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Monotheism vs Polytheism: Islam vs Hinduism

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Dear Govindaram,


I am a student of religions, and I have quite a good knowledge of the three monotheistic religions, but, unfortunately, I don't know anything about Hinduism. I am very interested in the role of Mohammed according to Hinduism. Do Abraham, Moses and Jesus also play a role in the evolution of Humanity? Would you please elaborate.


Thank-you very much.

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In Hinduism, There is neither Mohammed, Moses or anything else.


However, there are great philosophers such as Vedavyasa, Tyagaraja, Vasistha etc. who after much thought and contemplation about life in general claimed that they found the truth.


So, they compiled one book called Veda... However, this book was very very difficult to understand for the next generation after them. So, Sage Vedavyasa, divided this book into 4 vedas.


The word Veda itself means knowledge, the 4 vedas talk about mathematics, sciences, Medicine, Music and also the Philosophy of life.


The philosophy of life is the final chapter in the Vedas, so it is called Vedanta.


Anta= end

Veda= Knowledge.


Vedanta means, "The end of knowledge."


It also has another meaning which is "The truth" because In hindu philosphy, the end point(where the knowledge leads you) is to the truth.


These 4 books were really hard to understand also... because of the decreasing intelligence of the world... So, it has been said that the truth itself took birth as Krishna and has given the people "bhagavath Gita" or the "song of the lord".


In the "song of the lord", Krishna explains the truth. It is actually a psycological class given to his favorite friend and devotee, "Arjuna".


"Arjuna" was basically a warrior who was in a war for the good of his people. He was trying to protect his land and his people from Duryodhana (an oppressive leader) who took it from Arjuna's brother "Yuddishtir".


It basically talks about the truth through intelligent evaluation of one's duty and gives hope, thats all.


These guys however, make it a religious thing...


Anyway, the point is I am a fan of krishna after reading Bhagavath Gita .


In my view , he does make sense and he does talk about knowledge that makes sense logically.


But thats just my view, and this was just an intro to "Hinduism".


If you wish to ask more questions please... make this another thread.




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In response to : Islam is a Hate Manifest, where the author claims that Abraham is demonic or satanic:


It is true that the three monotheistic religions are rather radical in their affirmation that there is only one G-d.


Please allow me to explain this attitude to you. At the time of Abraham, each clan or family had its own god, that protected the clan. Every time there was a dispute or war between clans, each member of the clans involved would pray their own self-serving god for their own clan to win the dispute or the war. Every clan worshipped a god that was on its side.


Abraham, called the Just, believed that there was a God more powerful than all the other gods, who was capable to intervene more powerfully in favour of justice, regardless of the clan one would belong to. The G-d of Abraham does not take sides, but acts for the best solution for all the parties involved in order to create a win-win situation and to stabilize society. The G-d of Abraham acts in favour of the community, of the majority and imposes self-control to each individual, instead of allowing them to act for their own welfare, disregarding the welfare of the community. Abraham believed that the best for the whole community is also the best for each one of its members, and he believed in balancing the interests of each individual and the intersts of the group.


Abraham was enlightened and understood that everybody should worship a God that intervenes in favour of all the members of the community, as opposed to taking sides in favour of particular clans. Abraham believed in one G-d that would find the best solution for all, and capable to balance the interests of all the parties involved.


This is why he imposed the worship of only one G-d and he forbid everybody to worship their own private self-serving god. In monotheistic religions, worshiping other gods, for one's own welfare, instead of worshiping the G-d that protects all the community, is viewed as egoistical and demonical.


Now, the doctrines of Judaism and Christianism are not intolerant towards other beliefs. Judaism does not seek to convert foreigners to its beliefs; on the contrary, when someone wants to become a Jew (conversion requires at least two years of study), he must prove to the Jewish community that he is sincere and that he understands and accepts the Jewish rules and standards of respect. However, Judaism prones 'separation' in order to maintain spiritual and moral purity of its members.


