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Looking for Kalki Avtaar

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Well many so called Kalkis to sift thru,can any of the Rosicrucian universal path or osho meditation kalkis show any signs and even more then that can they show some substance from scriptures and that they are not just after money or fame....

I still dont know how it happened I thought i would always stay in Vaishanavism,by from what it seems the ''touch'' of Shri Lahri Krishna has got me,from the Vishroopa darshan and all the many other interesting things Ive found in this message..If you are sincere seeker I would love to chat, otherwise shanthi ane best wishes



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Dear Theist Brother

You are Exactly right,no airline ticket or money

or Church, Temple, or Mosque is needed..God has always been in search of his Devotee from all quarters of the world.. although i am curious airline ticket? lol is that just to people in general or hmm,well either way your right God comes after man.

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airline ticket means plane train bus camel you know external sense perception in general. The Lord is here with us now, this moment.


The real question is not where can I go to find Him but why is it I continue to ignore Him. All this running around to find God is 95% false pretense to fool ourselves and others with 5% genuine urge underlying it all.


Of course that 5% is priceless and Krsna will surely make it grow by His Grace if we avoid offenses.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

Please`visit the web site




Kalki bhagavan has arrived. You can get all the informations on the above website. If you have dis-belief, please`pray to Almighty to guide you and show you the correct path. Please believe me if you pray sincerely, you will be guided to God. There are million means to reach the Almighty God.


The above web site is the most easiest way to reach God. I have had several experiences e.g. Honey flowing from Kalki Bhagavan's Srimurthy, thousands personal experiences and miracles.


Also, if you read out his mission, it is very heart touching. I have seen myself how all the monks have been working for this movement. People are really dedicated and working towards human enlightenment and ultimately to reduce the sufferings of the mankind from its own selfish and self created karma/disasters.


The time has come to work together to help the humanity to go throough the present crises and not get into debates whether God has arrived or not. As Kalki Bhagavn says- " YOu create your own God". "You create your own Enlightenment".


How true is it.


Also one more fact- what is there in Macro is there in Micro. So, look at your situation, your family's situation. I am sure, each one of us is suffering e.g. personal boredom, family related health problems, ego suffereings, relationship problems and the list goes on. You know what is the root cause- the root cause is that some one else is also suffereing in the other part of the world, in our`neighbourhood. Let's not close our eyes.


We`all want to buy a good flat, a good car ..etc. But have we ever thought, where the money come from. It comes from our sufferings for most of the time. Whenever it doesn't result in the evolution of the Universe for the better, it comes from our own sufferings. By following our greed, we suffer ourselves.


See your life, see your world. This world, mother earth, God is no separate from you. They are all the same and one.


You suffer, Because Mother earth is suffering.


If you say that you are not suffering, that is biggest hypocrisy of your mind. Accept that all of us are suffereing then you will get the urgency, then you can pray in a right manner, then you will know who is Kalki Bhagavan.


I have said all this what I have learnt in various Yagna performed by the Monks of Kalki Bhagavan. These are my learnings from all these programmes. These are not the actual words/ statments said either by Kalki Bhagavan or His Monks.


I pray for all of you.


Thanx & Regards,


Yours Friend


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True kalki may not come so soon, but one can see many false kalki's coming and going more frequently. Amidst this fun, there are also false Gods claiming tobe Krishna in human form.


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this is from the above website........


Kalki on being the Kalki Avatar





The Oneness Festival and The World University of Consciousness was founded by The Experience Foundation and The Golden Age Foundation.


The Experience Foundation, headquartered in Sweden with a global network in more than 30 countries, has the purpose of providing an opportunity for great teachers and fine representatives of spiritual traditions to share their wisdom on how to create a global transition.


The Golden Age Foundation is a spiritual institution, born in India and globally known as Kalki Dharma, created with the one objective of helping Humanity to discover and experience the truths of the ancient principles and live in harmony with the Universe.


Kalki, or Sri Kalki Bhagavan, the founder of Golden Age Foundation, is considered to be the Kalki Avatar capable of bringing enlightenment and to introduce the Golden Age.


Here he is commenting on being the Kalki Avatar.




Question: Are you the Kalki Avatar? Sri Kalki Bhagavan: "You must be very clear that I have never claimed to be Kalki". In the beginning when the retreats were at Somamangalam (a place where retreats were conducted in the initial stages of the movement) a lot of people began to have "visions", they began calling me Kalki. The world Kalki is just a "title" given by people to Me. And I have come to accept the "title".



