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Sorry, I thought you knew the history.Without getting in to it even though they were initiated by the same person they had very different ideas on preaching, and GP just couldn't tolerate it.He was also in Hawaii alot with his crew.Enough said.Nothing can be gained by rehashing it all.

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Haribol. I have considered distribution, however, as I am not affiliated with Jagat Guru, nor have had any contact with him over many years (decades), I cannot do this. There are copyright laws and proprietary rights involved, so I would suggest that one who may want to have Jagat Guru's teachings, they should contact Down to Earth in Honolulu or other of his centers to get his pamphlets, audio and vcrs.


That said, I could not recommend anything more than these materials, other than the unabridged editions of Srila Prabhupada's translations.


hare krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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Does not surprise me, even though it doesn't ring a bell. I do remember a GBC resolution for the late seventies that called for a hands off approach to S. S. and his group. This could have been prompted by that behavior.


I used GK as an extreme example of things out of control in ISKCON while Prabhupada was still on the planet, but apparently it was too controversial for this forum, as it was deleted by the moderator.


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