Christians are, according to their doctrine, obliged to bring unto others the Good News (the Birth of Christ) but their doctrine forbids the use of violence, aggression or coercion (unfortunately, these fundamental rules of Christianism have somehow been significantly overlooked). Christianism, which is a reacting branch of Judaism, prones unconditional love to all creatures, as opposed to separation, and this should include religious tolerance.


As to Moslems, it is clear that the Quran does oblige the Muslims to convert, with the use of violence when necessary, all the peoples who are not the People of the Book (Jews and Christians) and to persecute and even anihilate polytheistic people. All those who fight and die to convert poytheists to monotheism are rewarded with Paradise.


In this Era of equality and respect, this poses a problem. It does pose a problem for Christians and Jews, because the Muslim do not seem to recognize them as the Peoplo of the Book, for political reasons. It also seems to pose a problem to Hindus, who they consider polytheistic. There is no doubt that there is some degree of hatred involved, hatred towards those who worship multiple gods. They assume that all polytheists worship self-serving gods and are demonical in consequence.


Doubtless, there is a significant need of dialog between the leaders of all religions, before a massacre occurs.


May G-d help us all!

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Just open your eyes and see what some religions have achieved and how other religious maintain aggression, abuse of power, exploitation, violence. It is undeniable that Judeo-Christian beliefs have succeeded in creating more evolved and more civilized societies.




I'm sure this is meant as a joke. I mean, in America where they butcher millions of innocent animals per day and feed their cooked/baked/fried carcasses to their children, I would be laughing uncontrollably if anyone here presumed to be more civilized than me or the culture of my ancestors.


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"It is undeniable that Judeo-Christian beliefs have succeeded in creating more evolved and more civilized societies."




Dude, The Judeo-Christian beliefs have not created more evolved and more civilized societies. The civilized society that gives importance to life has been created in Europe by the Age of Enlightenment.


The People in that era were sick of the tortures that were caused due to the "Judeo-Christian believers"...


I put "Judeo-Christian believers" in quotations because they are not really Judeo-Christian believers... but used to think that they are.


They were not intelligent enough to understand the very basics of their own religion. Why do I say this? because it is true and this could be seen after a little intelligent speculation.


To abide by a book is ok, if it is done with some intelligence. I have seen many cases where people do not abide by "the book" and thus hurt not only themselves but also others in the process.

My intention was not just to mock the quote from you above, but also explain that the so-called civilized society that is seen today is not done due to the Judeo-Christian beliefs but through intelligent thinking on the part of people who could think against the society at that time.


In my view, the civilized society tries to conserve and protect the good and morality in all. A civilized society would understand that the reason for its growth and success not just lies in its efforts but also lies in the very nature it is in.


If the society would understand that, then it would not only protect itself, but also protect the nature and its environment, and in my view this is not happening today.


The society that we live in today (mainly the west and the middle east) has been abusing its environment and other species that it depends on.



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Dear All,


just bump into this site,kinda funny how u guys try to come up with theory on Islam and Hindu. I admit I saw some facts there...


Its normal for an Hindu to hate Islam as this was develop when we brought up our parents and the people around thought us not to fall for Islam as they eat cow,they don't believe in god that we believe in and they can marry up to 4 wives .. I bet u guys can name more than this...


this is my 2cents to all the hindus,if you can find the answer for this let me know (im a Hindu as well) I spent most of the years studying religion hindu,islam and Christianity and a little bit of buddaism,raelism, and other idolatry religion as well



as to date I have put down all the material I had collected on Hinduism as what I find its not as its is... clearly Hindu is a man made religion(look at this point of time maybe u guys were thinking im and .) try to touch your innersole ask this question..


Do god appear as what they appear in the photos that been framed up?

Do god look just like the stones that u faced down and pray?

There is a fact that god is one in Hindu which of is the one if I take it to B'gitai it will relate to Krishna, if I go to M'barata it will relate to Sivam...

Do Hindu have provide you what to eat? what to wear? what to talk ? what is good ? what is bad? B'gittai nor M'barata does not provide an answer how a man should live and reach the god ion details as Quran..


