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"Tirthi kurvanti tirthani. Svantah sthena gadabhrta. One who keeps Krishna always within the heart, wherever he goes, that is tirtha. Everywhere Krishna is there, but one who remembers, he is the yoginam api sarvesam mad gatenantaratman. It is very simple...." (His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada,Conversation 2nd April 1977)


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“So good character is immediately there. That is the test. How one is spiritually advanced will be tested how he has acquired all the good qualities.” (His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada,Bhagavad-Gita Class, Los Angeles, 12-13-68)



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That is Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mission, combined together. All nations, all persons they should combine together. There is hope in our society, combination. There are Hindus; there are Muslims; there are Christians; there are black, white. Combine them. That looks very beautiful, just like combination of many flowers. There is black flower also. It looks nice, very nice. Each and every flower take alone; it is not beautiful, but when they are combined together, it looks very beautiful. It is attractive. And that is wanted. Because from the spiritual platform we are all working. Pandta sama-darsana. Spiritual platform, every one of us, we are servant of Krsna." (His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada,Room Conversation with Rahda Damodhar Party, Mayapura, March 16, 1976)




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Young man (2): I'm a Christian. I follow Jesus. What is your spiritual

master in relation to Jesus, and do you see Jesus as just another prophet like...

Madhudvisa: The question was, this man is a follower of Lord Jesus

Christ, and he would like to know what our opinion is of Jesus Christ.

Prabhupada: We respect Jesus Christ as you do. Because he is the

representative of God, son of God, and we are also speaking of God,so we respect him with our greatest veneration.

Young man (2): So you're comparing Krsna, Buddha, Muhammad to Jesus

as the same, and Guru Maharaj-ji too, another Jesus. You're saying that.

Prabhupada: No. I am not Jesus. I am servant of Jesus.

Young man (2): You're a son of Jesus.

Prabhupada: Yes. I am servant of Jesus.

Young man (2): What does that mean?

Prabhupada: I don't say I am Jesus.

Young man (2): Do you have the powers of Jesus? Can you say to a person, "Rise up and walk," when they're paralyzed?

Prabhupada: What is that?

Madhudvisa: He wants to know if you have the powers of Jesus.

Prabhupada: Eh? No, I have no power of Jesus.

Man: Well, I've got the power of Jesus. (laughter) Cause I'm a Christian.

Prabhupada: That's all right. You are Christian, we are Krishnian--practically

the same thing. (laughter and applause)

Man: And one other question.

Prabhupada: Yes.

Man: I believe Jesus is coming back and not Krsna. And what are

you guys going to do when you see Jesus? (laughter)

Prabhupada: What is that?

Madhudvisa: Jesus. He believe Jesus is going to come back again.

Prabhupada: Well, he is coming, welcome. We shall welcome. It is

very good news that Jesus is coming.(La Trobe University Lecture in Melbourne,

July 1, 1974.)

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'When one becomes actually learned,he does not see any enemy or any friend because in actuality "no one is my enemy,no one is my friend,no one is my father,no one is my mother,etc."We are all simply living entities playing on a stage in the dress of father,mother,children,friend,enemy,sinner and saint,etc.It is like a great drama with so many characters playing their parts.However,on the stage a person may be an enemy or whatever,but off the stage all the actors are friends.Similarly,with these bodies we are playing on the stages of material nature,and we attach so many designations to one another.I may be thinking,"This is my son," but in actuality I cannot beget any son.It is not possible.At the utmost I can only beget a body.It is not within a man's power to beget a living entity.Merely by sexual intercourse a living entity cannot be begotten.The living entity must be placed in the emulsification of secretions.This is the verdict of Srimad-Bhagavatam.Thus all the multifarious relationships between bodies are just so much stage play.One who is actually realized and has actually attained yoga no longer sees these bodily designations.'(His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada,The Perfection of Yoga,Chapter 5)

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“You remain in your position. It doesn't matter what you are. Simply you hear about Krsna. There are so many things about Krsna we can hear. Even if we are not educated we can hear from a person who can speak rightly. But that person must be selected, not ordinary person, not professional person, but here it is said, tattva amnayam. Amnayam means by disciplic succession. We have to accept a positive party.” (His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada,Srimad Bhagavatam Lecture 3.25.31, Bombay 1st December, 1974)



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I see so many quotations by (I assume your guru) Prabhupada that you have posted, Leyh, but never any statements by you personally. How are we to know the real Leyh? Why are these teachings important to you, and how have they given meaning to your own life? That is what we are really interested in. Can you share something with us beyond repeating what you have read? Do you have any insights to offer?


