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Prophetic visions of the future

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Prophetic visions of the future

As revealed by the near-death experience


Many people have been given visions of the future during an near-death experience. Generally, these visions foretell a future of catastrophic natural disasters and social upheaval followed by a new era of peace and enlightenment. Some of these visions have actually already come to pass. Some of them did not happen as foretold. Many of these apocalyptic visions are to happen within the next few decades. Remarkably, these visions agree with prophecies of the Bible, Edgar Cayce, Nostradamus, and the Virgin Mary visitations of Fatima, Garabandal, and Medjugorje.

near-death experiencers are given visions of the future to inspire us to prevent these visions from actually happening. For example, Howard Storm was told if humanity changes for the better, the future he was shown will change. Dannion Brinkley was told, "If you follow what you have been taught and keep living the same way you have lived the last thirty years, all of this will surely be upon you. If you change, you can avoid the coming war." Dannion was also told the future is not cast in stone. He was told, "The flow of human events can be changed, but first people have to know what they are." The being of light told Dannion humans are great, powerful, and mighty spiritual beings. In George Ritchie’s near-death experience, Jesus told him it is left to humanity which direction they shall choose. A "Lady of Light" told Ned Doughtery in his near-death experience, "If people turn more to spirituality and less to materiality, these changes need not happen." Ricky Randolph was told, "You must return and help others to change by changing your life!" near-death experience researcher Margot Grey had one particular near-death experiencer tell her these catastrophic earth changes are a reflection of all the social upheaval and violence happening all over the world at the moment.


These near-death experience visions of the future show how predestination and free will coexist. They show we choose our own destiny. An near-death experiencer told Margot Grey, "During my experience ... I was also shown events that are likely to happen in the near future, but was made to understand that nothing is absolutely fixed and that everything depends on how we choose to use our own free will, that even those events that are already predestined can be changed or modified by a change in our own way of relating to them." (Grey, 1985, p. 123)


A successful prophecy is one that changes enough people to sufficiently prevent the prophecy from actually happening. An example of how prophecy is used to change the future comes from Karen Schaeffer. During her near-death experience, she was shown her children’s future as it would be without her if she decided to stay in the light and not return. Because she decided to return, the future she was shown did not happen. Apparently, the reason for showing her the future was to convince her to return and change it. One can easily conclude all prophecies are given for the purposes of changing the future.


With this in mind, the following are visions of the future as revealed to near-death experiencers.


Howard Storm


There will be no nuclear war because God loves the world and will not permit humans to destroy it. At most, one or two nuclear bombs may explode, but there will be no nuclear war. God permits war in order to get people to come to their senses and stop it. The only way to change the world is by one person at a time. But unless people change for the better, a massive worldwide economic depression will occur. This will lead to a world with almost no technology at all. Within the next two hundred years a new era of peace, love and harmony will rule the world. Communication will be telepathic. Travel will be instantaneous. The climate will be controlled through prayer. Knowledge will be received through prayer. People will have better insight into God and life after death. Raising children will be the highest priority. Children will be the most precious commodity on earth.


Dannion Brinkley


Of all the visions Dannion received, most have already come to pass. These include the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Persian Gulf war. In the future, great environmental destruction will lead to the establishment of an environmental religion. The world economy will collapse. War will occur between China and Russia. People will be required to have a computer chip implanted in their bodies containing an individual's personal information. People who refuse to have this chip implanted will be considered outcasts. If humanity changes for the better, a horrible world war will be averted. Natural disasters will cause famines and starvation.


George Ritchie


Natural disasters, such as hurricanes, floods, earthquakes and volcanoes, will increase. Governments will fall. Armies will march into the U.S. from the south. Explosions of tremendous magnitude will occur all over the world. Eventually, the world will become more peaceful. The natural disasters will end and a greater spirituality will come to humanity.