Im not on a saying Hindu is bad and Islam is good but just a fact..

Go to temple look on how the god been prayed.. what are the offering, milk,flowers,ghee,gold etc this are merely man made items been offered as a gratitude nor just as a plain devotes.. look at the mosques nothing more nothing less than a Quran and 4 piece of wall absolute nothing (at this point of time you can argue with me Hindu does not ask the devotees to offer milk. yes! its not, but why are Hindus priest shower the idols with milk ,ghee,kum kum,santhanam ? god does not ask us to shower with those above.)


this are the simple task that makes u think beyond what u yourself made into..if you look back u just following what your accentor were doing ... did u got it right? or did u got it wrong ? u never know cos u just follow those before you..


Its there a path that u know in Hinduism can take you to god? even if u said u know will you friend know that is the way or do other people Hindu know what u know ... why don't you take this challenge take 5 different people and ask them this question

1- Who is your god ?

2- How do you pray your god and what is the prayer to said ?

3- When you should pray your god?


If you can all this 5 Hindus can come up to the same answer, pls do let me know.. so that ill know that im wrong .. I list down only 3 question which is a common question that u asked yourself when you want to know what's god.. I haven't touched how the life u should lived im mean.. basically Hinduism had failed to brought this to one streamline.. ask a yogi one yogi will give u a differ terminology and duffer method on his or her believe in Hinduism


Pick a Muslim any part of the world he or she will gave the same answer to all that no matter where you go..


clearly Islam has won here..


Just a note to all the Muslim..


when I saw Islam in the face of the believers I got scared cos what I see its just discriminations and hatred to other religion and believe .. The all Mighty have not stop me then and there He shown me they way to find him he took me further to see beyond what,why,when,whom he made .


I understand now, do not go far to search for god its within you what u believe, you morale value, your kindness/love to others that's count..do not condemn on the non-believers as this will only spark and create tension .. Do what the prophet have just be nice to them the is no need to condemn on the religion instead just show the beauty of the Islam to them that how spread the religion .



If you followed Quran u can never be wrong..


I would like to write further but I got to go.. before I go I would like to apologies if I had caused andy stir or provoked any angers...


if you have question ,or you think that im wrong I welcome u comment at nmohan1977@

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"this is my 2cents to all the hindus,if you can find the answer for this let me know (im a Hindu as well) I spent most of the years studying religion hindu,islam and Christianity and a little bit of buddaism,raelism, and other idolatry religion as well"



"Do god appear as what they appear in the photos that been framed up?

Do god look just like the stones that u faced down and pray?

There is a fact that god is one in Hindu which of is the one if I take it to B'gitai it will relate to Krishna, if I go to M'barata it will relate to Sivam...

Do Hindu have provide you what to eat? what to wear? what to talk ? what is good ? what is bad? B'gittai nor M'barata does not provide an answer how a man should live and reach the god ion details as Quran.."


This is very funny my friend. Before you say Mahabharatha and bhagavath Gita do not tell you how to live peacefully, first read.


The rest of this whole post is completely idiotic.


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Dear All,


just bump into this site,kinda funny how u guys try to come up with theory on Islam and Hindu. I admit I saw some facts there...


Its normal for an Hindu to hate Islam as this was develop when we brought up our parents and the people around thought us not to fall for Islam as they eat cow,they don't believe in god that we believe in and they can marry up to 4 wives .. I bet u guys can name more than this...


this is my 2cents to all the hindus,if you can find the answer for this let me know (im a Hindu as well) I spent most of the years studying religion hindu,islam and Christianity and a little bit of buddaism,raelism, and other idolatry religion as well





I would like to write further but I got to go.. before I go I would like to apologies if I had caused andy stir or provoked any angers...


if you have question ,or you think that im wrong I welcome u comment at nmohan1977@



I guess this guy is a muslim masquerading as a hindu OR maybe he is a poor soul lacking some intelligence.