Just curious. Not trying to pressure you or anything. If you are too shy to come out of your shell, then we will not try to pry you loose.



[This message has been edited by Rati (edited 04-22-2002).]

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"So let us all believe in the words of Krsna and serve Him to our best capacity and thus we will come out victorious in every field of action." (His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada,Letter to Sridama Dasa,Los Angeles 14 July, 1970)

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Originally posted by Rati:

I see so many quotations by (I assume your guru) Prabhupada that you have posted, Leyh, but never any statements by you personally. How are we to know the real Leyh? Why are these teachings important to you, and how have they given meaning to your own life? That is what we are really interested in. Can you share something with us beyond repeating what you have read? Do you have any insights to offer?


Just curious. Not trying to pressure you or anything. If you are too shy to come out of your shell, then we will not try to pry you loose.



[This message has been edited by Rati (edited 04-22-2002).]



Hi Rati:


Although I have never met Srila Prabhupada on the physical plane (I was born about half a year after his disapperance),I consider him to be my spiritual guide and I am aspiring,albeit not very successfully,to follow his instructions as far as possible.


I see so many quotations by (I assume your guru) Prabhupada that you have posted, Leyh, but never any statements by you personally.

I am aware that many people access India Divine,and some of these people might have had little or no knowledge of Srila Prabhupada,and if they were to click on this thread out of curosity,they will get to associate with Srila Prabhupada by reading his words and even a moment's association with a pure devotee is tremendously

beneficial for one's spiritual life.As far as possible I would like to dedicate this thread to Srila Prabhupada's quotations and occasionally I make some personal statements.If you would like to know the real leyh, you can take a look at my posts in this and other threads where I make these personal statements.Oh and did I not make a recent reply to you in this thread on the subject of scientists?


If you are too shy to come out of your shell, then we will not try to pry you loose.

I don't think I'm shy,but sometimes on subjects that someone like Srila Prabhupada can express better,I let him do the talking.On the other hand,I wouldn't mind discussing my insights and this I have done and will certainly continue to do.


Thanks for your comments! I will keep them in mind. Posted Image




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I guess I just overlooked the posts where you made your own statements and erroneously judged you as shy. I apologize for that. The fact that you are here participating means that you must be somewhat extroverted (like the rest of us).


I did have some personal contact with Prabhupada back in the '70s, although it was quite limited. It was virtually impossible to get an audience with him or have much conversation, mainly because of the huge crowds competing for his attention and time.


So let's get back to my earlier question: Why are those teachings important to you, and how have they enriched your life?


[This message has been edited by Rati (edited 04-23-2002).]

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Originally posted by Rati:

I guess I just overlooked the posts where you made your own statements and erroneously judged you as shy. I apologize for that. The fact that you are here participating means that you must be somewhat extroverted (like the rest of us).


I did have some personal contact with Prabhupada back in the '70s, although it was quite limited. It was virtually impossible to get an audience with him or have much conversation, mainly because of the huge crowds competing for his attention and time.


So let's get back to my earlier question: Why are those teachings important to you, and how have they enriched your life?


[This message has been edited by Rati (edited 04-23-2002).]

Hi Rati:


Don't worry about having judged me erroneously.It's no big deal.Apology accepted and I look forward to further exchanges with you.


Why are those teachings important to you, and how have they enriched your life?

I'm glad you asked.You know,I can't really explain my attraction to Prabhupada's teachings.When I first read Science of Self Realization,I found myself drawn to him.Although during my initial contact with Prabhupada's writings,I thought that maybe he was a bit too harsh and arrogant with his relentless criticisms of atheists,mayavadis and materialists.


As I continued to learn more about Prabhupada,it gradually dawned upon me how glorious he is.I use the word "is" because for me,Prabhupada is very much alive.Although,I have never had the chance to meet him physically,he seems more alive to me then many who are living.I think about him every day and although I am still trying to come to terms with some of his utterances,like his stating that women are less intelligent then women,I am utterly convinced that he is no ordinary man,and his instructions have changed the way I see the world.


In his huge body of work,the teaching that we are not our bodies but are actually eternal spirit souls is a recurring theme and meditating on this teaching has helped me to see beyond material designations like race and nation.This is just one of the ways in which Prabhupada has enriched my life.


