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Many devotees and guests had come for the Sunday feast. Prabhupada spoke strongly from Bhagavad-gita, and then asked for questions. The second or third question was more of a challenge. A young bearded man stood, claiming that Meher Baba was God, not Krsna. In an argumentative tone, he asked Prabhupada what he thought about Meher Baba. The audience was quiet and expectant.

Srila Prabhupada looked lovingly at Radha-Gopinatha on the altar. "I don't know anything about these people. I only know about Krsna. Krsna is so wonderful that he lifted Govardhana Hill on his little finger for seven days." As he spoke, Prabhupada, smiling brightly, held his left hand in the air, with his little finger sticking up, while still looking at the Deity. Prabhupada's eyes widened; he turned to the man. You can have Meher Baba. We take Krsna."

He paused and turned again to Gopinatha. Krsna is very beautiful. You can take Meher Baba, we take Krsna."

Srila Prabhupada quickly stood, offering full obeisances before the Deities, as the devotees followed suit. A kirtana commenced and Prabhupada walked towards the temple door. He turned and spoke out humbly to the bearded young man in the crowd: Don't be misled. Don't be misled --- Krsna is very beautiful and you can know Him." (From The Great Transcendental Adventure by Kurma Dasa --- Part I Saturday, 1 April, 1972)




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After the lecture, during the time set aside for questions, a short-haired, serious-looking young man made a bold statement that surprised the audience: he had decided to live forever! Prabhupada assured him that this was impossible. "You cannot be eternal. This is a material body."

The young man offered a possible scenario: "Why not make the material spiritual? Why not make everything 'all-conscious'."

Prabhupada conceded that if one became Krsna conscious then he could maintain his spiritual consciousness even after giving up this body. But spiritually aware or not, the body was not eternal, and would be changed at death.

The young man continued to argue: Why was it necessary to change one's body at all?

Prabhupada patiently explained further: "Your body has already changed. You have come from childhood to this point. You could not remain as a child."

The man was stubborn. "Well, just because my body changed up till now, it doesn't mean that it has to change in the future."

"How you can?" Prabhupada challenged. "Why did you not remain as a child?"

The young man decided to reveal his real identity: "Well, if I decide that I am God and I created everything..."

Prabhupada spoke firmly. "Dog can decide he is God. But does it mean that he is God?

As the young man's arguments became more preposterous, the devotees groaned in amazement.

"Well, it's my prerogrative to decide to take the responsibility of being God..."

Prabhupada would take none of his nonsense: "Why don't you decide to become President Nixon?"

Man: I don't want that.

Prabhupada: It is nonsense. We don't talk with this nonsense. We talk scientifically.

Man: I'd rather take on the responsibility of the universe.

Prabhupada: If you decide that 'I become President Nixon', can you become?

Man: Yes.

Prabhupada: You can become?

Prabhupada paused and added dryly, "Then become."

The whole audience was hanging on to every word, and laughing heartily at Prabhupada's succinct answers.

First become --- then talk. If you are not becoming, and you talk, then you talk nonsense. First become God, then talk that you have become God. We have got our conception of God. God is all-powerful. Are you all powerful?

Man: Yes I am.


Prabhupada: If I give you a kick on your face, can you protest?

(More laughter)

The man was taken aback,

Man: Well, you can kick; okay, okay, you can kick me if you want, that's your decision.

Prabhupada: Then what power you have to check it?

Man: The power that I have as a human being.

Prabhupada: Then how you are God? You have power as a human being and you are claiming to be God.

Man: But as a human being, it's my right to think...

Prabhupada: That's all right, you have got right as a human being. Why are you claiming that you have become God? That is your foolishness. You must become as powerful as God, then you claim that you re God. The same thing, you first of all become President, then you claim that you are as good as President Nixon. Before that you cannot claim. You may say you have got the potency --- that I admit --- but first of all become and then you talk. God is all-powerful. When you become all-powerful, then you have become God.

Man: Well then I'll have to show you...

Prabhupada: But how can I believe you? If you do not show me then how can I believe you?