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This has always been a problem with you'll on this programe. You could not convince me even after I quoted from your books, Now when your own people ask you questions , you race away by writing that they are idiotic questions or maybe he is both Muslim and a Hindu. In fact I was right in quoting that you'll have been taken for a ride. Sorry but that is the way it looks like.





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In my view, one who needs convincing is some one who is trying to be convinced.


Even though your logic may be different, this is my logic and I see no point in convincing you.


The truth remains the same whether we agree or disagree in this forum. Ultimately it does not matter.


The discussions here do not matter.

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Dear SS,

Thanks for coming back again. Look, it is not befitting on your part to say that hindus have being taken for a ride. Many of us have given replies to your queries thinking that you are a genuine inquisitive guy, but later we found that you have no other motive except to bash the scriptures. To quote something from a scripture, you must deserve something. In your case, without having knowledge in Sanskrit, you pose yourself to be a master in all the scriptures and glean some verses from some anti-hindu sites. Have you ever tried spending some time to atleast read one whole chapter from Bhagavat Gita? No. You just spend a couple of minutes gathering those misinterpreted verses and try to pose yourself as a great learned guy having read the entire scriptures. Before first quoting the verses you should first judge the person who translated the verses. We don't believe in translation from every Tom, Dick and Harry. Our knowledge comes in a disciplic succession and hence we believe in translations by those from authentic vedic lineage. And remember without deserving, you cannot understand knowledge which is transcendental. Better take the fact you are not intelligent enough to understand transcendental literature. Or thank the God that you were given a primer according to your limited intelligence and try to develop tolerance. Religion is something which mixes people not that which separates people. God gives people different paths according to their intelligence. Considering this, try to develop tolerance, otherwise you will be responsible for your acts & all the impending consequences that await you.


PS: A fully served leaf will not flicker like half or empty leaf. (In traditional India, some people used to eat on banana leaf & a leaf on which all the items are present is always calm unlike half-filled leafs which always flicker). The moral is without getting the entire knowledge, people will never stop agitating.



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"Many of us have given replies to your queries thinking that you are a genuine inquisitive guy, but later we found that you have no other motive except to bash the scriptures."


Sorry my intention was never to bash the scriture I was just asking answers to the verses written in the scriptures

eg: "na tasya pratima asti

"There is no image of Him."

[Yajurveda 32:3]5


"shudhama poapvidham"

"He is bodyless and pure."

[Yajurveda 40:8]6


Give me a plain translation in Enlish which would say that

"na tasya pratima asti" means there is image of him and that would put a questions whether the translations are right or wrong.

Simple answers to simple questions and what meaning do you draw from the above verses.






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Theory of Relativity Says NO Inertial Reference Frame is True (So is a religion...I mean every one is true in his own reference frame)NO UNIVERSAL TRUTH EXISTS


Stability exists between atoms when they are either neutral or bonded into a molecule (SO is human bonding)


Religion is a like white stick in the hands of a blind man...When you actually SEE things you would not need a white stick.

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The verses you have quoted are refering to the impersonal brahman conception of God. In that conception, there is no image of him and he is bodyless and pure. The Vedas later on start to explain Gods Personal aspect as having form.


Simple Explanation.

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"The verses you have quoted are refering to the impersonal brahman conception of God. In that conception, there is no image of him and he is bodyless and pure."


Is the brahman concept of GOD different from the present hindu concept of GOD. If it is where did the new concept come from and why does not a present day hindu believe in the Brahaman concept.


Further pls quote "Gods Personal aspect as having form" from the vedas.





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"Is the brahman concept of GOD different from the present hindu concept of GOD. If it is where did the new concept come from and why does not a present day hindu believe in the Brahaman concept."


By these above statements it is clear that you are completely ignorant to the Hindu religion. So, I will explain this from the basics of this religion.



Dear SS, In hindu philosophy, the creation is non different from the creator. In other words, if the creation is like a wave, then the creator is like the water.


The creation exists in the creator and dissolves in the creator.


The creator's energy or brahma jyoti that exists to create this universe is "brahman" .


