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Sraddha very much is not steady in itself. Gyanavan mam prapadyante - gyany worships me. Sraddha it is essence, but without gyana it is sentiments. If not to apply spiritual knowledge in the life, all will occur very slowly. For example such advice Krisna - " do not become attached to material designations " much important, than all these "bhava" and "prema". The people have left from ISKCON, but all their problems and have remained not decided(solved).


If Prabhupada writes that the soul falls, she means falls, in the other case it is other philosophy. It " the soul is born in the material world ", what for it is necessary? The God develops souls? "mama maya duratyaya" - is a prison, it not school on "development" of soul and not the house for birth. The souls punish themselves, receiving own actions back. Who is guilty, we and are guilty. The soul is eternal, is constant, is indivisible. She IS CONSTANT - does not vary NEVER, is eternal - NEVER. The soul not birth, as well as God not birth, the same quality, it also is sat - eternity, but not mayavada eternity, it is real eternity. The form of soul is constant, she does not develop, she is simply latent now. The form already is, she should not be developed, she is simply forgotten.


We are not engaged with own realization, we serve also help another, it is the ticket back, so all is arranged. If it is necessary, the God gives all realization. As she(it) is given by(with) the God, there is no difference what to preach mathurya or not mathurya. If the people do not understand initial things, what for to preach that is higher? If for example preach about soul, it darsan with Krisna. Speak about soul, but the relation go deep with Krisna. Here not all from mathurya, therefore there is no sense to preach by all mathurya. If person in Krisna lila in sakhya, he does not become mathurya.


The books Prabhupada for mature devotee, it is real Supreme Brahman without materialism and other set of the inhabitants of the material world. Materialist the mind requires a variety, but the spiritual life develops by other principles. It is the books not for neophits, neophits do not find in them of any taste, it is the books for mature devotee.


The books also are written for this purpose what to stop a deceit or self-deception, the books and are refuge. In kali yuga the God comes in the form of a sacred name and the sacred name owes receive from pure devotee, therefore it is all faultlessly. Anyone who wants can try begin above Prabhupada, can try it to make, it is similar to stop a wind by hands.


If the spiritual teacher speaks to follow sadhana, we follow sadhana and we do not do(make) business on kripa and so on. There is enough of the christians already - God is mercy, the God is that the God it, God love, " I feel sraddha, I am happy ", " I AM HAPPY In THIS RELIGION! IT IS RELIGION LIGHT TRUE And LIFE , because I Has received experience here, I have received sraddha, therefore all is true, any invention now true". Therefore sraddha without gyana sentiments.


May work in religion with realization and without realization, on all will of the God. Very ridiculously, that many can appear in paradise in an environment apsara. Posted ImagePosted Image If we are too adhered to personal happiness, in paradise it and conducts. It is a lot of happiness, it is a lot of love, it is a lot of freedom, friendship and brotherhood, good house, the good wife, good children, good health and sincere sraddha in the God, whether is our dream?


Gopi have received darsan Lord Rama, then were born in Krisna lila, they saw Krisna each day, but were cleared only after rasa dance. They have occupied such situation because were great wise men and part gopi of the daughter demigods. Simply lust it Kubja, is other category.


That such lust, lust this MINE. "I am" a pride, and "MINE" is lust. Love this happiness Krisna, not my happiness, is pure fidelity. It is difficult for simulating.


Bhagavad Gita is urgent - " work out of feeling of the debt, endow on business fruits ". If who worked so that would not be of this roundabout - I is adhered to image, I am adhered to feelings, if my feelings are happy is spiritually, if the feelings are not happy, it not spiritually. Real brahman is constant and is active. This active samadhi that, as describes BG.


" Is not present krisna katha " Posted ImagePosted Image there is a lot of krisna katha, morning, day and evening krisna katha. Everyone devotee is connected with Krisna in a different degree, still up to KC everyone was connected, it that eternally.

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