Ned Dougherty


A major terrorist attack in New York City or Washington D.C. will severely impact the way people live in the US. This was fulfilled on 9/11/01. Terrorist activities and wars will occur first in the Middle East, then in Italy (the Vatican and Rome). Catastrophic natural disasters will happen in the West. A shift of the earth's axis will result in massive earthquakes and tidal waves. The collapse of the U.S. economy and government will occur. The danger of global war will come from China. The conversion of China to God is necessary to prevent global war. If people turn more to spirituality and less to materiality, these disasters need not happen.


Ricky Randolph


Terrible destruction from wars and natural disasters will occur. A volcano in the U.S. will explode covering many cities with darkness. The U.S. government will collapse. People will have to kill for food and water. A giant explosion in the earth's atmosphere will destroy much land. Eventually, humanity will become more peaceful.


David Oakford


Humans have fallen away from living in balance with nature. Great damage will be inflicted on the earth before this "harmonic balance" is finally restored.


Mellen-Thomas Benedict


The clearing of the rain forest in South America will slow down. The earth is in the process of domesticating itself. Gardening and ecological reserves will become more important. Science will one day validate the existence of a spirit realm, even God. God is expanding into the human consciousness. A shift in the human consciousness will cause changes in politics, money and energy. Immortality will be achieved. Knowledge of life and death will increase.


Angie Fenimore


Humanity is in the final moments before Jesus Christ returns to this earth. The earth is being prepared for this event. The war between the forces of light and the forces of darkness are growing so intense on earth, humanity is in danger of being consumed by the forces of darkness.


Cassandra Musgrave


From 1992 to 2012, great natural disasters will happen such as earthquakes, floods, tidal waves, and weather changes. Earthquakes will strike the eastern coast of the U.S. Japan will slip into the ocean. There will be three days of darkness from the explosion of volcanoes. Ultimately, these natural disasters will stop. Humanity will always have the light.


Elaine Durham


Great destruction around the Pacific Rim will occur because of earthquakes. Icebergs will break up, move into warmer waters and melt causing the sea level to rise. This will alter the shape of the coastline. America will not be completely destroyed.


Jessica Carde


Earthquakes will occur around the Pacific Rim. A one world government will rise up. Concentration camps will be created. Plagues and germ warfare will happen. These horrors will not last and an era of peace and joy will follow.


Reinee Pasarow


The world will experience tremendous upheaval. Great suffering will occur because humans are breaking the laws of the universe. Like a man arrogantly defying the law of gravity, humanity will experience great suffering as a result breaking these laws. Humanity is being consumed by the "cancers of arrogance, materialism, racism, chauvinism, and separatist thinking." A cleansing of the earth will result for the purpose of education. Humanity will become "born anew." It will be a painful process, but humanity will emerge humbled, educated, peaceful and unified.


Edgar Cayce


A number of his visions of the future have already come to pass including the beginning and end of World War II, the fall of Communism, and the "rebirth" of Russia. Humanity is rapidly approaching a "day of reckoning." Cayce saw the second coming of Christ occurring in 1998 perhaps through reincarnation. This will be followed by a number of unimaginable natural catastrophes. These catastrophes will cleanse the world in order to bring a new era of peace and enlightenment lasting a thousand years. A shift of the earth’s axis will cause tidal waves and drastic changes to the coastline of the U.S. The polar ice caps will continue to melt causing much of England and Japan to slip into the ocean. Northern Europe will flood very rapidly. New land masses will appear off the eastern coast of the U.S., the so-called "rising of Atlantis." Widespread destruction in the cities of Los Angeles and San Francisco will occur. The destruction of Manhattan and disappearance of New York City will also happen. Volcanic eruptions will occur in tropical regions especially the Pacific Rim. Weather patterns will change greatly. A great part of the western U.S. will be submerged in the ocean.


