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Hot water showers?

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I think one effect is it clears out the nasal passages. I always find (not to get too gross here) that I can blow my nose very easily right after a shower. It completely unplugs my breathing first thing in the morning. Its just hot, moist air that does the trick. Though I find at night if I take a hot shower it can prevent me from sleeping well. I think the body heats up, and then has to expend a lot of energy cooling itself down, and this makes it difficult to sleep right off.



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Best to alternate between hot and cold to stimulate the circulation! Loofah sponge is also highly recommended. Finishing with the water as cold as possible helps clear phlegm (spelling?), too. BTW I prefer lukewarm from start to finish--keeps my chanting more steady! valaya

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It does wonders for your pores though. All the hot steam open up the pores really nicely and you can unclog them and remove all the dead skin cells and blackheads. The trick is to finish with a cold shower to close up the pores again.


BTW, I thought that brahmacaris take only cold showers. Posted Image

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Originally posted by atma:


BTW, I thought that brahmacaris take only cold showers. Posted Image

When I was a "brahmacari", living in ISKCON temples (1970-73), I was told by a fellow "brahmacari", that Prabhupada said that taking a warm shower is like embracing a naked woman, but maybe this "Prabhupada said" was started by a temple president who was trying to save money on the utility bills.


An alternative to taking a cold shower is to walk around wearing nothing but a dry gumcha (loincloth) after taking a warm shower. Do this until completely dried off and cooled down. Then perspiration will be completely stopped and the pores closed so that bacteria can't enter, and by getting completely dry, especially between the toes and the genital area, fungi have a more difficult time to grow.




[This message has been edited by Pratyatosa Dasa (edited 02-13-2002).]

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