Throughout his preaching mission,Prabhupada kept speaking out against the materialistic way of life and reading one of the sharp words about a life centered on sense gratification have promoted a sense of spiritual awareness in me and also a conviction that life is surely much more than a relentless pursuit of prestige and wealth.


I do not dare say that I am a devotee of Krsna or Prabhupada,for I am still saturated with so much contamination,but I can't deny my attraction to Prabhupada and my desire to glorify this saintly personality,who has opened my eyes with the torch of knowledge.He lives forever through his divine instructions and one day may I be worthy enough to live with him.

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Thanks for the input.


What is your plan for advancing yourself on the path of bhakti?


We pretty much all have many obstacles related to material attachments and entanglements, which is by Prabhupada stressed the need to overcome them, in line with the teachings of Srimad Bhagavatam and the acaryas. That is a gradual process, like the water dripping on a stone that eventually wears it down. The more intense our sadhana, the more we accelerate that process. Living in Vrindavan and focusing on bhajan are ideal, but not necessarily practical for all and not at their current stage of life. So, we do what we can and look forward to the opportunity that may arise to increase the activities of sravana, kirtana, etc. Anything at all is meaningful, however small it may seem to us at the time.



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Hi Rati:


What is your plan for advancing yourself on the path of bhakti?

I suppose for the time being the plan is to read Srila Prabhupada's books, endeavour to follow his instructions and associate with devotees.


Anything at all is meaningful, however small it may seem to us at the time.

That's true.Any time spent in Krsna Consciousness is never wasted.




[This message has been edited by leyh (edited 04-25-2002).]

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  • 2 weeks later...

“Suppose you are trying to do something. Due to your inexperience if you sometimes fail, that is not a fault. You are trying." (His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers, Chapter 7)

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“Among Vaisnavas there may be some differences of opinion due to everyone’s personal identity. But despite all personal differences, the cult of Krsna Consciousness must go on.” (His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada,Purport, Srimad Bhagavatam 4.28.31)

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“If you are praying, it is all right. But our proposal is that you have to understand the science. Prayer is very good, but if one offers prayer after knowing the science, that is very good.” (His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Morning Walk Conversation, 8 April, 1974, Bombay)

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'So there is a disciplic succession. And the acaryas, they're authorities. Our process of knowledge is very simple. We take it from the authority. We don't speculate. Speculation will not help us to come to the real knowledge. Just like when we are in difficulty, in legal implication, we go to some authority, lawyer. When we are diseased we go to a physician, the authority. There is no use, speculation. Suppose I am in difficulty in some legal implication. I simply speculate, "I shall be free in this way and that way." That will not help. We have to go to the lawyer who knows things, and he gives us instruction that "You do not do this; then you'll be free." Similarly, when we are diseased, if I speculate at home that "My disease will be cured in this way and that way," no. That is useless. You go to an authorized physician, and he will give you a nice prescription, and you'll be cured. That is the process of knowledge.' (His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, His Divine Grace Srila Sac-cid-ananda Bhaktivinoda Thakura's Appearance Day Lecture, London, September 23, 1969)


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Guest (5): Prabhupada, Lord Krishna says in the Bhagavad-gita that when there is decline of true religion...


Prabhupada: Yes.


Guest (5): ...and when evil increases in the world, that He manifests Himself in a body, a human body, and comes to earth to rescue the human beings from their illusion.


Prabhupada: Yes.


Guest (5): Now these conditions exist today. Is He here in the human form or is He still to come?


Prabhupada: Yes, God has already come.


Guest (5): In what form?


Prabhupada: In the form of name, Hare Krishna.


Guest (5): No, He said He manifests in a human form.


Prabhupada: God has human form, and God is everything. So if He comes in the form of sound, where is your objection? But God is everything. He can come as a human being, or He can come in the form of sound also. Because what is this human being? You are seeing a human being, this flesh. That is combination of matter, combination of matter, earth, water, fire, air, ether. This is combination. What you are seeing? Your eyes are also the combination. But the sound is ether. So if you accept earth as the form, where is your objection to accept ether? Because they are all material.


Guest (5): There are two objections. One is that He said, "I manifest in a human body," in a human body such as we have here, and also...


Prabhupada: So that requires little intelligence, that anyone who is preaching the holy name of God, he is also God. Anyone who preaches the glories of God, he is also God.


Guest (5): Are you God?


Prabhupada: I am servant of God.


Guest (5): But you're preaching the holy name of God?


Prabhupada: Yes, that is my business.