Dr. Kenneth Ring's research


Ring researched many near-death experiences that foretell great earth changes such as earthquakes, volcanoes, a pole shift, strange weather patterns, droughts, famines, tidal waves and a new social order followed by a "Golden Age." Dr. Ring states, "There is, first of all, a sense of having total knowledge, but specifically one is aware of seeing the entirety of the earth’s evolution and history, from the beginning to the end of time. The future scenario, however, is usually of short duration, seldom extending much beyond the beginning of the twenty-first century. The individual reports that ... there will be an increasing incidence of earthquakes, volcanic activity and generally massive geophysical changes. There will be resultant disturbances in weather patterns and food supplies. The world economic system will collapse, and the possibility of nuclear war of accident is very great (respondents are not agreed on whether a nuclear catastrophe will occur). All of these events are transitional rather than ultimate, however, and they will be followed by a new era in human history, marked by human brotherhood, universal love and world peace. Though many will die, the earth will live." (Ring, 1982, pp 55-56)


Here are some of the principal features that together comprise the typical prophetic vision.


Earthquakes and Volcanoes


"There are going to be a lot of upheavals such as earthquakes and volcanoes occurring in the next few years, which are going to get increasingly worse. I was given to understand that these activities are a reflection of all the social upheaval and violence that is going on all over the world at the moment." (Grey, 1985, p. 125)


"The seismic activity is going to increase terribly and the United States is going to start suffering some great seismic problems." (Ring, 1984, p. 199)


"Among the many volcanic eruptions that are going to occur, I saw the one that just occurred in Hawaii. As I saw the pictures on the television, it was really quite uncanny, as I had already seen it taking place during the vision I had seen at the time of my near-death experience." (Gray, 1985, p. 125)


Geographic changes


"The poles are going to shift. I saw the earth stretching and groaning while giving birth to a new consciousness. I saw that every so often in the history of the world this happens and is inevitable in order for the earth to bring forth a new state of evolution." (Grey, 1985, p. 126)


"There may be a pole shift ... there are going to be polar changes ... it’s not going to kill all the races off, but we’re going to have to start again from square one ... There’s going to be a larger land mass." (Ring, 1984, p. 200)


Meteorological changes


"There are going to be very severe droughts in many countries. Others are going to suffer from freak storms that will cause tidal waves or flooding to happen as a result of unnaturally heavy rainfalls ... All in all, the weather is going to be very unpredictable from now on, in fact these disturbances in the weather patterns have already started." (Grey, 1985, p. 127)


"Oh, my God, that’s going to be terrible. The weather is going to go crazy. We’re just as likely to have snow in the middle of the summer nowadays as one hundred degree weather ... I see droughts in other countries." (Ring, 1984, p. 201)


Food shortages


"There are going to be serious food shortages around the world due to droughts in many places. This will push the price of food up so that many people will have to start going without things that they have always taken for granted." (Grey, 1985, p. 127)


"We’ll start getting more droughts, which will bring about shortages in crops and the shortage in crops will cause food prices to rise, which will cause a strain on the economic situation, which is already going downhill. Also at the same time ... because of the shortage of food and the failing economy, I see a strengthening of arms which causes tension ... These kinds of hostilities and (increasing) inflation start more hostilities." (Ring, 1984, p 201)


A New Social Order


"After the darkest hour had passed away, during which time all the former things of this world had disintegrated and decayed, I saw a new consciousness emerging and humanity evolving in a new form. Thereafter I beheld a Golden Age in which people would live in love and harmony with each other and all of nature." (Grey, 1985, p. 133)


"At the end of this general period of transition, humanity was to be "born anew", with a new sense of his place in the universe. The birth process, however, as in all the kingdoms, was exquisitely painful. Mankind would emerge humbled yet educated, peaceful, and, at last, unified." (Ring, 1984, p. 198)



"Love is most nearly itself when here and now cease to matter." - T.S. Eliot



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I accept only the prophets that denounce any ideas of "entering into the collective unconscious" to receive their information. This is the most bogus and dangerous of ideas, and smaks of playing around with stuff that will destroy one's spiritual quest. One cannot deny unique personal individuality at the same time engage in the process that awakens dormant understanding of swarupa.


