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Krishna killed his 16.000 wives - CAN THIS BE TRUE?

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While looking for images of Rama I found a really really disgusting web page by coincindence trying to show the "forbidden aspects of Hinduism" or something like that. Among others it was claimed that Krishna held his 16000 wives as sexual toys and that he killed them afterwards "in order to prevent overpopulation". The author stated that the evidence could be found in some Scriptures (the Bhagavatam, if I got it right). Now please tell me whether this horrible thing is true.



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I have read Bhagwatam. It is nowhere mentioned that He used His wives for sexual toys and He latter killed them. Usually having more wives than one may be considered bad. But, in the circumstances, Krsna married them, it was quite praiseworthy. I am not saying this because He was God. Even if, just for the sake of discussion, we ignore the fact that He was God, still His act of marrying all those 16000 princesses was admirable. There was one demon named Naraka. He had held 16000 princesses as captive. Krsna killed the demon. After that, all these women had no other place to go to. There was nobody to support them. So, it was in their own benefit that Krsna married them. Moreover, they were not forced to marry. In fact, they were willing to marry Krsna.

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Krishna in His form of time kills all living entities and He did notkill the Queens of Dwaraka as they were still present

after Krishnas disapperence.

This is decribed in Srimad Bhagavatum Canto 1 ch15 text 20

Arjuna discribes to his older brother Yudistira Maharaja this.

O Emperor,now Iam separated from my friend and dear most well wisher,the Supreme Personality of Godhead,and therefore my hearts appears to be void of everything.

In His absence I have been defeated by a numberof infidel cowherdmen while I was guarding the bodies of the wives of Krishna.


In srila Prabhupadas purport His Divine Grace says ,"the important point is how were the wives of Krishna not protected by Arjuna against mere cowherd men."?

Srila Prabhupada refers to Srila Visvanath Chakravatis comment on this verse as

Within the Vishnu and Brahma purana:

once the denizenzs of the heaven pleased Astakara Muni by thier service and were all rewarded as haveing the Lord Himself to be thier husband


Astakara Muni was curved in eight joints within his body and thus he moved in a rather stange fashion.


These same denizens ,daughters of the demigods found his movements very funny and laughed at him at which the muni became angry and curse them all ,that they would be kidnapped by rouges even they were to have the Lord as thier husband.


Latter on the girls once again please the muni by prayers and he again blessed them that they would regain thier husbands even after being robbed by rouges.


So to keep the words of the muni the Lord Himself appeared as cowherd men and kidnapped the Queens of Dwaraka from Arjuna


Otherwise Srila Prabhupada explains to us the Queens of Dwaraka would of disappeared at once the moment they were to be touched by the mundane hands of cowherd men.


Besides this Srila Prabhupada also tells us some of these wives were gopis who had prayed to become the wives of Krishna and after His departure retuned to thier places within Vrindaban after thier desires were fufilled


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There are many third rate sites that are Muslim funded and that abuse Hinduism. The best way to learn our religion is by reading such books as Bhagavad Gita or Srimad Bhagavatam yourself. In another thread, we exposed how those sites quote non-existent verses or books or render untenable translations. Don't be mislead.

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Originally posted by Tarun:

If you'ver experienced household life, can you blame Him?

Tarun, correct me if I'm mistaken, but aren't you the same person who so viciously slagged Queen Kunthi, the Mother of the Pandavas, on the vnn. forum? You seem to have a hatred (disguised as joking)for some of Krishna's eternal family members; women in particular.

If anyone deserved to be banned for 'offenses to great devotees', you should be on the top of the list.


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Only the moderator of a forum can decide who should be banned and who should not be. In my opinion, if anybody has to be banned, then he should have posted something inappropriate in this forum, not in some other forum. It is immaterial what one posted in vnn. I never participated in vnn. So, I do not know what was posted there. But, even if something offensive was posted by someone in thatb forum, it should not matter in this forum.

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Bhaktajoyji: Obvious is hard to grasp? Non capisco!

Bhaktavasyaji: Yes, good point. Top of the List.

In order to distinguish between MahAbharata's & ZrImad BhAgavatam's relative quality, one may look at Kuntidevi's activity as distinguished from her consciousness, id est, 1.8th Amala Nirgun Prayers.

DraupadI too.

In fact, in MahAbharata, every great devotee makes some external mistake contributing to Kuruxetra War.

Unless one discriminates, NArada Muni's 1st Canto requests to VedavyAs appear optional.

Need I say more?

Every material endeavor is covered by some fault just as...

MahAbharata whets our Vedik appetite by employing some rajogun & even tamogun.

BhAgavatam takes us higher, lotus bootstraps, proving consciousness surpasses action.

CC throws BhAgavatam into OVERDRIVE. No turning back.

Not even an urge to look back.

Ergo, KRSNa Caitanya => KRSNa Consciousness Tops the List.

