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Ayurveda Ch. 6

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Ayurveda VI

NirAma vAtA dacchaM ca, zvetaM cApi prajAyate |

Due to aggravated vAta in its nirAma condition, person’s urine becomes transparent & white.

AjA mUtra vigandhAD yaM, gandhAD yaM khara mUtravat ||34||

AjIrNa prabhava roge, mUtraM taNDula toyavat |

In diseases caused by indigestion, patient’s urine looks like taNDula toya (rice wash).

It may have foul or excessive smell like goat or donkey urine.

Yasyexu rasa saNkAzaM, mUtraM netre ‘tha pinjare ||35|

“rasAdhikaM vijAnIyAt, laNghanaM tatra kArayet |

If urine appears as sugarcane juice & eyes are piNjara net-like/reddish, then diagnosis is rasa-dhAtu increase. For such patients, laNGhana (fasting) should be administered.

[nava] jvare dhUma-varNaM, bahu-mUtra” prajAyate ||36||

During nava-jvare (1st fever stage) urine is smoky & profuse.



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Ayurveda Ch 6 – Now that You’re in Town UrineTown is a big Broadway hit…

PittAnile dhUmra jalAbha koSNaM, zvetaM marut zleSmaNi budbudADh yaM |

Tat zleSma pitte kaluSaM saraktaM, jIrNajvare ‘sRk sadRzaM ca pItam |

If pitta & vAyu are aggravated, then urine looks like smoky water & its slightly warm to touch.

If vAyu & kapha are aggravated, then urine is whitish & will have more bubbles.

If kapha & pitta are aggravated, then urine is kaluSa (cloudy) & reddish.

In chronic fever, urine looks like blood & yellowish.

KRSNamacchaM vijAnIyAt, sannipAta samudbhavam ||37||

If urine is black & transparent, then diagnosis should be that patient is

suffering from sannipAt (all 3 doSas’ simultaneous vitiation).


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CapItulo Quatro – O Conhecimento Transcendental

A Personalidade de Deus, O Senhor ZrI KRSNa, disse:

1) Ensinei esta imperecivel ciEncia da yoga ao deus do Sol, VivasvAn,

e VivasvAn ensinou-a a Manu, o pai da humanidade, Manu, por sua vez, ensinou-a a IxvAku.

2) Esta ciEncia suprema foi entAo recebida atravEs da corrente de sucessAo discipular,

e os reis santos compreenderam-na dessa maneira. PorEm, com o passar do tempo,

a sucessAo foi interrompida, e portanto a sciEncia como ela E parece ter-se perdido.

3) Esta antiquIssima ciEncia da relaCAo com o Supremo E falada hoje a ti por Mim

porque Es Meu devoto bem como Meu amigo e podes portanto entender o mistErio

transcendental que hA nesta ciEncia.

4) Arjuna disse:

O deus do Sol, VivasvAn, nasceu antes de Ti. Como poderei entender que, no comeCo,

Ensinaste-lhe esta ciEncia?

5) A Personalidade de Deus disse:

Tu e Eu jA passamos por muitos e muitos nascimentos. Posso lembrar-Me de todos eles,

mas tu nAo podes, O subjugador do inimigo!

6) Embora Eu seja nAo nascido e Meu corpo transcendental jamais se deteriore,

e embora Eu seja o Senhor de todas as entidades vivas, mesmo assim,

em cada milEnio Eu apareCo sob Minha trascendental transcendental forma original.

7) Sempre e onde quer que haja um declinio na prAtica religiosa, O descendente de Bharata,

e um aumento predominante da irreligiAo --- neste momento Eu prOprio desCo.

= = = = = =


GranthAntarAt = According to Another Text

KRSNa mUtram adhaH pItam, AmavAta kaphodbhavam |

If urine is black but with yellow at bottom,

then patient suffers from AmavAta (rheumatism) & kapha vitiation.

PItaM raktaM saphenaM ca, nirAma jvara sambhavam ||38||

If urine is yellow or red and if foamy, then patient suffers jvara’s nirAma stage.



