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No Siddhaswarup program this week

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You are doing a great service here.You are really capturing these lectures well in every synopsis that you have offered.Perhaps more importantly I see some kind of bridge being built.That bridge being one of respect and appreciation for the efforts of others outside one's own group.That can only be a good thing.Thanks.


Hare Krsna


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too bad, since I don't have access or my local cable provider does not carry his TV shows. I do have a tape Srila Siddha Swarupananda which consist of four 30 minutes lectures. So its always refreshing to go about Guara's weekly summary.

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I'm glad you guys enjoy the write ups. I try my best to keep it in the same voice as much as possible (ie. I try to keep my own out of it). Basically I just take notes, sometimes it is word for word in short phrases, other times I just paraphrase it. Also, there are a lot of things that are difficult to get across in write ups especially humor, because so much of it depends of facial expressions, intonation etc...

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Originally posted by Bebot:

pretty normal to me, they say its easier to pass a bar or a CPA exam than to program one's VCR machine.



haribol! for the meantime you might want to check out mantra meditation 101, you can visit the articles page there where you can read some of siddhaswarupanada's writings, hope you visit the site soon! www.mantra101.ionichost.com Posted Image

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Thanks for the invitation, I had previously scan the site but would need a whole weekend to be able to browse its full content. It is indeed a good priviledge to be able to read and follow the teachings of great teacher who has my fullest respect. Thanks for the wonderfull job, I know this will give me and a lot more the chance to access Srila Siddha Swarupananda's teachings.

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