So there we have it a "title" and nothing more.......from visions of untitled people, could be anyone.......


it must state in the bonafide scriptures when an incarnation or any form of the lord appears......so the srimad bhagavatam says the end of kali yuga is when lord kalki appears.......


J.S das






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  • 1 month later...

According to the Indian scriptures the total time for the world is divided into four Ages.



1. Satya-Yug, the age of truth. This is the first Age and is 1,728,000 years long.


2. Treta-Yug. This is the second Age and is 1,296,000 years long.


3. Dwaper-Yug. This is the third Age and is 864,000 years long.


4. Kali-Yug, the age of sins. This is the fourth and last Age and is 432,000 years long.




Generally speaking, people look to the future, for the arrival of an Avatar. But what is the use of an Avatar, if he comes after the world is destroyed, through the injustices of man? The answer to this is provided by the Bhagavat Geeta when it says, "Whenever religion suffers a total disregard and irreligion rules the day, an Avatar is sent. His task is to restore the prestige of the saintly people, crush all evil and re-establish religion."


What needs to be ascertained is, whether the conditions which precede the coming of an Avatar have already existed in the world, in the global sense or not. It is certain that the Final Avatar is due to appear in the Kali-Yug of which more than 5070 years have passed. According to the Bhagabat Purana (12:2:17), the Final Avatar will arrive after some or most part of the Kali-Yug has expired. The general condition will be such that the primary motive of man will be his personal interests.


Secondly, we have to give due consideration to the statement that during the time of the Final Avatar, sword and horse will be used in warfare. We have quoted earlier from the Bhagabat Purana (12:2:19), where it says, "Adorned with eight qualities and riches, riding a swift horse given to him by the Angels, and with a sword in his hand, the saviour of the world will subdue all the miscreants." The present age is not the age of swords and horses. The age of swords and horses is definitely gone. Swords and horses were used about a thousand years ago. The Arabs started the use of gunpowder about 900 years ago.


About the birth date of the Ultimate Sage, it is said that it will be the twelfth, of the bright fortnight, of the month of Madhav. - Kalki Purana (2:25).



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  • 10 months later...

Hindu calculations of time are not to be taken literally, for example they say that Kr,sna died about 3000 bC, in fact it was about 1100 bC, that was the real start of Kaliyuga. Archaeological relics show that as the time of Kuruxetra battle. Also Hindu literature pieces give astronomical numbers for the yugas, in my opinion all 4 yugas are equal in duration, just as the 4 seasons of the year are equal in duration. From history studies it seems that each yuga lasts about 3200 years, a change in history occurs every such period.

Anyway, what we all say are mere theories. Kalki himself will prove the historical truth about himself; he will prove it by his victory. It is certain that a false Kalki, false Christ will appear; none will be able to prevail theoretically; so it is inevitable that they will fight; the victorious one will claim to be Kalki, let us hope he will be indeed!.

As the Turks say: "QAN-LA ALINAN, QALEM-LE VERiLMEZ": what is taken by blood, cannot be given by a pen".

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this is from the above website........


Kalki on being the Kalki Avatar





The Oneness Festival and The World University of Consciousness was founded by The Experience Foundation and The Golden Age Foundation.


The Experience Foundation, headquartered in Sweden with a global network in more than 30 countries, has the purpose of providing an opportunity for great teachers and fine representatives of spiritual traditions to share their wisdom on how to create a global transition.


The Golden Age Foundation is a spiritual institution, born in India and globally known as Kalki Dharma, created with the one objective of helping Humanity to discover and experience the truths of the ancient principles and live in harmony with the Universe.


Kalki, or Sri Kalki Bhagavan, the founder of Golden Age Foundation, is considered to be the Kalki Avatar capable of bringing enlightenment and to introduce the Golden Age.


Here he is commenting on being the Kalki Avatar.




Question: Are you the Kalki Avatar? Sri Kalki Bhagavan: "You must be very clear that I have never claimed to be Kalki". In the beginning when the retreats were at Somamangalam (a place where retreats were conducted in the initial stages of the movement) a lot of people began to have "visions", they began calling me Kalki. The world Kalki is just a "title" given by people to Me. And I have come to accept the "title".



