsna from the time they took IT to the time they got cancer, then there`s a big possibility my theory could open the gates on what really cause cancer say, of the prostate, liver, kidney, etc. I do hope there`s someone who would work on this. Any volunteers?


[This message has been edited by krsnaraja (edited 12-15-2001).]

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There is something called prarabdha karma, which is the karma that has already fructified. In the Vedanta sutras it explains that the Lord removes all karmas except these prarabdha karmas. Why does he leave them? Because otherwise the liberated soul would suddenly "disappear" from the material world, and as a result other condititioned souls would not be able to associate with him. The Lord makes the liberated souls burn off their prarabdha karma (i.e. the present life) to give us all an opportunity to associated with them before they go to Vaikuntha.



[This message has been edited by jndas (edited 12-15-2001).]

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Originally posted by gHari:

Sounds like a job for an idiot. You seem to fit that description best. You're going to waste your life anyway, so why not this way. Report back to me in fifty years with your findings.


Who are you to say call Krsnaraja an idiot,and what gives you the right to say that he's going to waste his life anyway? Report back to you?Who do you think you are? An acarya?


You are probably still grieving over the passing of George Harrison,but that is no excuse to display such un-Vaishnava-like arrogance!




[This message has been edited by leyh (edited 12-15-2001).]

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Originally posted by krsnaraja:

If God is the cause of all causes then He also gave George Harrison cancer of the throat and brain. It`s worth to study why it is such. Thus if we were to collect names of people who chant hare krsna from the time they took IT to the time they got cancer, then there`s a big possibility my theory could open the gates on what really cause cancer say, of the prostate, liver, kidney, etc. I do hope there`s someone who would work on this. Any volunteers?



All Glories to Shrila Prabhupada


This is foolish!


Junor Member may be a detractor?


How long you been a member?


Where would you get a crazy idea like that?


Please be serious about this human life you have got.


Bhakta don



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It is true that George Harrison sang the Mahamantra and also did a lot to help Srila Prabhupada and ISKCON. But, to elevate him to the level of a pure devotee is not correct. Before he started chanting, he had been leading a typical hippy lifestyle and even shared his wife Patti with pal Eric Clapton.


But, due to the mercy of SP, he took to chanting. But, he again relapsed into smoking a few years ago. That shows that his spiritual progress had kind of gone into a limbo.


So, it is quite possible that his akarmic activities in KC were not of the order to offset his not so dharmic activities of the 60s era. So, he had to endure that cancer. J N Das also explained the relevance of prarabdha karma in this context.


But, as SP says, any activity in the service of Krishna will continue in your next life time. So, let us pray that GH is born a wonderful Vaishnava in his next birth.

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Leyh, they are here only to ridicule the Holy Name. I would suggest that if you take him/her seriously, even for a moment, then that is the avaishnava behaviour.


The poster who just then registered on the forums for this obnoxious intrusion was either a detractor as Bhakta Don perceived or is a totally irrational idiot. Either way, the conjecture is intolerably offensive. I quite seriously doubt that you will entertain studying the correlation between japa and cancer.


BTW, in fifty years I will likely not be in this form. So my statement was telling them to never bother me again. I would recommend that you not read my posts anymore either, for my figurative language is sure to confuse and offend you again and again; and I can quite live without any more such mindless meaningless criticism; as should you. Thank you very much.<font color="#dedfdf">


[This message has been edited by gHari (edited 12-15-2001).]

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"No-one can understand the plan of the Lord, Sri Krishna. Although great sages and philosophers speculate for many lifetimes, still they are bewildered." Srimad Bhagwatam


Saying that, I speculate, on the basis that Krishna's plans for His devotees is always full of mercy and for their ultimate benefit, that George's cancer from smoking is Krishna telling His 'fallen devotees', who

can't give up their addictions, that they too will come back to Godhead, maybe a little bit sooner than others. Secondly, it may help Vaisnavas who can't give up their judgemental attitude towards those who are more 'fallen, to see beyond the externals (why did Sanatan Goswami have sores all over his body?) to the heart of the devotee, to the love that surrounds us all.



[This message has been edited by Bhaktavasya (edited 12-15-2001).]


[This message has been edited by Bhaktavasya (edited 12-15-2001).]

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Krsna helped George give up tobacco at the end. He quit a few years ago, after the big wake-up call.


I wonder what He will have to do to make us abandon our own Kali Yuga foibles of quarrel and hypocrisy. We should be thankful to be so fortunate that He will even try.<font color="#dedfdf">


[This message has been edited by gHari (edited 12-15-2001).]

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Originally posted by krsnaraja:

If God is the cause of all causes then He also gave George Harrison cancer of the throat and brain. It`s worth to study why it is such. Thus if we were to collect names of people who chant hare krsna from the time they took IT to the time they got cancer, then there`s a big possibility my theory could open the gates on what really cause cancer say, of the prostate, liver, kidney, etc. I do hope there`s someone who would work on this. Any volunteers?


[This message has been edited by krsnaraja (edited 12-15-2001).]

how dare you.leave sriman george alone,what about the latest crazy american reporter filing a complaint with lapd over his place of passing?what has happened to respect? hare krishna samarpan


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Most devotees don't go back to Godhead in this life.

On a morning walk, PrabhupAd stated:

"Only a handful go back in this one life."

ZrIpAd Bhaktisundara Govinda Mhrj stated:

"Lord Caitanya's mission expands as devotees take higher births."

