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Vaisnava Webcams

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A devotee on another site made a suggestion to have web cams in temples so that everyone can see the worship. I think this is a very good idea. To start, it would be great to have web cams in Vrindavan, at various temples, and in Mayapur. It would be really nice if we could get such a program established in all of the major temples (not just Iskcon) in India. Then anywhere in the world, people could travel to see these deities.



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This is a very good idea!


I think that it should be somewhat controlled. Anyone should be allowed to see it, but they should get permission first. This way they will take it serious, and won't be sitting around eating a garlic pizza or whatever when they watch it.


It would be great if they could interact with one of the devotees at the Temple that they are viewing, and get help in their devotional life.

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Yeah, but it would be awfully hard to regulate in that manner. Still, I think it would be great if all of the holy sites in India had some sort of webcam. We could see the Rathayatra in Jagannatha Puri, or Balaji in South India, or Dwaraka, or temples in Vrindavan, or festivals in Mayapur. For many people it is very difficult to leave off responsibilities at home and travel to India. This would allow them to atleast visit in a virtual manner.

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