Man: I accept the challenge. Just give me a little time.

Prabhupada: That is another nonsense.

(Howling laughter)

Just like Arjuna wanted Krsna, 'How shall I know that you are all-powerful?' He immediately showed him the universal form. So if you are God, then you show me your universal form. Then I shall believe you. Don't believe in these nonsense ideas; you are misguided that you are God.

Man: Give me something better then. I can't think of anything better than God, can you?

Prabhupada: Well, you can think nonsense, you can think anything, I don't mind, but I say, 'Don't be misguided'. It is up to you.

The man was finally silent. There was nothing more to say. Prabhupada asked the devotees to chant. As he picked up his shiny brass karatals, Prabhupada turned to the man and with a look of great compassion offered him one last piece of advice. "Become God-ly. Don't become God." (From The Great Transcendental Adventure by Kurma Dasa, 'Colonisation by Sankirtan' Tuesday, 13 February 1973)


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Dear ethos:


Thank you for your encouragement.However,if you were to look inside my soul,you would find nothing but the desire for name and fame,lust,envy and all sorts of other nonsense.

However,I have a little affection for Srila Prabhupada and hopefully His Divine Grace will one day recipocrate it.As of this writing,I remain a foolish hypocrite.

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The aim of this Krsna consciousness movement is to bring all living entities back to their original consciousness. All living entities within the material world are, to varying degrees, afflicted with a type of madness. This Krsna consciousness movement aims at curing man of his material disease and reestablishing his original consciousness. In a Bengali poem a great Vaisnava poet has written, "When a man is haunted by ghosts, he can only speak nonsense. Similarly, anyone who is under the influence of material nature should be considered haunted, and whatever he speaks should be considered nonsense." One may be considered a great philosopher or great scientist, but if he is haunted by the ghost of maya, illusion, whatever he theorizes and whatever he speaks is more or less nonsensical. Today we are given the example of a psychiatrist who, when requested to examine a murderer, proclaimed that since all the patients with whom he had come in contact were more or less crazy, the court could excuse the murderer on those grounds if it so desired. The point is that in the material world it is very difficult to find a sane living entity. The prevailing atmosphere of insanity in this world is all caused by the infection of material consciousness. (From Chapter 1 of Krsna Consciousness, The Matchless Gift by His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada)

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The Lord's mercy upon the fallen souls is equally distributed. He has no one as the specific object of hostility. The very conception of the Personality of Godhead as a human being is misleading. His pastimes appear to be exactly like a human being's, but actually they are transcendental and without any tinge of material contamination. He is undoubtedly known as partial to His pure devotees, but in fact He is never partial, as much as the sun is never partial to anyone. By utilizing the sun rays, sometimes even the stones become valuable, whereas a blind man cannot see the sun, although there are enough sun rays before him. Darkness and light are two opposite conceptions, but this does not mean that the sun is partial in distributing its rays. The sun rays are open to everyone, but the capacities of the receptacles differ. Foolish people think that devotional service is flattering the Lord to get special mercy. Factually the pure devotees who are engaged in the transcendental loving service of the Lord are not a mercantile community. A mercantile house renders service to someone in exchange for values. The pure devotee does not render service unto the Lord for such exchange, and therefore the full mercy of the Lord is open for him. Suffering and needy men, inquisitive persons or philosophers make temporary connections with the Lord to serve a particular purpose. When the purpose is served, there is no more relation with the Lord. A suffering man, if he is pious at all, prays to the Lord for his recovery. But as soon as the recovery is over, in most cases the suffering man no longer cares to keep any connection with the Lord. The mercy of the Lord is open for him, but he is reluctant to receive it. That is the difference between a pure devotee and a mixed devotee. Those who are completely against the service of the Lord are considered to be in abject darkness, those who ask for the Lord's favor only at the time of necessity are partial recipients of the mercy of the Lord, and those who are cent percent engaged in the service of the Lord are full recipients of the mercy of the Lord. Such partiality in receiving the Lord's mercy is relative to the recipient, and it is not due to the partiality of the all-merciful Lord. (From purport to Srimad Bhagavatam 1.8.29 by His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada)

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"Foolish people think that devotional service is flattering the Lord to get special mercy. Factually the pure devotees who are engaged in the transcendental loving service of the Lord are not a mercantile community. A mercantile house renders service to someone in exchange for values. The pure devotee does not render service unto the Lord for such exchange, and therefore the full mercy of the Lord is open for him. Suffering and needy men, inquisitive persons or philosophers make temporary connections with the Lord to serve a particular purpose. When the purpose is served, there is no more relation with the Lord."