Brahman is the impersonal form of God, where the God has no form and is in the form of an energy.


Then again God does have form, because out of this universe and in the brahmajyoti the supreme personality of the Godhead enjoys various sports with his energies.


Like a child playing with her dolls, the creator "plays" with his energies outside of this universe for his enjoyment.


For that purpose he has a body. He has a form and his form is superior to his formless state.


The hindu impersonalists try to be one with "brahman" or this formless state because they are sick of the suffering of this material world.


The Vaishnavas/Shivites/Shakteyas etc of the hindu philosophy worship the God in various forms according to their liking.



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Could you please give the source of the verses you gathered and their exact reference? I mean, could you give the website that gives all the vedic verses and especially the verses you quoted which I can find among all the other verses. Remember, the reference should be exact & not vague and most of the times the verses indeed don't even exist and people start debating about these non-existing verses. Also, it would be foolish to believe in the translations composed by people who are not from authentic sampradayas. Take your time to point the verses here. I hope you got what I mean. You obviously don't believe when I just say "your scripture insists on killing people" unless you get the exact reference and the context in which it is quoted.

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>Also, it would be foolish to believe in the translations composed by people who are not from authentic sampradayas


Yes it would. Fortunately, I am quoting from an authorised Sampradaya whom Srila Prabhupada mercifully brought the message of love of God all over the world.


>Further pls quote "Gods Personal aspect as having form" from the vedas.


Vedanta-Sutra (1.1.4)

tat tu samanvayat

'The ultimate goal is the Supreme Personality of Godhead'


Therefore the personal form of the Lord is superior to the impersonal form as stated in the above verse, which is why most Hindus worship the personal form.


Its not a new concept, you seem to think it is.


The fact is that Shankaracharya preached impersonal brahman conception of god, but Madhavacharya refuted that philosophy and so did Ramunajacharya.


>why does not a present day hindu believe in the Brahaman concept.


Rubbish. Hindus do believe in the Brahman concept. They just know that it is inferior.


Bhagavad Gita (15.17)

Besides these two, there is the greatest living personality, the Supreme Soul, the imperishable Lord himself, who has entered the 3 worlds and is maintaining them


Katha Upanisad (2.2.13) & Svetasvatara Upanisad (6.13)

'nityo nityanam cetanas cetananam'

It is clearly stated here that above the innumerable living entities, some of whom are conditioned and some of whom are liberated, there is the supreme personality of Godhead.


Bhagavad Gita (15.19)

Whoever knows me as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, without doubting, is the knower of everything. He therefore engages himself in full devotional service to Me.


Bhagavad Gita (15.20)

This is the most confidential part of the Vedic scriptures, O sinless one, and it is disclosed now by me. Whoever understands this will become wise, and his endeavors will know perfection.

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"Rubbish. Hindus do believe in the Brahman concept. They just know that it is inferior."


How can godly concepts be inferior and who decides that.

I would not agree with the fact if you tell some saint or group of saints did that as they are humans like you and me capable of making mistakes.

Muslim concept are laid by the Prophet and no saint or a person of highest religious recognition can change the fundamental concepts of beliefs which is the Brahman concept of God being bodyless and pure.

I think that makes logical sense.

And if you say you believe the Brahman concept why the idols in the mandirs?????






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Mr. SS


God is 'Omnipotent', 'Omnipresent'


You do agree on that don't you?.


Now let me ask you a question. You say God has no form, YET! u have said 'He will forgive my sins', he is bodyless and pure etc.

Now my question to you is, IF god has no form, how the hell do you know that God is a 'HE'?!?!?!?


AS far as my understanding goes, when we say 'He' or 'She', we are talkin about a paticular gender... now to be called either a he or she, one MUST have a form or an appearence, and the appropriate male and female sex organs.


Now HOW can you possibly say God has no form he is formless, and yet call God a 'He', you should really call him an 'It', cause from what you are saying, God is nothing but some sort of an energy like Electricity or Heat.