So there we have it a "title" and nothing more.......from visions of untitled people, could be anyone.......


it must state in the bonafide scriptures when an incarnation or any form of the lord appears......so the srimad bhagavatam says the end of kali yuga is when lord kalki appears.......


J.S das


Should I call these people up? I have asked over and over if some of you would 'ask your guru' about some of the defined statements made.


Why is it that attitude has to be my defining characteristic within this forum?

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I dont know about any incarnation .... i dont have any proof to believe..:eek4:.


but still i belive in a god above and "for me" he looks like what we hindu call- "brahma, vishnu and mahesh"..... even i know that he does not have any form... i do not need any proof for this.... i love to be in this illusion...:pray:


:smash: As we have known... lord ram never claimed that he is god and neither of any incarnation of lord vishnu (whether ram, krishna or narashimha) made an ashram for teaching dharma nor did they make any followers....

They came to earth and did their "karma" like common people....

for god..Dharma is not to be taught by words... but by action

If there is a kalki.... then he will not claim him as kalki first .. The real Kalki will first do his "karma" and will make everyone to belive what he really is.... and right now no one has done this special "karma".... so no one can be called kalki.....:smash::pray:

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Actually, as a Gaudiya, I thought we believed that Caitanya Mahaprabhu has come and it is dhanya kali (Dhanya kali yugera caitanya avatar). i.e. NO KALKI AVATAR! From what I understand, Bodhayan maharaja has said that Maya will give one last blow, a heavy one. Power is shifting to the east. China, India, etc. You can already see it happening, see 9.11, Bush, etc. Anyways, there is no worry. After this last heavy blow of Maya, then afterwards there will be the golden age, everyone will partake in Mahaprabhu's mission.


Mahasankirtan ki jaya!


There is a quote in Srila Prabhupada's Cc. that explains how Kalki does not manifest in the same Kali Yuga when Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu does. When I find the particular purport I will post it. I am ina cyber cafe in Pahar Ganga and don't have unlimitedtime to research it. I will check for the reference when I have sufficient time and get back to you all.

your servant,

puru das, das anudas

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Cc. Madhya lila Chapter 6 TEXT 99


kali-yuge lilavatara na kare bhagavan

ataeva 'tri-yuga' kari' kahi tara nama


kali-yuge--in this Age of Kali; lila-avatara--a pastime incarnation; na--not; kare--does; bhagavan--the Supreme Personality of Godhead; ataeva--therefore; tri-yuga--of the name Triyuga (manifested in three yugas); kari'--accepting; kahi--I say; tara nama--His holy name.


"In this Age of Kali there is no lila-avatara of the Supreme Personality of Godhead; therefore He is known as Triyuga. That is one of His holy names."


A lila-avatara is an incarnation of the Lord who performs a variety of activities without making any special endeavor. He always has one pastime after another, all full of transcendental pleasure, and these pastimes are fully controlled by the Supreme Person. The Supreme Person is totally independent of all others in these pastimes. While teaching Sanatana Gosvami (Cc. Madhya 20.296-298), Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu pointed out that one cannot count the number of lila-avataras:

lilavatara krsnera na yaya ganana

pradhana kariya kahi dig-darasana

"However," the Lord told Sanatana, "I shall explain the chief lila-avataras."

matsya, kurma, raghunatha, nrsimha, vamana

varahadi----lekha yanra na yaya ganana

Thus the Lord's incarnations were enumerated, including Matsya, the fish incarnation; Kurma, the tortoise; Lord Ramacandra; Nrsimhadeva; Vamanadeva; and Varaha, the boar incarnation. Thus there are innumerable lila-avataras, and all of these exhibit wonderful pastimes. Lord Varaha, the boar incarnation, lifted the entire planet earth from the depths of the Garbhodaka Ocean. The tortoise incarnation, Lord Kurma, became a pivot for the emulsification of the whole sea, and Lord Nrsimhadeva appeared as half-man, half-lion. These are some of the wonderful and uncommon features of lila-avataras.

In his book Laghu-bhagavatamrta, Srila Rupa Gosvami has enumerated the following twenty-five lila-avataras: Catuh-sana, Narada, Varaha, Matsya, Yajna, Nara-Narayana, Kapila, Dattatreya, Hayasirsa (Hayagriva), Hamsa, Prsnigarbha, Rsabha, Prthu, Nrsimha, Kurma, Dhanvantari, Mohini, Vamana, Parasurama, Raghavendra, Vyasa, Balarama, Krsna, Buddha and Kalki.

Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is not mentioned as a lila-avatara because He is an incarnation in disguise (channa-avatara). In this Age of Kali there are no lila-avataras, but there is an incarnation of the Lord manifested in the body of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. This has been explained in Srimad-Bhagavatam.


Srila B.V. NarayanaMaharaja gave a lecture explaining the same point. When I find that reference I will also post it.


Also, Jadurani dasi wrote an article which is posted on my website, The

Bhaktivedanta Memorial library found on the "contemporary disciples page"

The title of the short article is:

<CENTER>No Kalki Avatar in this Kali Yuga


</CENTER><CENTER>by Srimati Jadurani devi dasi [syamarani didi]


</CENTER>on the contemporary disciples' page. I can't post the url since I haven't posted 15 times under a newly registrated name, so I will cut and paste it for you all to examine.

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<CENTER>No Kalki Avatar in this Kali Yuga


</CENTER><CENTER>by Srimati Jadurani devi dasi [syamarani didi]


</CENTER>I first met Srila Narayana Maharaj about seven years ago, at the Rupa Sanatana Gaudiya Math, his temple near Seva Kunja in Vrndavan. Since that time I'd always strongly felt Srila Prabhupada's presence when ever I met Srila Maharaja. His answers to any of my questions seemed as brilliant and astounding as those of Srila Prabhupada, and everything he said gave me new insight into Srila Prabhupada's books. After several meetings with him, therefore, I was so overwhelmed that I asked him, "Can I understand that when you tell me something, that it is Srila Prabhupada telling me through you?" With a soft smile he answered, "if you have got that faith." And daily my faith became stronger and stronger.


One thing he said, however, I couldn't reconcile. Srila Maharaja mentioned a few times that in this age of Kali, Kalki avatar doesn't come. Maharaja would quote Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur, who had said that "because Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu came in this particular Kali Yuga, this Kali Yuga is called Dhanya Kali, blessed Kali." Although in other Kali Yugas Kalki does come, in this one He doesn't. On one hand I had no doubts in Srila Maharaj, but on the other hand I still could not reconcile the apparent difference in Srila Prabhupada's statement. For years I had been hearing the cassette tape of Srila Prabhupada singing "Sri Dasavatar-Stotram" by Sri Jayadeva Goswami, " Kesava! dhrta-Kalki-sarira jaya jadadisa hare." Then, in his purport to the song, Srila Prabhupada had explained that at the end of Kali Yuga there will be no preaching because people will be too degraded and sinful to understand Krsna Conscious philosophy. So Kalki comes, not to preach, but to kill all the sinners and usher in the next Satya Yuga. In a humble way I told this to Srila Maharaj and he answered, "Not in this Kali Yuga. He won't come. But if he comes, no harm; he will be raising his arms and chanting 'Hari Bol! Hari Bol!' in Mahaprabhu's sankirtan movement."

So I let it go. I had faith in both Srila Prabhupada and Srila Maharaja. Diksa Guru and Siksa Guru are one. Srila Prabhupada is both my diksa and siksa guru and Srila Maharaja is my siksa guru. I knew that when Srila Prabhupada wanted to, he would show me how to reconcile the apparent contradiction. Later, in studying one of our Gaudiya Vaisnava songs, Ke Jabi Ke Jabi Bhai, by Srila Locan dasa Thakura, I read, "dhanya kali-yugera caitanya-avatar," that is, Sri Caitanya-Avatara is the good fortune (dhanya) of this Kali Yuga (He does not come in every Kali Yuga. He comes as the Yuga Avatara of Kali Yuga only once in a day of Lord Brahma, that is, once every 2,000 Kali Yugas.) This convinced me, but still, I had a desire to hear more from Srila Prabhupada himself, since according to my memory, I'd previously heard the opposite from him.

Then, about two months ago, on a casual reading of Caitanya Caritamrta, I found it in Madhya Lila chapter six, in the discussions between Sarvabauma Battacarya and Gopinatha Acarya. Srila Prabhupada was quoting Gopinatha Acharya, "in this age of Kali there is no lila avatar of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Therefore He is triyuga.

That is one of His holy names." In the purport, Kalki is mentioned as the last of the twenty-five Lila Avatars. At the end of the purport, Prabhupada wrote: "Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is not mentioned as a lila avatar because he is an incarnation in disguise (channa avatar). In this age of Kali there are no lila avatars, but there is an incarnation of the Lord manifested in the body of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. This has been explained in Srimad Bhagavatam."