Guest (5): But then, by your own words, you are God.


Prabhupada: But that does not mean I am God, but I am equal to God. Or at least you should see like that. That is explained. A guru... That is explained.



saksad-dharitvena samasta-sastrair

uktas tatha bhavyata eva sadbhih

kintu prabhor yah priya eva tasya

vande guroh sri-caranaravindam


Guru's position is like this. What is that? Saksad-dhari. He is God. Saksad-dhari. How he is Hari, God? No, samasta-sastraih: "In all revealed scriptures it is explained that 'Guru, the servant of God, the son of God, the preacher, he is God.' " Saksad-dharitvena samasta-sastrair uktah: "It is said." Tatha bhavyata eva sadbhih: "Those who are intelligent, they accept like that." Then next line says, kintu. Why he is God? Kintu prabhor yah priya eva tasya: "He is God because He is very, very dear to God." So as I said, in the absolute word, God and a person very dear to God, he is also God. But he does not think that he is God. He knows that he is servant of God. It requires little intelligence, spiritual intelligence, the Absolute, how the servant of God and God is the same. (break) Yes.(Bhagavad-gita3.27 Lecture by His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada at the Town Hall, Melbourne on June 27,1974)



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"Throughout the whole world we are chanting Hare Krsna. Is not that magic? Foreign countries, foreign religion, and they are accepting Krsna and chanting Hare Krsna. Is not that magic?" (His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Conversation during Evening Darsana: May 13, 1977, Hrishikesh)



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Speaking from below, hearing from above


I gave a morning Bhagavatam class from the First Canto. I sat on

the simple pillow asana and glorified Sukadeva Gosvami, declaring

that Sukadev's giving up Brahman realization for Bhagavan realization

clearly proves the superiority of Bhagavan realization.As I lectured,

Prabhupada listened from his room above.

When I finished speaking, Devananda challenged, "Why does Sukadev's

acceptance of Bhagavan necessarily mean Bhagvan realization is

superior? Perhaps it is simply his preference."

I responded dutifully: " Sukadev was not alone in his rejection:

the four Kumaras also rejected Brahman for Bhagavan."

Devananda wasn't satisfied. Other devotees joined in and argued;

some of them even became angry: "How can someone in impersonal

Brahman have a personal preference? The scriptures say that we

can't stay in Brahman, but that we must fall from that position.We

accept what Prabhupada says and Prabhupada says Bhagavan is best!"

After pounding Devananda into submission, we all filed up the

winding stairs to Prabhupada's room. I reached the top first.

Prabhupada looked at me and smiled, "So they have put the question to

you." I nodded my head, realizing that Prabhupada had been listening

to my lecture.

"Prabhupada," one devotee ventured, " is it that impersonalists

must fall down, or is that only most of them fall down?"

Prabhupada replied, "All of them fall down."


Prabhupada was silent for several seconds. His silence accentuated

the dim light that mixed with the dawn sun and illuminated his golden


"Because - " he seemed to be thinking deeply how to explain this

esoteric point to his children, " they get lonely."



An expert teacher knows his material so thoroughly that he can

explain the most complicated subject simply and clearly.(My Glorious Master by

Bhurijana Dasa, pg 48)




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  • 3 months later...

I just recently had the opportunity to glorify Srila Prabhupad at his Vyasa Puja celebration in Bali. The sheer wonder of it all is that I was talking to a crowd of maybe 4-500 devotees that had never met or seen him personally yet they were filled with the uttmost reverence and affection for him through his disciples, teachings and practice. So many things we shared together in an ongoing eternal time frame.They to me seemed every bit a disciple, as the many I have met in the west over a period of 30 years and the prescence of Srila Prabhupad was unmistakable. A true miracle as I told them all.

Just a small observation from a small observer.

Ys Madhura Krsna das

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'This place is a slaughterhouse. And yet the foolish two-legged animal is thinking, "I am now very comfortably situated." He forgets, "I am going to be slaughtered." Mrtyu-samsara-sagarat: "This place is an ocean of slaughter." In Bhagavad-gita Lord Krishna confirms it--mrtyu-samsara-sagarat. This place is a slaughterhouse. But people are accepting it as their home. Another name for this material world is mrtyu-loka. Mrtyu-loka--"the place of death." But still, they are taking it as a very comfortable place. This is their intelligence: accepting a slaughterhouse as a very nice place.'(His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Morning Walk Conversation, Denver, Colorado, June 28, 1975)

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