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Of course I did say "mumbo-jumbo" as you not so surrepititiously point out. And I mean it. Because I say the meaning is not clear does not mean I discount it. I am simply implying that the antiquated and vague dialogue is not so relevant to Vaisnavas.


And I think too that this scriptural reference to an incarnation is not so relevant if it is vague. We do know the Bible has been interpreted and changed by many over the years.


But since you are attentive and understand this dialogue, tell me more and stop bluffing. There's alot of scriptural text above. All you can say about it is there's a reference to an incarnation? Obviously you can simply things for our understanding. Just be a little more specific. Now how many times will I have to ask?

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Ok, for the sake of consistency. Equate your meanings with specific texts to be authoritative.


Honestly, I didn't have the interest in reading it after I began. I tried. But I found it very esoteric. Actually, it leaves alot of room for interpretatin as the direct meanings are indirect… kind of like Nastradamas's prophecies.


Make your specific case and I will bother to substantiate your meanings. Cut and paste from scripture with your meanings. Make an authoritative presentation.

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I agree with you it is vague that is why I accept it merely as a possibility and I don't accept it as absolute fact. As for specifics I listed a few. The Devil and Satan as a metaphor for the Kali-yuga. That is a possibility since I don't believe there really is a Satan (although what do I know). Karma and being judged by your works sound like similar enough concepts to me. As I said before as well King of Kings and Lord of Lords is a very apt description of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Even if it is merely a reference to Christ didn't Prabhupada accept Christ as a representative of Krishna?

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The logic my dear simple theist, is that I and most of this boards participants have moved way beyond the limited Christian concepts.


People who don't know often think "nobody knows."


And you continue to bluff. Cut and paste with your explanations! Stop bluffing!


I can tell at a glance because I am expert––by your standards––as alot of these members are.

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Well, that's the judgement of a novice who can't even explain what he's explaining. Simply bluff and pride; while criticizing others of the same.


Actually, you are showing everyone how little you do know and understand by how incompetent you are to follow this coversation.


You won't intimidate people here with your 'ol changover tactics. We know our position and your opinion is not going to change it unless you can speak more authoritatively. You're beginning to sound younger and less experienced every moment.

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Ok you win. You are so intelligent and graceful that I am not even worthy to talk to you. It was a great pleasure for such a limited being as myself to talk to someone as unlimited as you and I am very thankful to Krishna for having met you. I am sorry for being so stupid and please forgive me for bothering you.

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The Devil and Satan as a metaphor for the Kali-yuga.



We discussed this once briefly. I was wondering if the personification of kali-yuga, the one who breaks the legs of the cows, might be similar to the Christian Satan. What exactly do we know about this individual from a Vedic perspective? Does he appear in every kali-yuga as a personality? Is there a "Satan" in Vedic theology? Not someone who is the reverse of God, but a extremely powerful personification of evil that leads the world astray?

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It is a waste of time to argue with this person (Jesper) who calls himself ethos. It is a waste of time trying to be humble and polite with him, as has been witnessed on numerous occassions. He will not perceive that you are being humble and polite, just ask leyh or theist. He is not capable of looking within. When he's rude to people, (which is often), he justifies it by saying "see, I'm gruff with everyone." As if that makes it okay. It's a no-win situation. And it is painful to see others who are not familiar with his "prose" attempt to reason with him.


Take it back to ARV, Jesper. Thankyou.

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Don't worry I have learned my lesson on trying to talk to this gentleman who calls himself ethos. I will not put anyone on this board through that ordeal again. My apologies to the board for any pain I have caused anyone.

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Actually, I apologize if I sounded as if I meant that you were causing me some pain. No way. I guess I meant "painful" in the sense that I feel bad for newcomers who are not familiar with this person and who are unfortunately, and subsequently subjected to un-Vaishnava-like behaviour from this rude individual. Please feel free to express yourself here. My only concern is in seeing someone leave, or decide to sit on the sidelines, because of this person. Or worse, to think that he is representative of the qualities of the Vaishnavas. I can honestly say that I am flabbergasted at his behaviour and especially that he would sign each post with a quote from Hridayananda Goswami, as if he represents the Goswami's mood.

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Guest, actually you are incensed with anger and maybe envy. Yes, probably envy.


You––as many other here have done––are now attributing qualities and motives to me I don't have. How childish!


My fault is asking, "Why did you say that?" My lack of social skills compliments the encouragement "explain yourself."


I simply laugh at people like you who go haywire over your own words when echoed back to you.


You become incensed at your own foolishness and attribute that to me. You are a hypocrite to get off topic and name–call just because you're exposed as a cheater. I could do the same to you, but then you'd really have a legitimate complaint.


You indirectly compliment me.


You feel smug and comfortable with the immoral majority. Well, so does the world as it glides toward hell.

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We can all benefit by constantly remembering Lord Caitanya's instruction to be humble:


trnad api sunicena

taror api sahisnuna

amanina manadena

kirtaniyah sada harih


"One should chant the holy name of the Lord in a humble state of mind, thinking oneself lower than the straw in the street; one should be more tolerant than a tree, devoid of all sense of false prestige, and should be ready to offer all respect to others. In such a state of mind one can chant the holy name of the Lord constantly." (Siksastaka, Text 3)

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