At this point I turned to Srimad Bhagavatam, first canto chapter three. There Prabhupada had written that Kalki will come after 427,000 years. Did that mean Srila Prabhupada contradicted himself?. No, of course not. Everything is reconciled. Kalki (and all other incarnations) come in the body of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. This is confirmed in Caitanya Caritamrta (Adi Lila 4.5-16). These verses explain how, just as all incarnations come in Krsna's body when he descends, so Lord Caitanya, is also Krsna Himself, and the same applies to Him "When the complete Supreme Personality of Godhead descends, all other incarnations meet together within Him."

There were many other instances where I could understand by Srila Narayana Maharaja's association that I had so little understanding of Srila Prabhupada.

Srila Maharaja has been giving me a deeper understanding. He is always showing me the glory of Srila Prabhupada, that he is coming in the line Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur, Srila Locan dasa Thakur, Sri Krsna das Kaviraja, Srila Rupa Goswami, and ultimately Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who came to give what no other incarnation or acharya gave for a long time--since the last time Lord Caitanya came--in the previous day of Brahma. Even with Srila Prabhupada's words in front of me for the last thirty-two years, being a conditioned soul, I can not understand him fully. Of course, "it takes one to know one." Only a Maha-bhagavata can understand the mood and siddhanta of another Maha-bhagavata. And only he can help the conditioned souls understand.

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[There were about 200 devotees from Australia and other parts of the world gathered in Cessnok, Australia to observe Sri Nityananda Prabhu's Appearance Day celebration. Srila Narayana Maharaja also came to the temple because of the festival, otherwise he usually spent his mornings dictating his translation and commentary of Srila Rupa Gosvami's Sri Ujjvala Nilamani.]

[Devotees sing the bhajana, 'Nitai Guna Mani Amara']

[srila Narayana Maharaja:] What is the meaning of abaddha karuna-sindhu nitai katiya muhan?

[Premananda dasa:] Nityananda Prabhu has broken open the storehouse of love of God and He's freely distributing it everywhere.

[srila Narayana Maharaja:] Very good.

[sripad Asrama Maharaja:] The ocean of mercy was closed, and Lord Nityananda broke it open and made a channel by which this love and mercy could be distributed.

[srila Narayana Maharaja:] How?

[sripad Asrama Maharaja:] He went from house to house.

[srila Narayana Maharaja:] What is the meaning of ghare ghare bule prema?

[sripad Asrama Maharaja:] Door to door.

[srila Narayana Maharaja:] Who went door to door?

[sripad Asrama Maharaja:] Lord Nityananda.

[srila Narayana Maharaja:] The meaning is hidden. Prema (love) was going door to door, like a flood.

[sripad Madhava Maharaja:] Abaddha karuna-sindhu katiya muhan ghare ghare bule prema-amiyar ban. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu brought krsna-prema from Goloka Vrndavana, but there was a dam in the river of that love and the water was blocked. If a dam is somehow or other broken, water will come very forcefully and flood everywhere. Similarly, being causelessly merciful, Nityananda Prabhu broke the dam which was blocking the water. The water of prema then came very quickly, like a flood. During a flood, water will move here and there. There will be no need of making a canal or channel to take water here and there, for it will overflow automatically. Similarly, prema was now moving, here, there and everywhere, like amiyar ban, a flood of nectar


[srila Narayana Maharaja:] Nityananda Prabhu broke the blockage, and the ocean of love was then free to come to this world, everywhere, door to door What is that prema? Sacinandana Gaurahari is Himself unnatojjvala prema, and He brought unnatojjvala rasam sva-bhakti-sriyam (service to Srimati Radhika as Her maidservant). Nityananda Prabhu is the embodiment of Caitanya Mahaprabhu's complete mercy. Guru is the condensed mercy of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and Nityananada Prabhu is the complete and undivided guru-tattva. That mercy was somehow blocked, but He requested Caitanya Mahaprabhu to give His love and affection to everyone. We see this now, everywhere in this universe, and because of this, there will be no Kalki Avatara in this Kali-yuga



<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=Title align=middle>The Appearance Day Of Sri Nityananda Prabhu</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>


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Cessnock, Australia Feb. 25, 2002

