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Vegetarian Christians

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I meant to respond to this before, but was travelling the last few days, and then the server went down. I am convinced, having talked to a number of Christians and orthodox Jews that the original plan of Christian creation was for a vegetarian diet. Seventh Day Adventists accept this, and practice it (though some aren't real strict). The founder of Kellogs was a Seventh Day Adventist, and I have heard that he developed the cereal industry from scratch so as to make a cultural change in society. Most people in the past used to eat meat for breakfast. But because of Kellog (don't recall his first name), now most people have cereal and eat relatively little or any meat in the mornings.


And I have mentioned in the past talks I've had with an orthodox Jewish friend at work. He accepts that in the Garden of Eden everyone was vegetarian, even the animals. And I've talked with Jehova's Witnesses who also accept this. However, my Jewish friend points out that after the flood, God allowed Noah and his family to eat meat. As such, it is considered acceptable. Still, I would think we should return to God's original plan as much as possible.


To close out my thoughts let me say this: All glories to Mr. Kellog for changing the American diet away from meat eating.



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I was reading about the orthodox Coptic Christians of Egypt. They remain vegetarian for 200 days a year. Of course, they consider that to be a sacrifice. One may also note that they are among the oldest sects of Christianity. And that spokes person was mentioning that the Copts initially were vegetarians.

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There was also a mystic Christian group called the Cathars who were vegetarian. I'll see what I can find on them. Perhaps also I'll look up some stuff on Ellen G. White. It might be too strong a word to call her a prophet for the Seventh Day Adventists, but she was very influential in their theology.




[This message has been edited by Gauracandra (edited 01-06-2002).]

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