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Binaural Beat Technology for Altered States ?

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I heard the astronauts are using a binaural beat technology to reduce their need for sleep. They said it quickly creates Theta brainwaves, which cause chemical changes that refresh the brain. Rather than taking 8 hours it can occur in about 30 minutes. I did a search and found this http://www.brain.web-us.com/thescience.htm. Here I found it is also used for creating altered states, deep meditation, and visions, has anyone tried this and does it work ? Is it safe ?

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Wow, this is fantastic news. Now John Q Public can have even longer work hours. I mean there just isn't enough time, and this is a real solution. Why didn't the creator invent enough time for us? Some things you just gotta do yourself.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Originally posted by suza:

I heard the astronauts are using a binaural beat technology to reduce their need for sleep. They said it quickly creates Theta brainwaves, which cause chemical changes that refresh the brain. Rather than taking 8 hours it can occur in about 30 minutes. I did a search and found this http://www.brain.web-us.com/thescience.htm. Here I found it is also used for creating altered states, deep meditation, and visions, has anyone tried this and does it work ? Is it safe ?

I don't claim much. I am a novice. My preliminary effort is convincing. Controlling your mind to calm down your sensual/perceptional activities helps in reducing the need for sleep/rest considerably. Marathon perceptive deprivation (prolonged meditation) results in visions and certain extra sensory percetion. If interested I can detail my experiences.




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  • 3 weeks later...

It does work to some extend in fact. I am using a cd from "hemisync" for better sleep.


yourself the free program "Audiogalaxy Satellite" install and search for "holosync" and "hemisync" mp3 files.Download what applies to you. It only works with earphones. I had great sleep the first time i tried it. I also use it often and it does calm me down a lot.

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