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Ayurveda Ch. 6

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eka dRSTir acaitanyo, vibhramaH sphuTa tArakam |

ekAhe ca vijAnIyAt, sa yAti yama-mandiram ||94||

If there is fixed look, if patient is unconscious, having delirium & cracks have appeared in pupil, then he succumbs to death within ONE DAY!

Visit YamarAj's mandir or Lord Chaitanya's mandir: your choice.

Thus ends Ayur-vedik eye examination description.

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Last verse ended with "iti dRSTi parIxA" = thus ends eye exam.


Tongue Exam - also consult ZrIla RUpa GoswAmI's UpadezAmRta Verse 1

jihvAyAM dhAvati prANaH, sUxmendriya pradhAnataH |

jihvAyAM ca vijAnIyAt, bhojane vacane yathA ||95||

tasmAt sarva-prayatnena, jihvAyAz ca parIxaNam |

PrANa (elan vital) moves through tongue. As it plays significant role for food intake & speech, similarly, it's most important amongst subtle senses. Ergo, it must b examined very carefully.

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sa-jvaraM jvara-muktaM vA, sarvaM jihvA prakAzate ||96||

vAta-pitta-kaphAdhikyaM, dvanda-jaM sAnnipAtikam |

sAdhyAsAdhya vibhAgena, sarvaM jihvA prakAzate ||97||

By tongue exam all these conditions may b ascertained:

1) fever or not

2) aggravation of vAyu, pitta, kapha individually

3) simultaneous aggravation of 2 or all 3 doSas

4) curability or incurability

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  • 2 weeks later...

tu tridoSa-jAta... |

rUxatiktopamA jihvA, kathitA muni-pungavaiH |

pari-dagdhA khara-sparzA, jihvA srastAM gatA [punaH] ||100||

sphuTitA saNnipAtasya, kathyate brahma-vedinaH |

According to sages, in sannipAt (all 3 doSas disturbed), tongue is unctuous, bitter, as if burned (pari-dagdha), rough to tough, flaeid (srastANga), with deep cracks sphuTita.

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correction: sloka 100 ends "kathyate brahma-vedinA"

evaM jihvA parIxA ca, Izvara-brahmaNA kRtA |

loka madhye prakAzAya, hArIta muninod iti ||101||

||iti jihvA parIxA||

This tongue examination method was devised by BrahmA (catur-mukha). It was propagated amongst worldly folk by sage HArIta.

Thus ends tongue exam description.

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This is not one of those licorice/burnt toast vs cottage cheese jokes is it?

KRSNa's Very Own Son Samba's humor sense got him in a heap undesired.

But seriously, how black? How dark? Any other features?

What is your external, physical age? How long have u been vegetarian?

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Thanks for the reply and concern. I actually woke up this morning and my tongue was more normal today. The color wasn't too dark, but definately noticable and different than normal. It was somewhat blueish. There weren't any other features though. My stomach was somewhat upset those days too. My age is 25, almost 26 and I've been a vegetarian for only one year. One thing that I think it might have been is that I had black bean soup the night before it happened the first time. So, when I saw it, I thought ok, maybe it's the soup. Then it happened the next day too. I've eaten black beans many times before and I've never seen this. Thanks again!



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radAH sapta-vidhAH proktaH, zyAvAH rakta sitA'rUNaH |

pItAH ca rakta-saMsrAvAH, danta-mUlacyuta tathA ||103||

Teeth morbidity - 7 types

1) zyAva = brown colour

2) rakta = red colour

3) asita = black colour

4) aruNa = red colour

5) pIta = yellow colour

6) rakta saMsrAva = having bleeding

7) dantamUla cyuta = gum retraction (from teeth roots)

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  • 1 month later...

Gargles in the rat race choir

Bent out of shape by society's pliars

Cares not to rise any higher

But rather pull u down in the hole that he's in."


vAta-pittAsitA jAtAH, nIla-zyAvAH sa-laxaNAH |

If both vAyu & pitta simultaneously disturbed, then teeth darken, nIla-zyAva (bluish-brown) + other features.

rakta-zyAvAH bhavet dantAH, mukha-pAkaM vadaNti hi ||106||

Teeth become reddish-brown in mukha pAka (stomatitis) inflamed mouth.

Does this also apply to persons who just can't shut up?

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vAta-zleSma vikAre tu, daNtAH jihvA vipacyate |

If vAyu & kapha r simultaneously aggravated, teeth & tongue (glossitis) will b inflamed.

pitta-zleSma vikAreSu, daNtAH nAsA sravanti ca |

If both pitta & kapha r perturbed, teeth & nose shall exude/run.

radanaM sadanaM proktaM, kalpAnte ca vidhIyate ||107||

Radana (tooth) is called sadana (residence). Rest unclear.

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daNtAdInAM malADhyatvaM, pramehAt [pUrva-laxaNam] |

guNAguNa vibhedena, sAdhyAsAdhyaM tathaiva ca ||108||

||iti danta-parIxA||

Excreta adhesion in teethroots is prameha's (disease like diabetis - sperm & other vital humours emanate thru urine) premonitory sign.

Curability & incurability should b determined by teeth's features.

Thus ends teeth exam description.

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ParIxaNaM nakhAnAM hi, vaxyehaM brahmaNoditam |

PAdAtau vivarair yuktaM, sarva-jnAya bhiSag varaiH ||109||

tato parIxaNaM teSAM, dhAtu doSa kRtas tathA |

suvarNasya yathA rekhA, tathA rekhA nakhasya cet ||110|| Nail Exam (which reminds me of Jesus joke… not here)

Now, as BrahmAji told, toe etc. nail exam shall b described. They’re observed with view to ascertain morbidity in dhAtus & doSas, and line presence as those over gold piece.


VAta pitta kaphaM dvandvaM, caturtha sAnnipAtikam |

Nakha-madhye tathA jnAtvA, sarva-zAstriSu saMmatam ||111||

One should ascertain vAyu, pitta, kapha aggravation & simultaneous vitiation of 2 or all 3 doSas by nail test according to methods prescribed in all medical texts.


NIla-varNAH bhaved vAyuH, rakta-varNAH sa penttikaH |

PIta-varNAH bhavet-chleSmaH, zveta-varNAH samizrakaH ||112||

By vAyu aggravation nails turn blue. by pitta red or yellow, by kapha white. When 2 doSas r disturbed, features of both manifest in nails.

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