ZrIla ZrIdhardev warned:

"Intoxication is not a big problem. But in our time of need, drug habituation won't be able to save us."

Luckily George was surrounded by devotees, however neophyte.

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Originally posted by gHari:

Leyh, they are here only to ridicule the Holy Name. I would suggest that if you take him/her seriously, even for a moment, then that is the avaishnava behaviour.


The poster who just then registered on the forums for this obnoxious intrusion was either a detractor as Bhakta Don perceived or is a totally irrational idiot. Either way, the conjecture is intolerably offensive. I quite seriously doubt that you will entertain studying the correlation between japa and cancer.


BTW, in fifty years I will likely not be in this form. So my statement was telling them to never bother me again. I would recommend that you not read my posts anymore either, for my figurative language is sure to confuse and offend you again and again; and I can quite live without any more such mindless meaningless criticism; as should you. Thank you very much.<font color="#dedfdf">


[This message has been edited by gHari (edited 12-15-2001).]



I'm not saying you should take Krsnaraja seriously.I'm saying you don't have to refute his views so arrogantly even if you disagree with him.Everyone's entitled to their opinion.And btw,a Vaishnava is suppose to be the friend of all living entities.A Vaishnava would never say:"You're going to waste your life anyway." as you said to Krsnaraja.


This is not meant to offend you,but to remind you that we who are aspiring to be devotees of Krsna should be merciful just as He is merciful.




[This message has been edited by leyh (edited 12-16-2001).]

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Well a vaishnava just said it. Are you deaf?


You have no idea who this character is. Do you still waste time with Mateo/Marco/Melvin/Naradadeva/Mel9/etc/etc/etc? The only way to deal with these offenders is to tell them the truth. It's now up to him to prove that he isn't going to waste his life like he did here.


Not much of an apology. You must be more dull than you seem.

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Leyh, six months ago were you also doubting whether Srila Prabhupada was a vaishnava:

Apparently, this Mr Nair was(according to Srila Prabhupada's words quoted by Srutakirti dasa) "making a great insult to Krsna, that I could not tolerate. He was insulting Krsna. Krsna was there and he tried to kick Krsna off the land. We have money. We can buy property anywhere but Krsna was there at Juhu. Therefore I was determined to have it for the Lord.."

This episoid can be found in Uvaca 98 at



The reason for my puzzlement is this:if, as Srila Prabhupada says,there is no room for hatred in Krishna Consciousness,then why was he so antagonistic towards that Mr Nair? I do not dare to make any judgement as I do not know the whole story.But shouldn't Srila Prabhupada have been praying for Mr Nair's conversion instead of his death?According to Srutakirti dasa, Srila Prabhupada said:"He was not at all ill but on his last visit he was limping. Then I knew Krsna would kill him. Actually, Krsna has killed him."This means that Srila Prabhupada and Mr Nair had actually met personally.I'm sure there must be some story behind this...some meaning behind Srila Prabhupada's attitude towards Mr Nair.Can anyone please enlighten me?

Perhaps you are experiencing a parallel here, for offending the Holy Name is the same as offending Sri Krsna. Perhaps you are to learn to become displeased when He is offended. It is natural. All these wonderful qualities you read about and want to emulate are all natural.


If you examine your life you will find that Krsna's mercy is not always gentle; stubbed toes, broken arms, everything is sometimes required when we get too far from the path. That poster I guess needed to be challenged, in order to stop taking such great offence so lightly. We could have just walked away.


The psychology is that his anger will force him to prove me wrong. I trust that Krsna knows how to deal with him.

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Originally posted by gHari:

Well a vaishnava just said it. Are you deaf?


You have no idea who this character is. Do you still waste time with Mateo/Marco/Melvin/Naradadeva/Mel9/etc/etc/etc? The only way to deal with these offenders is to tell them the truth. It's now up to him to prove that he isn't going to waste his life like he did here.


Not much of an apology. You must be more dull than you seem.



I say this reluctantly,but I think that one word describes your current mentality perfectly,and that word is "Fanatic"


According to such a mentality,being a Vaishnava is a license to heap arrogant abuse and pass derogatory judgement on those with conflicting opinions.


"One should chant the holy name of the Lord in a humble state of mind, thinking oneself lower than the straw in the street; one should be more tolerant than a tree, devoid of all sense of false prestige, and ready to offer all respect to others. In such a state of mind one can chant the holy name of the Lord constantly." (Siksastaka Text 3)


Please remember Lord Chaitanya's teaching on humility.Humility is one of the pillars of Krsna Consciousness.


My puzzlement over the Mr Nair incident was a doubt which I tried to express in this forum in a respectful way,in the hope that more enlightened devotees could help me to solve my doubt.If I have a genuine doubt,isn't it better that I bring it out into the open then for me to artificially suppress it?


For the record,I now have no doubt that Srila Prabhupada is a genuine Vaishnava.


You write:"That poster I guess needed to be challenged, in order to stop taking such great offence so lightly. We could have just walked away." You didn't just challenge him.You called him an idiot who is going to waste his life anyway.That is just plain abuse and I don't see how abusing krsnaraja challenges his opinions in anyway.


I believe that it is our duty to be displeased when the Lord is offended,but we have to defeat the offenders with arguments,not abuse.Besides,we shouldn't be too quick to label people as offenders when we may be offenders ourselves.Please forgive me if I have offended you in anyway.Hare Krsna.




[This message has been edited by leyh (edited 12-16-2001).]

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