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How to Attain the Lotus Feet of Krsna

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Just finished finally editing this, and knew I should share it with all of you. One of the benedictions offered by Srila Vrindavan das in his Madhya 13 of the Sri Caitanya Bhagavata:

Whosoever has faith in these activities of the Lord will attain the lotus feet of Krsna, and the worst degradation is reserved for the non-believers.

It required many many changes; punctuation, grammar, and spelling type things. Lord Caitanya deserves a first class job. It would be appreciated if you could note any remaining errors, or suggestions you may have for better readability. I still have another 23 chapters to edit, so your help is very meaningful.


I think you will be happy that you read this second authorized accounting of the salvation of the rogues, Madhai and Jagai; definitely a good use of ten or fifteen minutes.





Gary Stevason

Seeking the Kingdom of God

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Avinash, all the 17 Adi chapters were done, and maybe as many as the first seven of the Madhya chapters were done. Approximately half of the 46 chapters were rendered presentable a few years back. When no one seemed interested, I guess I too lost interest in the task, although it was always enjoyable.


I randomly looked at the 13th Madhya chapter, just to remind myself how much the editing was necessary, and found it was paralleling my recent life drama involving my own belligerent drunken Madhai. I became intrigued and eventually had to fix this and fix that, and then decided I should fix it all before presenting the chapter to the Fellowship. Ten hours later, the mercy is here for those eager enough to read it.


After a few years, perhaps this will get me working on it again. It has everything: immense humour, intrigue, mystical wonderment, and more secrets about the hidden incarnation, Gaura.



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Originally posted by gHari:

Avinash, all the 17 Adi chapters were done, and maybe as many as the first seven of the Madhya chapters were done. Approximately half of the 46 chapters were rendered presentable a few years back. When no one seemed interested, I guess I too lost interest in the task, although it was always enjoyable.


I randomly looked at the 13th Madhya chapter, just to remind myself how much the editing was necessary, and found it was paralleling my recent life drama involving my own belligerent drunken Madhai. I became intrigued and eventually had to fix this and fix that, and then decided I should fix it all before presenting the chapter to the Fellowship. Ten hours later, the mercy is here for those eager enough to read it.


After a few years, perhaps this will get me working on it again. It has everything: immense humour, intrigue, mystical wonderment, and more secrets about the hidden incarnation, Gaura.



My obeysances to you Prabhuji. I did not think I would come across such a dedicated devotee on a chat forum. Pranams Pranams.

All Glories. Hari Ram.

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Well, not as much dedication as I'm sure we'd like. In fact, I have likely been delegated this task to force my lazy mind to carefully read all of this very important book. I really only humbly shuffle the commas and periods; and sometimes vainly switch or juggle words there and here. The real effort was made by a wonderful unknown Bengali speaker. And I'm sure he would offer all glory to Srila Vrindavana das, who in turn constantly credits Lord Caitanya and Nityananda Prabhu for this amazing gem.


I just finished refining Madhya 9, wherein Sri Caitanya sits on Lord Visnu's throne, assuming His true identity for twenty-one hours.


The service really is the reward. It was wonderful; not full of benedictions like 13, but still absolutely riveting. Murari das is actually Hanuman, and on Visnu's throne Lord Caitanya reveals His very special feeling for His monkey devotee.


It's a very important book. I must conclude the editing and then go over it at least once again. I can't see anyone being disappointed with any time they spend reading the Sri Caitanya Bhagavata.



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Originally posted by gHari:



Well, not as much dedication as I'm sure we'd like. In fact, I have likely been delegated this task to force my lazy mind to carefully read all of this very important book. I really only humbly shuffle the commas and periods; and sometimes vainly switch or juggle words there and here. The real effort was made by a wonderful unknown Bengali speaker. And I'm sure he would offer all glory to Srila Vrindavana das, who in turn constantly credits Lord Caitanya and Nityananda Prabhu for this amazing gem.


I just finished refining Madhya 9, wherein Sri Caitanya sits on Lord Visnu's throne, assuming His true identity for twenty-one hours.


The service really is the reward. It was wonderful; not full of benedictions like 13, but still absolutely riveting. Murari das is actually Hanuman, and on Visnu's throne Lord Caitanya reveals His very special feeling for His monkey devotee.


It's a very important book. I must conclude the editing and then go over it at least once again. I can't see anyone being disappointed with any time they spend reading the Sri Caitanya Bhagavata.



You seem so humble and modest. Does the japa chanting make you like this or have you been like it always.