Tridandisvami Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja

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Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Srimad Bhagavatam 2.7.37


deva-dvisham nigama-vartmani nishthitanam


purbhir mayena vihitabhir adrisya-turbhih


lokan ghnatam mati-vimoham atipralobham


vesham vidhaya bahu bhashyata aupadharmyam




deva-dvisham -- of those who were envious of the devotees of the Lord; nigama -- the Vedas; vartmani -- on the path of; nishthitanam -- of the well situated; purbhih -- by rockets; mayena -- made by the great scientist Maya; vihitabhih -- made by; adrisya-turbhih -- unseen in the sky; lokan -- the different planets; ghnatam -- of the killers; mati-vimoham -- bewilderment of the mind; atipralobham -- very attractive; vesham -- dress; vidhaya -- having done so; bahu bhashyate -- will talk very much; aupadharmyam -- subreligious principles.




When the atheists, after being well versed in the Vedic scientific knowledge, annihilate inhabitants of different planets, flying unseen in the sky on well-built rockets prepared by the great scientist Maya, the Lord will bewilder their minds by dressing Himself attractively as Buddha and will preach on subreligious principles.




This incarnation of Lord Buddha is not the same Buddha incarnation we have in the present history of mankind. According to Srila Jiva Gosvami, the Buddha incarnation mentioned in this verse appeared in a different Kali age. In the duration of life of one Manu there are more than seventy-two Kali-yugas, and in one of them the particular type of Buddha mentioned here would appear. Lord Buddha incarnates at a time when the people are most materialistic and preaches common-sense religious principles. Such ahimsa is not a religious principle itself, but it is an important quality for persons who are actually religious. It is a common-sense religion because one is advised to do no harm to any other animal or living being because such harmful actions are equally harmful to he who does the harm. But before learning these principles of nonviolence one has to learn two other principles, namely to be humble and to be prideless. Unless one is humble and prideless, one cannot be harmless and nonviolent. And after being nonviolent one has to learn tolerance and simplicity of living. One must offer respects to the great religious preachers and spiritual leaders and also train the senses for controlled action, learning to be unattached to family and home, and enacting devotional service to the Lord, etc. At the ultimate stage one has to accept the Lord and become His devotee; otherwise there is no religion. In religious principles there must be God in the center; otherwise simple moral instructions are merely subreligious principles, generally known as upadharma, or nearness to religious principles.

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so kalki doesn't come in a yuga cycle if chaitanya mahaprabhu comes in it.


That is correct. And Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu comes once every day of Brahma, after Svayam Bhagavana Sri Krsna manifests his lila in vrndavana, mathura and dvaraka. Srila Prabhupada explains when Sri Krsna manifests in the purport to Bg. Ch 4.7


". . . the Lord appears on schedule, namely at the end of the Dvapara-yuga of the twenty-eighth millennium of the eighth Manu in one day of Brahma."


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so kalki doesn't come in a yuga cycle if chaitanya mahaprabhu comes in it.


And we can understand that the the kali yuga that Srila Prabhupada refers to in this next purport, is not necessarily the one we are in. Some people like to quote this purport in an effort to contradict any idea that kalki does not appear when Mahaprabhu does. One devotee I know was so thrown by the apparant contradiction that he could not keep faith with his siksa guru and had lots of confusion as a result. As Buddha appears differently in different kali yugas, as explained in the purport posted by guest. Kalki may come in any kali yuga or not,as He desires.




jato rucer ajanayat suyaman suyajna

akuti-sunur amaran atha daksinayam

loka-trayasya mahatim aharad yad artim

svayambhuvena manuna harir ity anuktah


jatah--was born; ruceh--of the wife of Prajapati; ajanayat--gave birth; suyaman--headed by Suyama; suyajnah--Suyajna; akuti-sunuh--of the son of Akuti; amaran--the demigods; atha--thus; daksinayam--unto the wife of the name Daksina; loka--the planetary systems; trayasya--of the three; mahatim--very great; aharat--diminished; yat--all those; artim--distresses; svayambhuvena--by the Manu named Svayambhuva; manuna--by the father of mankind; harih--Hari; iti--thus; anuktah--named.


The Prajapati first begot Suyajna, in the womb of his wife Akuti, and then Suyajna begot demigods, headed by Suyama, in the womb of his wife Daksina. Suyajna, as the Indradeva, diminished very great miseries in the three planetary systems [upper, lower and intermediate], and because he so diminished the miseries of the universe, he was later called Hari by the great father of mankind, namely Svayambhuva Manu.


