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Survival Kits (info for survival)

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yes, prasada and lots of it. Today we went to a chinese vegetarian restaurant and was really good. So bad that nothing is left.


Japa beads, Krsna Book...can we add CC? Love Chaitanya Lila.


Jayaradhe don't feel alone. You're in our prayers and thoughts. Take it easy, sis, remember that the Lord in your heart knows what you need and he'll provide what you need and preserve what you posses.

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Thanks Atma, when I read that last night I was speechless. If we can't turn to the devotees for consolation who then do we turn to? Personally I would rather it be the devotees. And I would rather believe that the devotees, being personalists, would know how to nurture at such moments.


Krsna never lets me fully enter that dark night of the soul, guess it's a case of Krsna never giving you more than you can take, though sometimes it feels like it. He sure is a real edge-pusher. But Reality the Beautiful can not be escaped. I thought I would try to forget about Him but He is just so out there, how can I? It's not possible. He is under my skin and I can't shake Him off. I can't wind back the pages to previous forgetfulness and try to assimilate myself into this emphemeral place we so often try to convince ourselves is home. Never did feel comfortable here anyway, so it would be very hard to fool myself that way.


Well when Krsna pushed this fool to the edge and I looked out over the vastness, I saw Him smiling at me, with so much love that I knew He was not judging me, as I was so harshly doing for myself. He knows it is so hard for one who has been so envious, for so long, to pull oneself up by the bootstraps. He knows it is in fact impossible. Superhuman. Beyond the capabilities of a puny being such as myself. So He is not expecting much from me. Just like a good parent does not project their own wishes onto their children. All they want is love, and for their children to be happy. Krsna just wants our sincerity, our humility, and He wants us to become lowly beggars for His association. That's all. Srila Prabhupada and others in our Vaisnava line are showing us how to become such beggars.


Yes, let's bring CC too! Of course! and can I bring Nectar of Devotion? We could leave out the microwave?


yes, Jayaradhe

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