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Gaurahari Prabhu,


Perhaps I missed it, but you are editing, I was curious who did the translation work? I have a copy of Sri Caitanya Bhagavat that was translated by His Holiness Srimad Bhakti Hriday Mangal Maharaj. Several years back one of his disciples sold me a copy. It is a very nice, though simple publication. I was just curious about your project.

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It would be appreciated if you could note any remaining errors, or suggestions you may have for better readability.


I went through Chapter 10. In fact, I went through it more than once. My knowledge about Lod Caitanya is far less than yours and therefore, I can not comment on them. Anyway, I noticed some spelling and grammatical errors. I am posting the relevant portions here. Texts with blue font color are to be added and those with red font color are to be deleted.






After bestowing boons to Sridhara, Lord Caitanya began to gently sway His head, and repeated the name "Nada, Nada, Nada." He then spoke to Advaita Acarya, "Acarya! Ask what you need." The Acarya replied, "My prayers have already been answered, my Lord." Lord Caitanya appreciated this answer with a thunderous roar that drowned all other sound<FONT COLOR="#0000ff">s</FONT>.

While Lord Caitanya was still manifesting His "Mahaprakasha" lila in the mood of the omnipotent, Supremely Opulent Lord, Gadadhara Pandita prepared betel and offered <FONT COLOR="#ff0000">them</FONT><FONT COLOR="#0000ff">it </FONT>to the Lord. The Lord took it and ate it. Lord Nityananda, whose partial expansion, Lord Ananta Sesa, is the support of the universe, now held an umbrella over Lord Caitanya. Advaita Acarya and other great personages stood before Him.




"O my Lord! <FONT COLOR="#ff0000">please</FONT><FONT COLOR="#0000ff">Please </FONT>do not place me in a position where I may deviate from the Absolute Truth, and forget that You are the Supreme Lord or that I am Your eternal servant.



The Vaisnava devotees began to weep in ecstasy<FONT COLOR="#0000ff">,</FONT> chanting Krsna's name, seeing how Lord Caitanya showered His mercy upon Murari. Anyone who hears the pastimes of Lord Caitanya's extraordinary magnanimity will receive love of Godhead.

While Murari and Sridhara cry in love of Godhead in front of the Lord, Lord Caitanya chews on the betel <FONT COLOR="#0000ff">(</FONT>pan<FONT COLOR="#0000ff">)</FONT> with cracking loudness.

Lord Caitanya then turned His benign glance towards Haridasa and called out, "Look at Me, Haridasa. Your body at birth was superior to Mine, and your class and caste <FONT COLOR="#ff0000">was</FONT><FONT COLOR="#0000ff">were </FONT>more elevated than Mine. That sinful Muslim tormentor has inflicted great pain<FONT COLOR="#0000ff">s</FONT> on you. However, knowing your compassionate nature, I hesitate in My heart to punish him, for it would disturb you.



"While your tormentors were trying to beat you <FONT COLOR="#0000ff">to </FONT>death, all along you were thinking of their well being. You were unconcerned about your own pains; you had only compassion for them. Because of your merciful heart I could not use force; My Sudarsan disc weapon was rendered impotent.




"There is one fact that You Yourself have stated: anyone remembering Your lotus feet, even <FONT COLOR="#ff0000">those</FONT><FONT COLOR="#0000ff">one </FONT>insignificant and fallen like an insect, is never forsaken by You. Whereas even a mighty king falls from grace, if he disregards Your lotus feet. I am incapable of remembering You, although I know You shelter the most impoverished soul<FONT COLOR="#0000ff">s</FONT> if they simply remember You.



"I am so sinful that I cannot remember such a magnanimous Personality as You. O Lord! <FONT COLOR="#ff0000">please</FONT><FONT COLOR="#0000ff">Please ,</FONT>therefore<FONT COLOR="#0000ff">,</FONT> give me shelter at Your lotus feet.

"The demon Hiranyakasipu inflicted all varieties of treachery and brutal methods trying to kill Prahlad like poisoning, hurling him down from a mountain, throwing boiling cauldrons of oil, etc. Yet<FONT COLOR="#0000ff">,</FONT> throughout his tribulations, Prahlad meditated upon Your lotus feet and was saved from each and every calmity. In this way, You humbled many of his enemies, and took away all their vitality and strength. Finally You appeared in person due to Prahlad's meditation.

"Once the five Pandavas were in a grave dilemma fearing the wrath of Durvasa Muni, but <FONT COLOR="#ff0000">by remembering</FONT> <FONT COLOR="#0000ff">when they remembered </FONT>You, You appeared personally and saved them. You calmed Yudhisthira Maharaja with Your assuring words: 'See I am already here. You just sit down and relax. I will take care of this Durvasa Muni, and his army of disciples.'



