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Survival of Hinduism

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We know that in the past many things happened because of which Hinduism could have been wiped out of India. Example:


Invasion of Muslims who tried to convert many Hindus to Islam and who used to give benefit to Muslims over other religions (not all Muslim rulers did this but some defintely did so)


New religions like Buddhism, Jainism.


Colonialism during which benefits were given to those who converted to Christianity.


But stll, Hinduism has survived. I agree that many rituals are not the same as they were in the past. But, still, there are many who believe in one or the other branches of Hinduism. What could be the reason for this survival?


Any thoughts?


(Note: I have used the word "Hinduism" to mean "Sanatan Dharma" as it is very commonly used).

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I think a major reason is its diffuse management structure. Essentially the management breaks down immediately upon the passing of the guru. Then all of the disciples go on to form their own branches, and it continues forward but breaks down. One problem with this is that such a system prevents the "critical mass" needed to forge a mass movement in terms of mobilizing people, resources, ideas etc.... but the benefit (sort of a defensive benefit) is that it becomes very difficult to destroy. I tend to think of it as like cutting water. Take a sword, strike at water, and the water immediately re-forms. So I think the British, Muslims, etc... never had a central head they could cut off in order for Hinduism to die.

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Hinduism is almost dead, take my word for that. This is the religion which permeated the whole earth. Today, it is just remaining in some pockets and struggling hard to breath. It is under the swords of Muslims and under the cross of Christians.


It was such a popular way of life even in Mecca. But today, it has been sliced and sliced and sliced into hardly 1% of what it really was. Hindus are a race fearing extinction today, this is my outlook. We need to do all that is within our abilities to revive this dying species. Atleast India shd stand up against conversions just to stop the extinction of a species, of aculture. We have been wiped out of the whole world, Hinduism is hardly anything today. I prefer to think like that, then only there is a motivation to preach.






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You have to get the images onto the web somewhere. You can get free web sites at http://geocities.com or perhaps your ISP (Internet Service Provider) may have included some space with your account.


You can see the code to be used on the forum to get a web image to display by clicking the EDIT icon above this message (see the pencil).


<center><img src=http://home.earthlink.net/~jay540/syama.jpg></center>




P.S. - It seems that geocities.com may no longer allow downloading images from your geo web sites. If you want, you can e-mail the images to me, and I will place them on my ISP web space, and then forward the URL addresses to you for them. CaitanyaMahaprabhu@<FONT COLOR="#DEDFDF">



[This message has been edited by gHari (edited 02-28-2002).]

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Have some sweets on my b'day (1 March) Posted Image


<img src=http://www.amazoncastle.com/postcard/treats2.jpg>


<img src=http://www.amazoncastle.com/postcard/treats3.jpg>


<img src=http://www.amazoncastle.com/postcard/treats4.jpg>


I think this much is enough. Too much of sweets is bad for health. Posted Image



[This message has been edited by Avinash (edited 03-01-2002).]

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Ok, since I seranaded Yashoda Devi Dasi, I suppose I'll have to do likewise for Avinash...


A One, A Two, A One, Two, Three, Four...

Happy Birthday to you

Happy Birthday to you

Happy Birthday dear Avinash

Happy Birthday to you


Have a great birthday!!!




PS. Ghari, I really like that Krsna painting. It looks to be watercolor (I'm not sure). Be what may, I have always thought that watercolor would be a nice painting medium for devotional paintings. It just always seems more subtle, liquidy/flowing, and just more ethereal. Just an observation.


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