Now here comes the real question, if God is 'Omnipotent'... why o why o why o why o why cannot he take a form?!.


God has created this whole cosmic universe, and he can't even take a form?!... that's like saying I can ride a bicylce but I can't ride a trycylce.... care to explain to me please?


Why the hell did he create beings with a form and appearence?!... makes sense doens't it?


I mean what good is someone who's meant to be the creator, maintainer and destroyer of this universe gonna do good to me, if he cannot even take a form, a simple thing like that he cannot do, and he's supposed to give me salvation?, I think not!


IF islam is the true religion, why isn't every1 muslim?!, why don't god himself come down instead of sending all these prophets???, is he stage frieght or something?.


Why are you allowed to eat meat?!, Ive asked this to a muslim and he goes, cause they are there to be eaten, and I wanted to laugh at his face, but manage not too.


What sort of religion allows to kill and eat the creation of god?1... if lambs, chicken etc are there to be eaten, then why don't we let the lions and tigers eat us?... why such double standards?!


If you can't respect and treat God's creation, what to speak of achieving him!.


I've heard Islam is meant to mean 'peace'... but I don't see peace anywhere.


The truth is, you lot argue about such useless topics regarding the appearence of God, and completely ignore the real spirituality. You lot give way too much importance on appearence, just by having beards, wearing a hat and praying 5 times a day, and then argueing with fellow man about 'Oh I'm right' you lot are all wrong, isn't and I mean ISN'T gonna make you come any close to God. It's the inside, that counts, pure unconditional love towards God, someone who see's every living entity the same, children of the supreme


But people like you will never achieve god, cause you are very ignorant, you waste your time argeuing over who's right and wrong and completly miss the essence of true religion.


Please open your eyes!, if you were serious about religion, you wouldn't be here trying to argue with others.


And you haven't changed anyones opinion here, what you have really done, is you have just strenghten peoples beliefs and the teaching of sanatan dharma.




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Mr Sashi , u have drifted away from the topic.

I quoted verses from your books about the appearance of GOD.

Pls refer the previous statements.

Why are then idols in the mandirs. A simple question needing a simple answer?


"na tasya pratima asti

"There is no image of Him."

[Yajurveda 32:3]5


"shudhama poapvidham"

"He is bodyless and pure."

[Yajurveda 40:8]6


Here your GOD tells you there is no image of him. What authority allows any hindu to give him a form. Why do you fight GOD's statment.

Further in arabic this is the reason that he is called Allah which means the Supreme. No genders and that is the reason I have used the word GOD , pls note.






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seeing these verses in the context of all vedas, puranas and itihasas it is very easy to give these interpretations:


"There is no MATERIAL image of Him."


""He is WITHOUT MATERIAL BODY and pure."


how can you have more features then the SUPREME(allah)... you have image and HE does not... you have a body and HE does not?


how can it be possible and logic?

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Dear SS,

You have safely ignored the previous query. I asked you to give the reference of the above verses as those verses were not found (in full) in any of the websites regarding Vedas. A simple google search yields only third rated muslim websites, but I asked you to give the reference wherein I can find these verses among all other authentic vedic verses. It seems you haven't found any. So, just keep quiet till you find the verses or try to learn in a humble mood. Remember Half-Knowledge is very dangerous and it'll lead you nowhere. Iam reposting that message again here:




Could you please give the source of the verses you gathered and their exact reference? I mean, could you give the website that gives all the vedic verses and especially the verses you quoted which I can find among all the other verses. Remember, the reference should be exact & not vague and most of the times the verses indeed don't even exist and people start debating about these non-existing verses. Also, it would be foolish to believe in the translations composed by people who are not from authentic sampradayas. Take your time to point the verses here. I hope you got what I mean. You obviously don't believe when I just say "your scripture insists on killing people" unless you get the exact reference and the context in which it is quoted.



So, stop your stupid stance "Iam quoting from your own scripture..."... as if you've mastered the entire vedas. If you continue with this stance, your mind will never get convinced.

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