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Overeating: A Spiritual Craving?

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Overeating: A Spiritual Craving?


This week's episode by Srila Siddhaswarupananda is about eating disorders within society. The program opened up with a montage and voice over describing the world food situation. In some countries people are starving, in others people eat in excess.


In the West, we see a lifestyle of over consumption. In terms of eating we see many disorders afflicting women in particular. Some will eat very little, starving themselves to be thin. Others will eat, and then force themselves to vomit the contents out, so that they can continue to eat even more.


In historical times the Romans used to do this. They were known for their extravagant lifestyle of feasting and overindulgence. In order to accommodate as much eating as possible they would set up areas known as ‘vomitoriums’ where guests could vomit the food they had just eaten in order to consume even more.


Why are people moved to do this? It is not that their stomach is hungry. It is not as though vomiting is the mellowest thing in the world. In fact, such binging and purging is very hard on the body physically.


Some people don’t take this vomiting route. There is one health food store here in Hawaii that advertises a pill you can take to stay thin. Essentially the pill prevents your body from digesting the food so that you won’t gain weight. Others have surgery to cut their intestines so that the food passes through faster and so they don’t gain weight.


What a waste this is. In this world half the population is starving, and one-eighth of the world is eating more than they need. They don’t want the energy of the food. They simply want to indulge the tongue.


The two most important things in this world are sex and eating. For sex we have contraception, abortion, sterilization and as such there are no repercussions from sex. Now we can eat and also have no problems.


Why? It is the tongue. It is a taste orgasm. It is a sense flash that momentarily causes us to forget our unhappiness. These people who are starving themselves, taking pills, cutting their intestines are empty inside. They identify themselves with the body and so think that if they fill their body up with food then they’ll be satisfied. But it is only temporary.


They don’t even know why they are eating. In one of our books we have a cartoon of a man eating, drinking, holding a cigarette, with headphones listening to the stereo. He is trying to satisfy his emptiness with consumption. The problem is my stomach is limited, but my inner emptiness has no limit. How will you fill it up with a quart of ice cream?


Its like they are constantly trying to get satisfaction but always it is just outside of their grasp. It becomes frustrating, but still they try, never reaching it.


The reason is that most people don’t know that they are spirit not matter. Life can only be satisfied with life. Spirit can only be satisfied with spirit. There is no amount of eating that will satisfy a person.


You can’t be truly satisfied until you reconnect with the Supreme Soul. You must link your will with His will. You will be a servant either of your body or of God. You can direct your love to the world or towards God. But, it should be noted, if you direct your energy towards matter you will simply become frustrated.


First understand who you are as spirit. Then link yourself to the Supreme Person. This is called God Realization. It is not enough to just lock your jaw with wires. Some people do this. They have no inner satisfaction and are driven to satisfy themselves through endless eating. They know it is bad for them but they can’t control themselves. Again, why? Because their eating orgasm interferes with their sex orgasm. Who wants to have sex with a whale? No one. So they must eat, and purge to be thin, so that they can still satisfy their desire for sex. Its funny and not funny at the same time.


People put themselves through so much trouble. What they need is God. They need to taste the transcendental nectar. This nectar is love for God. Drink this nectar and it will take care of all of your cravings. You’ll no longer have an inner emptiness.


[This message has been edited by Gauracandra (edited 05-05-2002).]

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  • 2 weeks later...

quoteThey have no inner satisfaction and are driven to satisfy themselves through endless eating. They know it is bad for them but they can’t control themselves. Again, why? Because their eating orgasm interferes with their sex orgasm. Who wants to have sex with a whale? No one. So they must eat, and purge to be thin, so that they can still satisfy their desire for sex. Its funny and not funny at the same time.


There are many forms of sorrow management like over eating, non stop talking, drinking, studying scriptures, taking pills, over working, yelling at the kids, womanizing, watching tv, posting on web boards, drinking, creating documentaries, etc.


Overeating just is sometimes more obvious than other forms of dealing with suffering.

We all have our "poisons". Some are just harder on the physical body than others.


In many instances we overeat to buffer against sex. Perhaps we are in an unpleasant relationship with a mate ill choosen either when we were to young. Or perhaps he was chosen for us.


I would see bulemia as evidence of a psychological suffering of one's craving for unconditional love. Humans sell out and settle for conditional love. It is the beautiful woman who is the most prized, even above the kind, the noble or the enlightened. Particularly in the West where it is the "artificial rose" which is most esteemed. ("Natural beauty" takes 3 hours...)


I hardly think that it is to get sex. That seems like a very male perspective-particularly one of a being who has never been on a diet but manages his sorrow in other ways. There is little desire when one is suffering so and is in essense starving the physical body. The reproductive system will sometimes shut down for some time. Even plants that do not flower when there is physical distress or draught.