According to ZZM = ZrIla ZrIdhardev:

"Caitanya CaritAmRta's the greatest book to ever see the light of day."

AvinAzi tu tad viddhiji: Nice try. We're initiated by Abhaya.

Fearlessness built in. Unavoidable. Full Coverage.

See you all at Anti-raxasa Chanting Party outside Waldorf Astoria.

Bushel + Chaingang will be out of White House by July 4th.

Watch closely. But don't get too close.

Full Metal Jacket Yajna.

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Originally posted by Avinash:

Only the moderator of a forum can decide who should be banned and who should not be. In my opinion, if anybody has to be banned, then he should have posted something inappropriate in this forum, not in some other forum. It is immaterial what one posted in vnn. I never participated in vnn. So, I do not know what was posted there. But, even if something offensive was posted by someone in thatb forum, it should not matter in this forum.

The message was to Tarun, who is a big enough boy to answer for himself. The key words were 'deserved' and 'offending great souls'. I obviously (along with everyone else besides Jndas) don't have the power to ban anyone, nor would I ban anyone from speaking their minds if I did have the power. I was making the (perhaps more subtle) connection between Talasiga, (who has never spoken an offensive 'barb' to anyone or towards any manifestation of the Godhead) and Tarun, who I PERSONALLY (and God consciousness is also about personalism,yes?) recall that insult to Mother Kunthi whenever I see his name. Then again, I may have the wrong person, may have mixed up the name (the senses being faulty), and therefore was double-checking to make sure.




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On VNN Forums I said/typed:

Kuntidevi kept her motherhood of KarNa secret for at least 90-100 yrs, which was an undeniable major cause of eventual royal fratricide.

In Berkeley, in a particular circumstance, PrabhupAd stated:

"Women can't be blamed."

In Kuntidevi's 8th chapter prayers, she admits:

tasya paramahaMsAnAm...

"You are meant for the paramahAmsas. We are only women. What can we understand?"

PrabhupAd said:

"Kuntidevi was almost on the level of YazodAmayi."

NArada scolded VyAs:

"Your MahAbharata is insufficient to transcend.

Instead it will increase bodily ID."

Thus VedavyAs composed BhAgavatam:

ZrImad BhAgavate mahAmuni kRte kim vA parair IzvaraH...

All these "guru zAstra sAdhu" statements must be balanced.

Same with KRSNa's wives being kidnapped. Very deep.

Every nitya-lila, Divine Pastime will be comprehended on newer & fresher levels according to our own aural receptivity & maturity at that particular zravanam time.

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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Dear friend,

While I do not know where did you read this, but this really disturbs me. Why don't you yourself read 'SriMadBhagwatam" yourself(it's originally in Sanskrit but is translated into many languages including English & Hindi) & get it clearified. The reason I am not trying to explain you is that I know it's not going to help yourself permanently as someone else may again confuse you.

Remember, God has nothing to do with our physical bodies, but has relation with our soul. But when He comes & behaves as human beings, we usually get confused because we ourself originated from sexual relationship between our parents.

It's pity that we try to measure God with our stupid mind & intellect which is not justified in any way. e.g. every speces in this universe has different 'Dharma' ( {Please do not confuse with the term Dharma as relegion as Hindu, Muslim, Christian or others} Dharma in Hinduism is defined in two ways : 1. Do not do do with others which you do not expect from others. 2. Dharma has four parts 1. Satya i.e. Truth 2. Daya i.e sympathy for all 3. Tapa i.e. sacrifice your interest for others & 4. Daan i.e. donation, again donation does not just include money, it's very wide in perspective.)

e.g. Animals has one dharma, birds has another dharma & human has another dharma and so on. You can see that dharma decided for animals is different from that decided for humans & so on. Then how can we say that Dharma decided for human will be applicable to God? Remember God does not have these vikaras i.e. Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha & Ahankara which respectivery is : any worldly desire, Greediness, attachment with worldly things & lastly ego.

I replying this mail as you seem to be non Indian. But be assured there are enough people in India (I beleive in all countries) who try to adjudge God with their own mind & intellect.

So please do read SriMadBhagwatam & you will get all queries answered by yourself. I beleive it's available from ISKCON also (International Society for Krishna Conciousness).


Parveen Kumar



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The fact is simple, Krishna is a God, he is not mortal.


He is life and he is death, even though it is not true that he killed all his wives and used them as sexual toys, but he did have 16000 wives.


Also, it is not praiseworthy for him that he married 16000 wives, how can it be a praiseworthy thing when you marry a worldly marriage?


In reality , all the souls are married to krishna, so the fact is he is married to every single person in this creation.


Krishna is sarvantharyami- lives in everything, everywhere and at all times with every one.


So he doesn't just have 16000 wives, he has more than we can possibly ever imagine.

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  • 1 month later...


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"Remember, God has nothing to do with our physical bodies, but has relation with our soul."