"The miraculous benefits of remembering Your lotus feet <FONT COLOR="#ff0000">was</FONT><FONT COLOR="#0000ff"> were</FONT> amply demonstrated by the Pandavas in this incident. The path of true devotion for everyone is to remember You. You perform Your super-excellent activities to rescue Your devotees.



Haridasa spoke to the Lord with folded hands, "O Lord, I have known only misfortune, but You give me so much hope. Just allow me to partake of the remnants of foodstuffs of Your devotees<FONT COLOR="#0000ff">,</FONT> totally surrendered to Your lotus feet. Let this activity be my permanent and most prominent service life after life. My sinful birth and existence is miserable, without remembering You. But now, please make my life successful by granting me the remnants of Your servitors.



Only the most wretched sinner<FONT COLOR="#0000ff">s</FONT> will discriminate a Vaisnava's caste, race or nationality, and for doing so they suffer the pangs of repeated birth in the lower species of life.


Such is Haridasa Thakura's exalted position - that just seeing him relieves one from the bondage of material existence; what to speak of associating with him. Great stalwart devotees like Prahlad<FONT COLOR="#0000ff">,</FONT> who was the son of a demon, and Hanuman<FONT COLOR="#0000ff">,</FONT> who was a monkey<FONT SIZE=2 COLOR="#0000ff">,</FONT> are both considered exalted Vaisnavas. Similarly, although born in a low caste non-Hindu family, Haridasa Thakura is counted amongst the foremost of Vaisnava devotees.

Haridasa<FONT COLOR="#0000ff">,</FONT> along with Murari and Sridhara began to weep joyful tears, while Lord Visvambhara smiled pleasantly on them, chewing betel. Sitting on the throne, the Lord was engulfed in dazzling effulgence, and an equally brilliantly shining Lord Nityananda stood holding an umbrella over Lord Caitanya.

Lord Caitanya looked towards Advaita Acarya smiling, and began to reveal His inner thoughts, "Listen Acarya, do you remember when I once fed you one night?


"The complete Gita text reads - 'Sarvabah pani padamtat sarvata ksi-siro-mukham sarvatah srutimal loke sarvam avritya tisthati' (Everywhere are His hands and legs, His eyes and face, and He hears everything. In this way the Supersoul exists). I have just revealed to you the very confidential meaning of this text. Who else is there other than you, who can rightly comprehend this subject matter<FONT COLOR="#ff0000">.</FONT><FONT SIZE=2 COLOR="#0000ff">?</FONT>"


One who has no faith in these spiritual explanations or such spiritual exchanges <FONT COLOR="#ff0000">are</FONT> <FONT COLOR="#0000ff">is </FONT>certainly doomed to perish. Only the rare souls, the pure devotees of the Lord, can understand the spiritual dissertations of Advaita Acarya, who was personally taught by Lord Caitanya.

The instructions of the Vedas are invariably interpreted in various ways. So also Advaita Acarya's highly esoteric explanations often found different interpretations. Who can grasp the meaning of the Acarya's dissertations that deal with such subtle spiritual matters? Undoubtedly<FONT COLOR="#0000ff">,</FONT> his words are as good as the Supreme Lord's own.

The Acarya's words are like the autumn clouds - they rain in certain areas, while leaving other places dry. His words are understood by a few fortunate ones, not everyone. Advaita Acarya cannot be blamed for this, for everything depends on the person's ability to understand his words, due to his piety and good fortune.


Ravana was a great devotee of Lord Siva, but he did not accept the Supremacy of Lord Ramacandra, who is the Lord of even Siva. Lord Siva was displeased with his devotee, and did not accept his worship or service. So Ravana's worship was useless. Hence he and his entire race was destroyed. Lord Siva does not convey to his devotees his personal feeling about their actions, whether good or bad. Whoever is sufficiently intelligent will understand<FONT COLOR="#ff0000">ing</FONT> the desire of Lord Siva in his heart.

In the same way, the followers of Advaita Acarya, not understanding the desire of their master, claim to be his disciples, yet criticize Lord Caitanya. Advaita Acarya does not tell them anything, due to his specific nature. So<FONT COLOR="#0000ff">,</FONT> because of neglecting the advice of other Vaisnavas and the inner desire of Advaita Acarya, they perish. These condemned persons do not understand that Advaita Acarya's exalted position and his mystic perfection are all due to the mercy of Lord Caitanya. And if anyone volunteers to instruct them on these matters they become enraged, and go to strike their well<FONT COLOR="#ff0000">-</FONT>wisher. Little do they know that Lord Caitanya's external potency, Mayadevi is exceedingly powerful, and she takes efficient care of such wayward and demoniac souls.