Prabhupada had many perfections––which seem to substantiate how all good qualities are manifest in the pure devotees. One of his perfections was exposing hypocrites like me (I'm the suffering and needy).


Even his admonishments were blissful.


Who else in our experience can speak like this?

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Now, the Krsna Janmastami is just approaching on the 8th, September, the birthday of Krsna we observe in India, and probably we may also make a program for observing the birthday ceremony here. So you'll find that just like in your country in Christmas day you all observe the birthday of Lord Christ, similarly, Krsna, the birthday of Krsna, will be observed in India, cent percent people. (His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, 660824BG.NY Lectures)


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In the Secretariat Buildings in New Delhi there is an inscription on the stone that Liberty does not descend upon a people but it has to earned before it can be enjoyed. Actually this is the fact and we have seen it that much sacrifice had to be rendered by the people of India before they could gain Swaraj. But in the matter of Godhead some irresponsible people ask, "Can you show me.Have you seen God?" These are some of the questions put forward by some irresponsible men who want to have everything very cheap. If for attaining a temporary false sense of liberty in this material world so much labour and sacrifice have to be requisitioned is it possible to see Godhead -- The Absolute Truth so cheaply? To see God means complete liberty from all conditions. But is Godhead an attending orderly so that He may be present at my command? The atheist however demands like that, as if Godhead is his paid servant and he thinks that Godhead is an imaginary thing otherwise He would have appeared before as soon as the demand to see Him is made. (From Where is Godhead? by His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada ,20th June, 1956 issue of Back to Godhead magazine

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Everyone wants to repose his loving tendency in some object which is in his opinion worthy. So it is a question of ignorance only, poor fund of knowledge, where to find that Supreme Lovable Object actually worthy to accept and reciprocate their love. People simply do not know, there is no proper information. Anything material, as soon as there is some attachment, it will kick you upon the face, deteriorate, disappoint you--it's bound to dissatisfy and frustrate you, that's a fact. (Letter from His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada to Lynne Ludwig, Los Angeles 30 April, 1973)


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Yes, Gaurachandra, many of the oldest temples in South India create a nativity scene which looks exactly like the birthplace of our dear Lord Krishna.


By seeing these nativity scenes we feel that Krishna is really taking birth that day. Devotees make preparations for the Lord's arrival and they also arrange jhulans for the Lord so that he can sleep happily.


All these signify the devotee's love for the Lord. Sometimes, I feel there is no other path as easier as this one.

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Please do not think of me as an wonderful or mad man when I say that I shall go "Back to Godhead" after leaving my present material body! It is quite possible for everyone and all of us. (His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Letter to His Excellency Dr. Rajendra Prasad, President Indian Union, Delhi 21st November, 1956)



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I wonder if this is a genuine tradition from India, or do these nativity scenes take place due to a subtle Western influence?


Excuse my ignorance. I have seen nativity scenes take place here in my local temple, but it was more like a "doll," and part of a public display and exhibition with all sorts of murals and similar sculptures. But I do not ever recall seeing a nativity scene on an altar.