Are you serious sbout this? Let's say I painted my own image in a canvas. Are you only after of the idea that you created a masterpience and won't take care the image of the painting? Are you going to allow, that somebody will crushed it? Or if any foreign object will fall into it that will ruin it?


I am saying this becasue of the truth that we are the image and likeness of God. We are created because we are dear to him. We were given a chance to go back to Him in due time. If He has nothing to do with our physical body, what kind of God He is? He is the Most Merciful, MOST Caring, MOST Loving, MOST Understanding, MOST High...And if you say, he doesn't care at all of his physical creation, why are you still here? But He is Indeed a Loving GOD, giving us food, giving us air, letting the climate change and making the sun set and rise again, becasue he cares about you my friend. And of course, He is missing our SOUL too much, to be with Him again forever to be in His Kingdom..that's why He careth for you, for he even cares for least bud of plants in the nowhere...

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yes but we are not the body... we are spiritual souls

the welfare of the person is much more important of the care put on the dress


so, sometimes, krsna, if we are very close to the complete surrender, he's able to send us "phisical" disgraces to "speed" and complete our detachment


of course this is for pure and special souls.. ordinary people advance in spirit if everything in the life, family, economy and health is going well

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"We are created because we are dear to him. We were given a chance to go back to Him in due time. If He has nothing to do with our physical body, what kind of God He is? He is the Most Merciful, MOST Caring, MOST Loving, MOST Understanding, MOST High"


Yes he is the most merciful, Most caring and most loving etc. Thats why he wants you to not care about your body and care about yourself.


You see, in KC philosophy krishna only created this material world/ bodies because we wanted to come here and enjoy ourselves in living the lives of various species...


It is like changing channels on your T.V. When you were a kid, you wanted to watch T.V. your parents got you one.


In the same way, you wanted to enjoy your life like He does so you left him and came here.


In the painter analogy , Krishna only painted it for you because he wants you to be happy. So, he only cares about you, not the painting that you wanted to have.


But the life in this material world is full of suffering... because every one wants to be krishna... every one wants to be a hero, but we can't be krishna... Krishna is God, we are not.


So, we can't truly enjoy in this material world, what we can do is suffer from various types of diseases , from bodily attachments, from day to day problems, from responsibilities etc.


So, to stop our suffering we go back to the Godhead. How? basically show love to him and be at his mercy... then he will himself come and protect you "The soul" from this mire of material existence and take you to his spiritual world , which is an abode of bliss.

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We live in darkness and when touched by the GODHEAD come into light. Our life changes we are born again. hence our old self "dies" we are born Krishnamay. We, through bhakti get so much honour so why should we question the fortunes of the poeple directly connected to the Lord in his full Incarnation. Of course the mortal identities died and a spiritual Krishnamay identity was born.Where one is not concerened of the material things,selfishness,greed, lust and are only engrosed in Sri Krishna.

Do not comprehend the passtimes of the Lord in ordinary human terms.

Hare Krishna

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"Yes he is the most merciful, Most caring and most loving etc. Thats why he wants you to not care about your body and care about yourself."


Hmmmmmmm well, For me He is not a partial God. Body is the temple of yourself and the soul. If you can't take care of the body that he has intrusted you, how can you take care of yourself? They are all interconnected to each other. And God wants us to be systematic and clean (inside and outside).


Sometimes, we are so literal in interprating God's words. Everytime we read whatever books or writings concerning faith..better Pray to the Lord first, that you will understand the words according to what God wants you to know, not of what you want to know.


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no... if we are literal we learn, as you have said, that body is the temple of the soul, that the body is krsna's property so we have to take care of it and use it for good actions and beahviour and for doing devotional service


but, we have also to discriminate who is the self and who is the dress..


so, as ever, the thruth is in the middle... and this middle are the revealed scriptures, the vedas


it bascally depends on our spiritual consciousness, in most cases consciousness and caring for the body go together (regulative principles etc..)but in some cases we have to admit that ascetism exist and it is a reality who brings closer to krshna and the creatures


... so let us not be close minded... the ASCETICS and the ENJOYERS (i do not find another word to make the comparison .... i hope to be understandable)

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When I say "caring" I do not mean "don't take care of your body"... yes you have to take care of you body, but what I mean is, you shouldn't care about what happens to it and you shouldn't think that it is yourself.


You have to eat, keep it clean, because yes, it is a temple of your soul... but you should not compare it with yourself.


You should not think it is as important as yourself.


In other words, the body your in is just a tool to reach the supreme, you should not care about the painting , but should care about the one who painted it.


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" the body your in is just a tool to reach the supreme"




not just a tool... the best, more saint, efficient, complete instrument given by the lord to serve him


we are followers of karma/bhakti yoga.. to work and act apparently as an ordinary materialist, but offering everything to krishna


without body, baktiyoga is impossible to perform


let us also remember that , using it for devotional service, the body is not more matter but spirit


of course, in general terms, the advice to discriminate between body and the self or between the dress and the dressed is extremely important

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