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If you review the current literature and research, you see that obesity (and even slight weight problems) are much more complex. The newest treatment that shows great promise is an enzyme they have recently isolated that not only helps one shed pounds, but keeps them off as well. You see, when you loss some weight, your metabolism automatically changes and you store fat more easily (apparently the body's natural defense mechanism to protect against starvation). This enzyme counters that effect.




[This message has been edited by Rati (edited 05-15-2002).]

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Hey Grumps,


You said:Why did Siddha Swarup not also mention the ill effects of a sedentary lifestyle, which is hardly yogic. Seems that was a major oversight.


He was trying to emphasize the inner hole that we carry around.The one that can only be filled by love of God.Not that he was giving a talk to help people lose weight.


Finger for the Moon.Major oversight. Posted Image




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Yes I'll be putting up this week's program. I've just been so busy at work, that I'm too exhausted to write it up. I have all of my notes of the program and will try to sit down and compose it tomorrow.


One thing about Srila Siddhaswarupananda that I've noticed is that he is completely consistent in his presentations. Every program always goes back to one central point - establishing a loving relationship with the Supreme Person. Over and over. You can tell by the context of discussions that sometimes they are from the 1980s sometimes from the 1990s, but the message is always the same. He will take topical discussions and bring them back to this central point. So as was mentioned he was focussing in on a spiritual emptiness. He can't hit on all points. But he wants to bring everything back to his central point.


Another great feature that I usually don't mention is that at the end of all programs he has a 2 minute or so kirtan. Either a music video or simply a kirtan. This is wonderful preaching and I think he is doing a great job.

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Gauracandra Prabhu,


Please remember that your first and foremost duty is to the Fellowship. I am sure your employer will understand that. We are becoming very jealous of these nights you are claiming to spend at work.


And watch out; if Krsna becomes jealous too, He will likely take the job away.


The Wives

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Okay we will cut you a little slack but only because you have the notes.


Love of God as the central point.I have alot of his tapes and listen to them on occasion.That is true of ALL his lectures.Love for Krsna, from all angles.


I saw this program on TV called Wai Lana Yoga.I think the name is correct.A hatha yoga show and I am sure I heard his voice singing Gauranga and haribol in the background, really softly almost subliminaly.There is this channel called The Wisdom Channel.Mostly all new age seminars etc. and it was playing on that.The instructor was an Asian woman.Very beautiful presentation.


I wondered if that was his wife.Anyone see this show?

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Originally posted by theist:

Hey Grumps,


You said:Why did Siddha Swarup not also mention the ill effects of a sedentary lifestyle, which is hardly yogic. Seems that was a major oversight.


He was trying to emphasize the inner hole that we carry around.The one that can only be filled by love of God.Not that he was giving a talk to help people lose weight.


Finger for the Moon.Major oversight. Posted Image



OK. I edited the post. It now just addresses the complexity of weight gain and loss.

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I'm just about to post this week's episode.


On Wai Lana yoga, I do believe she has some connection with Srila Siddhaswarupananda. I've seen her program on PBS a few times, and I have heard various devotional kirtans played in the background. I once visited her website, and there was a mention that she was collaborating with 'Siddha' on some music CDs.

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I just read the latest installment,animal or human?The basics which is just what I need to hear.Funny about the cats.I hope it isn't catching, I don't need them under my window.



You are a true gentleman.You must call me on my grumpiness sometime.

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Originally posted by Gauracandra:

On Wai Lana yoga, I do believe she has some connection with Srila Siddhaswarupananda. I've seen her program on PBS a few times, and I have heard various devotional kirtans played in the background. I once visited her website, and there was a mention that she was collaborating with 'Siddha' on some music CDs.

I just checked out her Web site. "Gold Moon Productions"? There's a big clue right there. I listened to the RealAudio samples of some of the cuts from her CDs. One, "Spritual Love," on the first CD, is a dead giveaway to anyone who has had any association with Siddhasvarupananda (mine goes back to 1969-70, before he joined ISKCON). The tune is what I believe we used to call the "Kauai tune." The pronunciation of "Madhava" is classic Siddha. And I do believe that you can hear Siddhasvarupananda's sweet voice chanting (mahak, am I correct?). The Web site is awfully well designed and complete, and she has an entire industry built around her. This is further evidence that his folks, as jn said earlier, have things very much together. Their endeavors show great diversity seamlessly integrated.


Ironically, I don't think PBS in Hawaii carries her show.


With regard to an assertion on another forum, Siddhasvarupananda was never a member of ISKCON's GBC. However, in 1976, Srila Prabhupada did ask him to assume the responsibility of Honolulu temple president. Siddha asked me (among other friends, I assume) what I thought of the idea. I thought he could be effective if the other "wheels" could check their politics. As it turned out, they couldn't; they made things so miserable for him immediately that he declined the post. He had ideas for preaching, and, regardless of the strength of his desire to please Srila Prabhupada (and it was considerable), they were carried out most effectively unencumbered by the bureaucracy and politics so prevalent in the institution.



[This message has been edited by stonehearted (edited 05-16-2002).]

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