Prophecy is easy in the field of mathmatic possibility, but this is not seeing into the future, it is just synchronicity of random numbers. I do this all the time, and my success surpasses GMS, EC, the big N, only the hopis are better. My recorded predictions are simple. First, economies collapse, closely followed by ecological cataclysm, which brings about world wide anarchy and war without purpose.


Sound familiar, or should I be more specific. Okay, try this. No rescue by aliens, only adventure against Iraq that backfires and causes the nuclear detonation against Israel, North Korea will let one fly as well, what do they have to lose.


A date??? Dont go into large cities on 9-11-02, but that goes without saying. Times cannot be predicted with any accuracy, even Jesus doesnt do this. Mathmatic prognostication can give ballpark figures. If one should enter the "collective unconscious" (which would reveal only unconscious data unretrievable by unconscious observers) for dates, this is ludicrous, because TIME is determined only by the surface of the planet. Time does not exist in any other sphere, especially our earthly calendar systems.


So, the future holds the same for everyone, death. What to do?? Chant Hare Krsna, the same solution that Prabhupada gives when asked specifically what to do about the inevitability of thermo-nuclear detonation. Death comes to all biological forms, but the self could care less about the phenomenon. To hook up with the real self is the solution to all problems, which number only one, ghastly fear. Death dont hurt half as bad as the constant fear of death.


I predict that you all will have a day, but I cant say about tonioght.

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Cayce became famous for his readings on medicine. Apparently they were amazingly accurate.


Later on he gave several readings on philosophy, religion, the Great Pyramid and the Sphynx. He generated a lot of excitement by dating the Sphynx and the GP to 10,000 BC and stating they were built by Atlanteans just before Atlantis was destroyed. So much, the Edgar Cayce foundation sponsored a carbon-dating program for the GP and unfortunately came up with nothing new.


But his predictions on history seem to be have been incorrect. He predicted that there was a "hall of records" under the Sphynx which contained the history of the world [or something like that] ,which would be discovered by the end of the twentieth century. Nothing has been discovered till date. Many of his other predictions also did not come to pass.


In any event, for those who are interested in pre-history and Atlantis, Cayce makes interesting reading.





[This message has been edited by shvu (edited 07-18-2002).]

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the acharyas and saintly persons have always reminded us the mood of this age "kali-yuga", which is tainted with quarrel, chaos, and confusion, alongside with the occurence of natural and man made catastrophies, i guess predicting the exact time and place of such event happening offers little value since we already anticipate that these things are bound to happen, the important thing to think about is how prepared are we when these events happen. Our main focus of activity should be geared towards the improvement of our spiritual life, the recommended activity to achieve the perfection of this life for this age has been revealed by Lord Chaitanya and the acharyas, which is the hearing and chanting of the holy names, its up to us to act on it and share this with others! Nitai Gauranga haribol!

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I have no problem with prophecy so long as if the prophecy does not come true then all money made from scaring people must be returned. Like the whole Y2K thing. I remember seeing a book called something like Y2K: Is it too late? and it on the cover it had the earth engulfed in flames, the world was over. Fine. Sell your book for $9.95, but if the year 2000 comes and goes and the planet is not engulfed in flames and all of humanity is destroyed, then I say we get our money back. Seems like a fair deal to me Posted Image

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Originally posted by bhaktajoy:

Geographic changes

"The poles are going to shift. I saw the earth stretching and groaning while giving birth to a new consciousness. I saw that every so often in the history of the world this happens and is inevitable in order for the earth to bring forth a new state of evolution." (Grey, 1985, p. 126)


"There may be a pole shift ... there are going to be polar changes ... it’s not going to kill all the races off, but we’re going to have to start again from square one ... There’s going to be a larger land mass." (Ring, 1984, p. 200)




Seems to be referring to Planet X in 2003








[This message has been edited by dna (edited 07-29-2002).]

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