Advaita Acarya is totally engrossed in remembering Lord Caitanya and His pastimes, often moved to tears by devotional emotions. After hearing these transcendental narrations, if one is unable to develop devotional fervor and love for Lord Caitanya, then contact with such a person should be avoided, for it will wither away one's faith and piety.

One who understands that Advaita Acarya is a foremost Vaisnava devotee of Lord Caitanya, and serves Him in that capacity is himself an exalted Vaisnava. He is assured of the shelter of Lord Krsna eternally. Such a Vaisnava is also very dear to Advaita Acarya. Those who do not understand this relationship are despicable rejects of human society.

Advaita Acarya is always extremely pleased to hear his Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu glorified as the Supreme Lord of all. Advaita Acarya, himself, glorifies Lord Caitanya in this manner. There should be no doubt about this. Lord Caitanya revealed the real purport of the Gita to the Acarya, and then hid the portals of devotional life from the non-devotees.

Lord Caitanya suddenly spoke out, lifting His arms, "Everyone look at Me. Ask any boon you desire." All the assembled devotees bubbled over with happiness hearing the Lord's words, and they each asked a boon from the Lord.

Advaita Acarya spoke first saying, "My Lord I only pray that You shower Your grace on this ignorant and fallen soul." Someone else said, "My father opposes my devotional involvement, so grant me this, O Lord: that his heart may be transformed and that he become a devotee." In this way they asked for the good blessings of their dear ones, disciples, sons, wives, servants and so on. One of them prayed, "Lord<FONT COLOR="#0000ff">!</FONT> please increase my faith in my guru."

Lord Visvambhara is the benefactor of all His devotees, and He fulfills all their wishes. Smiling sweetly, He granted everyone's boon.

Mukunda<FONT COLOR="#0000ff">,</FONT> all this while<FONT COLOR="#0000ff">,</FONT> was behind the curtains<FONT COLOR="#0000ff">,</FONT> outside the room<FONT COLOR="#0000ff">,</FONT> unable to muster sufficient courage to appear before the Lord. Mukunda is loved by all, and he knows everyone intimately. No one could understand why he was being ignored, because when he sang, the Lord seemed to hear all the time. The Lord did not call him inside, nor did he come in. The devotees felt sad about Mukunda.

Srivasa Pandita said to the Lord, "O Lord, what offense has Mukunda committed at Your lotus feet? Mukunda is favored by You, and he is dear to all of us. Who can prevent his heart from melting upon hearing Mukunda's singing? He is devotionally inclined, and is always careful in all respects. Yet without seeing any apparent fault in him, You have insulted him, my Lord. If he has committed some mistake<FONT COLOR="#0000ff">,</FONT><FONT SIZE=2> then punish him, but why do You disown him and push away Your own servant. O Lord, let him see Your Lordship. But he will never come in unless You call him."


The Lord spoke, "Get up, My dear Mukunda. All your offenses have been exonerated. You lost your wealth of devotion by wrong association, but now again by your loving devotion, you have conquered and indebted Me. I said to you that after ten million births you </FONT><FONT SIZE=2 COLOR="#ff0000">will</FONT> <FONT COLOR="#0000ff">would </FONT>have your desire to see Me fulfilled. You immediately pushed away all previous doubts and offenses. You had full faith in the infallibility of My words. Thus You have bound Me eternally in your heart with the bonds of loving devotion.



"O Lord, I have no devotional feelings. Yet<FONT COLOR="#0000ff">,</FONT><FONT SIZE=2> strangely</FONT><FONT COLOR="#0000ff">,</FONT> I am still alive; my head does not roll due to my grievous sins.

"Kubja<FONT COLOR="#0000ff">,</FONT> the hunchback maid servant of Mathura, the wives of the sacrificial brahmin priests of Vrndavana, the noble ladies of the palace in Mathura, and the garland maker Sudama, when did they see You before they saw You for the first time? Yet all of them were elevated to the blissful state of loving devotional service to You. Kamsa<FONT COLOR="#0000ff">,</FONT> the king of Mathura, at the same time saw You, but he was killed. I do not posses any devotion to You my Lord, but yet You keep me.


