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Holistic health and well being

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Total Quality Health is a positive state of well being and vitality and not merely an absence of pain or disease. It enables an individual to be full of energy, spontaneous and brimming with joy and enthusiasm.


Control over thoughts, feelings and actions are necessary to prevent excessive discharge of energy. Mind Control helps to direct thoughts precisely, powerfully and with definiteness of purpose.


Mind Control is achieved through a synthesis of Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga and Kundalini Yoga.


The Lord in his incarnation as Dhanvantari has given the knowledge to cure disease in Ayur-veda. Therefore He is known as bhavaushadi.


Always surrender to the Lord to receive the right knowledge.

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Interior Design Tip of the Day - Monday August 19, 2002

What do you look for when choosing chairs for your table? Whether it is a kitchen or dining room situation, there are several points to consider. The first thing is style and the second is comfort. Consider all members in the family when looking at the back of the chairs, and height and comfort of the seat. Next, consider the materials of the chair and how easy it is to clean. Also note the detail for the same reason. And finally, if the seat is padded, can it be cleaned or be removed to clean? Regardless of your choices, quality is the most important factor in selection. Bon PrasAdam Apetit!

Natural Health Tip of the Day - Monday August 19, 2002

**Why Everything Affects Our Health

According to Maharishi Ayur-Veda, the world's most complete system of natural health, everything we experience has a varying effect on the balance of our principles of vata, governing movement; pitta, governing metabolism; and kapha, governing structure. These three principles are just expressions of three deeper categories in Maharishi Ayur-Veda; those of rishi -- the knower, or your inner self; devata -- the process of knowing, or your senses; and chhandas - the known, what you experience in life. So everything in our lives has an intimate connection with us -- and knowing this helps us to create balanced health.

Natural treatment for Hepatitis C shows great promise!

According to reports by users, colloidal silver is giving great relief from this terrible disease. Here is a web page with some of those testimonials. Click here for more details.

EMAZING Quote of the Day

Law means good order. - Aristotle

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