In order to guard against the invention of unauthorized incarnations of God by the fanciful, less intelligent persons, the name of the father of the bona fide incarnation is also mentioned in the authorized revealed scriptures. No one, therefore, can be accepted as an incarnation of the Lord if his father's name, as well as the name of the village or place in which he appears, is not mentioned by the authorized scriptures. In the Bhagavata Purana the name of the Kalki incarnation, which is to take place in almost four hundred thousand years, is mentioned along with the name of His father and the name of the village in which He will appear. A sane man, therefore, does not accept any cheap edition of an incarnation without reference to the authorized scriptures.

SB 2.7.2


I found another reference with a google search, but am not sure which canto it is from. Nevertheless:




dvaipayano bhagavan aprabodhad

buddhas tu pasanda-gana-pramadat

kalkih kaleh kala-malat prapatu



dvaipayanah--Srila Vyasadeva, the giver of all Vedic knowledge; bhagavan--the most powerful incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead; aprabodhat--from ignorance of the sastra; buddhah tu--also Lord Buddha; pasanda-gana--of atheists creating disillusionment for innocent persons; pramadat--from the madness; kalkih--Lord Kalki, the incarnation of Kesava; kaleh--of this Kali-yuga; kala-malat--from the darkness of the age; prapatu--may He protect; dharma-avanaya--for the protection of religious principles; uru--very great; krta-avatarah--who took an incarnation.


May the Personality of Godhead in His incarnation as Vyasadeva protect me from all kinds of ignorance resulting from the absence of Vedic knowledge. May Lord Buddhadeva protect me from activities opposed to Vedic principles and from laziness that causes one to madly forget the Vedic principles of knowledge and ritualistic action. May Kalkideva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who appeared as an incarnation to protect religious principles, protect me from the dirt of the age of Kali.


This verse mentions various incarnations of the Supreme Personality of Godhead who appear for various purposes. Srila Vyasadeva, Mahamuni, compiled the Vedic literature for the benefit of all human society. If one wants to be protected from the reactions of ignorance even in this age of Kali, one may consult the books left by Srila Vyasadeva, Upanisads, Vedanta-sutra (Brahma-sutra), Mahabharata, Srimad-Bhagavatam Maha-purana (Vyasadeva's commentary on the Brahma-sutra) and the other seventeen Puranas. Only by the mercy of Srila Vyasadeva do we have so many volumes of transcendental knowledge to save us from the clutches of ignorance.

As described by Srila Jayadeva Gosvami in his Dasavatara-stotra, Lord Buddha apparently decried the Vedic knowledge:

nindasi yajna-vidher ahaha sruti-jatam


kesava dhrta-buddha-sarira jaya jagad-isa hare

The mission of Lord Buddha was to save people from the abominable activity of animal killing and to save the poor animals from being unnecessarily killed. When pasandis were cheating by killing animals on the plea of sacrificing them in Vedic yajnas, the Lord said, "If the Vedic injunctions allow animal killing, I do not accept the Vedic principles." Thus he actually saved people who acted according to Vedic principles. One should therefore surrender to Lord Buddha so that he can help one avoid misusing the injunctions of the Vedas.

The Kalki avatara is the fierce incarnation who vanquishes the class of the atheists born in this age of Kali. Now, in the beginning of Kali-yuga, many irreligious principles are in effect, and as Kali-yuga advances, many pseudo religious principles will certainly be introduced, and people will forget the real religious principles enunciated by Lord Krsna before the beginning of Kali-yuga, namely principles of surrender unto the lotus feet of the Lord. Unfortunately, because of Kali-yuga, foolish people do not surrender to the lotus feet of Krsna. Even most people who claim to belong to the Vedic system of religion are actually opposed to the Vedic principles. Every day they manufacture a new type of dharma on the plea that whatever one manufactures is also a path of liberation. Atheistic men generally say, yata mata tata patha. According to this view, there are hundreds and thousands of different opinions in human society, and each opinion is a valid religious principle. This philosophy of rascals has killed the religious principles mentioned in the Vedas, and such philosophies will become increasingly influential as Kali-yuga progresses. In the last stage of Kali-yuga, Kalkideva, the fierce incarnation of Kesava, will descend to kill all the atheists and will save only the devotees of the Lord.

SB 8.19

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