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reprint, initial instructions

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Sri Gurudeva is the One, who, on the very

first contact by the

individual sincerely seeking guidance to the

Absolute Truth, tells

all that needs to be done to attain the

highest prefection. For no

apparant reason, such a person appears at a time when the Bhakta is

at the lowest position, in thew darkest hour, in the midst of

calamity. You are hearing from one who has no disciples. I have

stories of calamitous failures and stories of success i lay at the

feet of those who have cared enough about my welfare that they see

fit to give matchless gifts.


Sri Nityananda Prabhu's devout ward, His Divine Grace A.C.

Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, has many disciples, ranging from

bonafide spiritual masters in their own right to those who place

their "Hare Krsna Experiance" in between the Jefferson Airplane and

Disco Mania phases of their lives. The Uttama Adhikari makes no

distinction between these disciples, theirfore the relationship is

the responsibility of disciple. Srila Prabhupada teaches by His

example. He cries wonderful tears as He remembers the disciple's

service performed, always thanking them for helping Him please His

Guru Maharaja. This personification of Sri Siksastakam establishes

guru-tattwa as disciplic in nature.


Srila Prabhupada is not alone on a pedestal, He refuses such

position, and when He teaches, He never says "I demand, I say, My

position is as such." He has never relinquished His qualification as

bonafide disciple of His Guru Maharaja, therefore, always

cries, "Thank you very much for helping us spread this Krsna

Consciousness Movement." The disciple who is helping Guru is guru-

tattwa, this is disciplic succession.


As disciple and Gurudeva establish relationship, the initial request

by the Acarya is serious and never to be given up under any

circumstance. When one develops a little sincerity, Gurudeva (the

unlimited variety) will be sent to help the person and provide what

is necessary to turn the individual from nitya baddha to nitya

siddha. The way a touchstone works, the stone has to touch, and the

initial instruction takes place. This request is not to help build a

house, raise funds for foundation, these later practical instructions

are linked to the first instruction, which is to help the Vaisnava

Acarya serve His Guru Maharaja and give Krsna Consciousness to the

world's needy by first hearing, then chanting and remembering the

Names, Form, Pastimes, and Associates of the Supreme Lord. Tell

everyone about Krsna up to the level that we have understood, give to

others as we have been given.


Subsequent instructions by such a lover and servant of the Supreme

Lord are always linked in relationship to the initial teachings. When

we take it upon ourselves to ask for such further instruction, it is

of tantamount importance that we, too, do so in accordance with an

understanding and rememberance of the first instructions, otherwise,

we risk the danger of not actually having the sincerity needed to

make advancement, thus we may risk the very relationship altogether.

We may go out and totally absorb ourselves in the management issues

or building projects, even the planning and providence of maha-

festivals, yet if we are not taking the medicine the capable

Physician first prescribed, trouble may be ahead.


This is to not justify laziness in regard to Gurudeva's Preaching

Mission, which needs practical hard work to fulfill His promise, (in

other words, "im remembering the Lord, cannot milk the cows today"

does not please Gurudeva, so the Lord we remember thus is an

illusion, anyway.) But this is a caution against jumping the gun and

making promises that cannot be kept. Gurudeva's promise is His life,

and we help Him most to fulfill His promise by honestly complying

with His requests, not picking and choosing which instruction suits

us best.


Gurudeva is found, always, in the ranks of humble disciples, He has

no desire to be an ascended master. This idea is from other schools,

philosophies that depend on the self to provide pleasure, depend on

prestiege to succeed, have no use for the poor and needy, no

tolerance for those who are sceptics, and no abilities to provide the

nectar for which we are all anxious. The bonafide disciples that are

helping Gurudeva spread this movement, attracting candidates for the

matchless gifts to be distributed, these are the successors to Srila

Prabhupada. To help them to be pleasing to Guru Maharaja is the most

pleasing service to the Lord, and such pleasure of Sri Govinda is the

sublime life promised. All glories to the Vaisnavas, the seasoning of

the world.


Srila Prabhupada went through magnificent effort and great service to

not only Sri Govinda, but for the entire Vaisnava Community for ages

to come by publishing His Masterpiece Literature, find Guru-Tattwa

clearly depicted there, see Arjuna fall down in nervous breakdown

with no alternative but surrender to the will of the Supreme Lord,

and, wow, it is getting clear, here is a nice Vaisnava not only

offering me friendship, but giving me matchless gifts of the nectar

for which I have always been anxious.


To the One who, I know, reads here, I offer heartfelt obiesancies.

Your initial instructions are the gifts of life to the dead and

dying. These gifts will be forever before me, and, though I admit

they are still being opened and not yet fully appreciated, such

kindness of a friend of the poor and needy cannot be adequately




Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna, Krsna, Hare Hare,

Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.


ys, mahaksadasa

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