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Disposing of "spiritual material"

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Whats the proper method for getting rid of material that has say deity pictures, or scriptural quotes etc... on them. The reason I ask is whenever I do a big clean up at home (like today) I'm faced with this question. There are little things like flyers or old calendars etc.... I'm not sure the best way to dispose of them.

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Holy items should either be burnt or immersed in water such as the ocean, a lake, pond, or river.


This would include papers with the Lord's name written on them. Today it may not be possible to do this so strictly, as every indian newspaper is full of names of Krishna, Rama, etc., as the people are named after them.


But at least we should follow this practice for those papers coming from a temple, such as announcement of a holy festival, etc. As far as pictures, we should always do it for pictures of the Lord.


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