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chatriNI vAri-sadRzaM, saha-phenaM zirogadAt |

If patient suffers from head disease, urine appears like umbrella water & it's associated with foam.

cirAt pravartate yasya, ruxaM pItaM sitaM tathA ||39||

xamatA laxaNaM taddhi,, pathyA devopazAmyati |

If urine occurs after long time;

if urine is unctuous yellow & white;

this indicates disease's mild nature.

It gets cured by pathya (wholesome diet) only.

vAta raktodbhavaM kRSNaM, budbudaiH pinjara-prabhaiH ||40||

If patient suffers from vAtarakta (gout):

1) his urine will be black

2) there will be bubbles

3) there will be pinjara (net-like substance) in urine.

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6.41 azva-mUtra samaM mUtraM, bhaven maNDala kuSThataH |

If person suffers from maNDala kuSTha (obstinate skin disease), his urine will resemble horse urine.

Urdhva vAtAdadhaH zvetaM, nIlaM snigdhaM tathopari ||41||

If patient suffers from Urdhava vAta (upper body air aggravation), then urine’s lower portion

will be white, its upper portion will be blue & unctuous.

6.42 GopurAt = according to Gopura

adhas takra prabhaM taila, varNaM copari lohitaM |

raktAtisAriNAM mUtraM, chardy ardita nRNAM tathA ||42||

If person suffers from raktAtisAra (blood diarrhoea) or chardi (vomiting) or facial paralysis, then lower portion bears either buttermilk or oil appearance; upper portion appears red.

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I just noticed how this thread began with a sneeze:

"acU" pronounced 'achoo' as in AcyutAnanda. His father's way.

Mother Nature's way of readjusting our life airs.

sAlasyaM zvAna mUtrAbhaM, haridrAbhaM tathaiva ca ||43||

kAmalA laxaNaM viddhi, pathyAdevopazamyati |/\

If urine color is yellow or as dog urine, if there's laziness, these r signs of kAmalA - jaundice, & patient recovers by pathya - wholesome diet.


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mAMsa xAlana pAnIya,, tUlyam bhavati codarAt |

If patient has udara (obstinate abdominal diseases including ascites), then urine is as mAMsa-xAlana (meat-wash).

kRcch-mUtram adhaH pItam, AmavAta kaphod-bhavam ||48||

If patient passes urine with difficulty & if its lower portion is yellow, then he has AmavAta (rheumatism) & kapha vitiation.

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UrdhvaM zvetam adhaH pItaM, mUtraM syAt pAda rogataH |

pAnIya varNam upari,, pIta budbuda saMyuktam |

hasta pAda samudbhUta, dAha doSopazAntaye ||49||

Leg disease patient's urine is white above, yellow below.

If urine looks like water below, yellow above + bubbles,

then patient has dAha-doSa (burning syndrome) of hands & feet.

Such disease is generally cured.


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HarizcandrAt = According to, from Harischandra

khara-mUtra samaM mUtraM, pIta budbuda saMyuktam |

netra zUlena jAnIyAn nIlaM codara pUrvakaM ||50||

If urine likens donkey's, if it's jaune with bubbles,

then person suffers from netra zUla (eye pain).

If udara (obstinate abdominal disease is felt e.g. ascites)

then urine colour is blue.

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zveta-raktAnvitaM pItam Urddhva-vAtena jAyate |

Urine becomes white with reddish tinge from Urddhva vAta (vAyu [air] affliction in upper body.

jalodara samudbhUtaM,,, mUtraM ghRta kaNopamam

In jalodara (ascitis), urine likens gheedrops (kaNa = tiny pieces).

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pItaM tathoparicchAyaM, kRSNa-budbuda saMyutam ||54||

mUtraM prasUti doSeNa, dhruvaM jneyaM bhiSak tamaiH |

Yellow urine with black bubbles indicates prasUti-doSa (post-partum infection).

mAMsa dhAvana pAnIya, tulyaM bhavati codarAt ||55||

Due to udara-roga (obstinate abdominal diseases like ascitis), urine resembles meat-wash water.

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