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I am very anxious to meet you also. I am thinking of returning very soon, but I am also contemplating going to Russia. So on my way back I might go there to Russia for a few days and then to USA. Although I am Indian materially, still I have adopted USA as my fatherland and you are all my fathers. In India I had one father who raised me a Krishna conscious child, but in America I have got so many fathers who are reminding me always of Krishna. Therefore I will always wish to live under your care. (Letter from His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada to Vishnujana Maharaja, April 1971)

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The whole, our Krishna consciousness movement, is to ask people to surrender to God. They have rebelled against God. Somebody says, "There is no God." Somebody says that "I am God." These nonsense things are to be eradicated from human society. So they should be trained to submit. So the submission is symbolized by bowing down: "Yes, you are great; I am humble." This should be taught. Otherwise, whimsically somebody is thinking that "I am God." (His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Interview, February 1, 1968 in Los Angles)


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"A pure devotee always engages in the service of the Lord, taking shelter of his lotus feet, and therefore has a direct connection with the saffron mercy particles that are strewn over the lotus feet of the Lord. Although when a pure devotee speaks the articulation of his voice may resemble the sound of this material sky, because the voice touches the particles of saffron dust on the lotus feet of the Lord, the voice is spiritually very powerful." - HDGACBSP Srimad-Bhagavatam 4.20.25 [Los Angeles, CA, USA Bhaktivedanta Book Trust 1974]


“Therefore although he is visible in every atom, the Supreme Personality of Godhead may not be available to the eyes of the dry speculators, still, the mystery is unfolded before the eyes of the pure devotees because their eyes are anointed with love of Godhead. And this love of Godhead. And this love of Godhead can be attained only by the practice of transcendental loving service of the Lord, and nothing else....the Lord's name, form, quality, pastimes, entourage, etc. as they are described in the revealed scriptures or as performed in the Vaikuntha lokas, far, far, beyond the cosmic manifestation, are factually being televised in the heart of the devotee....the spiritually developed person is able to have the television of the Kingdom of God always reflected within his heart. This is the mystery of knowledge of the Personality of Godhead." - HDGACBSP Srimad-Bhagavatam 'Answers by citing the Lord's version' 2.9.35 [New York, NY, USA ISKCON press 1971]


Interviewer: In the same way I'm curious with respect to the way Krsna communicates with you, whether it's in a similar kind of way that he gives you your necessities.

Bali Mardana: In other words, when you decide that someone is to be in charge of a particular temple does Krsna tell you that this person should be in charge?

Interviewer: or do you by judging him say this person is qualified?

Srila Prabhupada: Yes, because a devotee always consults Krsna and he gives order.

Interviewer: It's more of a direct communication.

Srila Prabhupada: Yes, because a devotee always consults Krsna and he gives order.

Ramesvara: Because intelligence, our philosophy is that intelligence comes from Krsna. So if I have some...

Interviewer: And your philosophy is that your daily necessities come from Krsna as well.

Ramesvara: Yes, try to understand. Suppose my intelligence has told me.

Srila Prabhupada: No, not necessarily. Krsna will tell him directly. A devotee always consults Krsna and Krsna tells him. “Do like this." Not figuratively. - as in item # I Interview with Srila Prabhupada July 14, 1976 New York, NY, USA.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Prtha dd:


Thank you for your words of kindness. Srila Prabhupada's words are very very potent and it is the duty of those who are trying to follow him to share the nectar of His Divine Grace as much as possible. Haribol!


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When one becomes actually learned, he does not see any enemy or any friend because in actuality “no one is my enemy, no one is my friend, no one is my father, no one is my mother, etc.” We are all simply living entities playing on a stage in the dress of father, mother, children, friend, enemy, sinner and saint, etc. It is like a great drama with so many characters playing their parts. However, on the stage a person may be an enemy or whatever, but off the stage all the actors are friends. Similarly, with these bodies we are playing on the stage of material nature, and we attach so many designations to one another. I may be thinking, “This is my son,” but in actuality I cannot beget any son. It is not possible. At the utmost I can only beget a body. It is not within any man’s power to beget a living entity. Merely by sexual intercourse a living entity cannot be begotten. The living entity must be placed in the emulsification of secretions. This is the verdict of Srimad Bhagavatam. Thus all the multifarious relationships between bodies are just so much stage play. One who is actually realized and has actually attained yoga no longer sees these bodily distinctions. (From Chapter 5 of Perfection of Yoga by His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

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