"I am worse than an insect, yet, I am not moved by such devotion. O Lord, how can I ask to see You?" Mukunda began to weep, raising his arms up in the air. His body trembled and he released heavy sighs in ecstatic devotional emotion. Mukunda is a pure devotee, with a simple and spontaneous love of the Lord. How can I describe sufficiently the extent of his glories<FONT COLOR="#ff0000">.</FONT> <FONT COLOR="#0000ff">? </FONT>He is counted amongst the most intimate eternal associates of the Lord.




"I do not show any mercy to non-devotees. Even if they see Me, they are deprived of the transcendental result, eternal happiness. One's devotion is drained if one is offensive to the authorized process of devotional service. Due to the absence of devotion, seeing Me is fruitless. These things<FONT COLOR="#0000ff">,</FONT> that you said<FONT COLOR="#0000ff">,</FONT> were actually exactly what I wanted to say. In fact, why should any other topic grace your mouth?




Their intelligence was covered over by false ego to such an extent that none of them could perceive that Vaikuntha had descended into Srivasa Pandita's residence; nor could they percieve the spiritual bliss emanating from there. That which was seen and experienced by the servants and maidservants in Srivasa Pandita's house is unknown to even scholars well<FONT COLOR="#ff0000">-</FONT>versed in all the scriptures. The wonderful boon Murari Gupta's servant received went unnoticed even by those who shaved their heads to exhibit renunciation.




The Lord said, "In every birth you have received My association. Your servants and disciples will thus also see My pastimes through you." The Lord then distributed the garlands that graced His chest, and all were blessed to receive the chewed remnant<FONT COLOR="#0000ff">s</FONT> of the Lord's betel. The devotees were caught up in the wave of ecstatic joy as they munched on the radiant moon-like Lord's remnants.


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You are very kind. I do appreciate your help, beyond words. With hundreds of changes, even after two passes, I knew I would have missed some. But I gotta get to the big ones first, like "Lard Visnu" and the scrambled unreadable passages. I am happy that someone even read it. Shame on those who didn't.




I don't know who the translator was. It came from a nice Prabhupada devotee called Agrahya das, who used to run the soc.religion.vaishnava newsgroup. He got all religious on us, and lost interest in our constant bickering. I'm sure he's doing well under the tutorship of BVNM now.


I hope you read your version; it is a most important book. There is another version on the net somewhere, and I hope to be able to compare at some point some passages and names that may be inaccurate. Maybe you could comment on Madhya chapters 9, 10 and 13. It would be nice to make the Fellowship a spiritual place of pilgrimage again.



(No, not the famous Gaurahari, just Gary with a little Hari nam flavouring)

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I made those changes, and even found another "calmity" which turned into a "calamity" for Prahlada. Thank you very much. I found all but one, and as a suggestion, if you would ever consider being so kind again,,,,, perhaps inserted commas could appear like that. The one comma in Haridas Thakura's speech was not inserted because I thought that with his attitude of not being worthy of asking for great boons and that he would be happy just accepting remnants from devotees, being a dog in the house of a vaishnava, then he was likely referring to the devotees being totally surrendered to Krsna's lotus feet, not himself.


I think I remember the story of the history of this translation now. A Bengali translated it onto a tape, and then Agrahya das quickly typed it in, in rough form. I guess this gives me a little more latitude with the English readability. Why do I do it, knowing there is now another fine edition available? Simply because I want it on my web site, where Christian seekers meet LOrd Caitanya's mercy. Hopefully it will be a reasonable translation.


It does drowned me in mercy, so that can't be bad. If there is even more mercy in the editing than just the reading, I would offer the opportunity to anyone here to take any chapter after Madhya 14, and do a "VIEW SOURCE" to get a text file, and then start editing. It may not be mopping the temple room floor, but it does feel like service nonetheless.


Avinash, I am much indebted. I am a mathematician, not a literary fellow.



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  • 6 years later...

The Lord spoke, "Get up, My dear Mukunda. All your offenses have been exonerated. You lost your wealth of devotion by wrong association, but now again by your loving devotion, you have conquered and indebted Me. I said to you that after ten million births you will have your desire to see Me fulfilled. You immediately pushed away all previous doubts and offenses. You had full faith in the infallibility of My words. Thus You have bound Me eternally in your heart with the bonds of loving devotion".



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  • 5 years later...

Somehow I found this oldie but goodie thread. The editing of the Sri Caitanya Bhagavata is complete and the missing chapters are being added (but not yet placed in cyberspace until their final editing is complete). The new site for the  Kingdom of God and its Bhagavata is CauseOfAllCauses.com for anyone interested in flooding their living rooms with tears.


I miss you guys. Some of my best moments were spent at Audarya, way back when.



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