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Aromatherapy: Take a Whiff!

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* * * Aromatherapy: An Aromatic Water

If you've ever spent money on an expensive scented "body splash," then you'll be happy to know that this product is easy and inexpensive to make at home. The rosewater that you can purchase cheaply at most drugstores is a simple example of an aromatic water and can actually be used as a base for your own scented waters.


You will need distilled water (or rosewater or orange flower water) for your base fluid. For each cup of water you will add between 50 and 100 drops of essential oil. For example, if you wanted an aromatic water to splash on during times of stress, you would mix a cup of your base water with 30 drops of patchouli oil and 30 drops of ylang-ylang oil. Put this in a glass bottle with a stopper, cap, or cork, then simply shake it to mix well, uncap it and pour a little in your hand to splash on your wrists, your lower back, and the back of your neck. (Remember that some oils should not be used during pregnancy, so consult a doctor or an herbal remedies expert before using.)

- Carla Joy

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Anyone use aromatherapy regularly? I've only tried it once. Basically I was told to smell lavendar before going to sleep. It was supposed to assist in putting one to sleep. I don't really think it worked, though I suppose it was all pretty harmless. It just smelled nice. But the actual essences are really expensive, so if it doesn't work, some people are wasting a whole lot of money.

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Yuk, last night my daughter and I were so grossed out by neighbor's fish cooking smells. We agreed that secondhand fish smell must be worse than for those actually cooking it. No one could possibly eat something that smells so bad.


I lit Laxmi dhoop--the best aromatherapy for such emergencies--and smoked out the whole house, especially Kanea's area, what an abomination that He had that smell in His temple. And it quickly covered the smell. Whew!


I am going to try clary sage essential oil for depression. I'll report back if it works. But I'll have to wait for a new depression first.


I think the affects of aromatherapy sometimes take a while to notice. It is subtle. Lavender is my favorite of all oils and I think it does have a soothing affect.


Still, nothing beats the floating whiffs of ghee and incense upon entering the temple. That is transportive aromatherapy.

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Tamogun finds shelter in their bellies. Yum yum for some.

For others GB Shaw expressed that by dead flesh intake

"we make graveyards of our stomachs".

For some, a new depression may arrive tomorrow: Terrorist Alert

Then again, considering vikarma <=> viphalam, action <=> reaction,

Nature's Laws, others might find that quite enlivening.

So far I've heard, "Depression is the Better Part of Valor".

Suggestion: save your fruit peels. Let them dry out.

Burn them beneath pan or pot only when you cook.

Saves energy, increases flame, scents home, confuses kids, neighbors,

replaces incense.. What could be wholistically better?

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  • 4 months later...

Natural Health Tip of the Day - Thursday June 13, 2002

Aromatherapy For PMS Symptoms

If you suffer from Pre-Menstrual Syndrome, you can help your other medications or herbal remedies work better by utilizing aromatherapy as well. First prepare a cup of chamomile tea. Place one or two drops of one of these essential oils in your fragrance warmer, or light a candle or stick of incense that has one of these scents: lavender, sandalwood, frankincense, or cedar. You don't want the scent to be overwhelming, but light - just enough to notice it. Get yourself comfortable, sip your chamomile tea, and meditate on an image that brings you peace. You should relax for at least half an hour.

EMAZING Quote of the Day

Only when you can be extremely pliable and soft can you be extremely hard and strong.

- Zen proverb

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"I am going to try clary sage essential oil for depression."


(I'll tell you a secret: Palmarosa is the oil for depression)And,the real uses of each oil may not work, or at least not work as well, on people who eat meat . . .


Also, I have a question about the rosewater.(from the first post) If essential oils are added to water, or if I buy a bottle of rosewater with rose essence in it, does it need to be refrigerated?

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Hari bol Raharani prabhu, and thanks! I don't recall hearing anything about palmarosa. Have you personally found it helpful? Actually I do not need this anymore anyway (at least the deep lows still haven't returned since I made that other post), but who knows? This is a difficult world to stay happy in, if one (like me) is not fully Krsna conscious. But I think my lack of depression has a Krsna conscious basis, for it seems to have much to do with hearing about the dire state of my health, and now everything seems like a big bonus to me. But I will keep that in my mental file, and in the meantime look into it, and any side effects, if any. So many people suffer from depression that it is useful to know something to point them to as well.


Yes, I too have noticed that subtler forms of therapy do not work well on grossness. Bach flower remedies are even more subtle, and then there are crystal tinctures too, and some who pshaw these treatments, or tend in general to label people as cranks or quacks, do indeed have the regular habit of imbibing large amounts of meat.


As for rose water, I have one that comes in a mist-er, and it has kept well for years, but I do not know if there is something added to keep it well. Last year I bought the regular kind you get in Indian stores, that you can use for Deity worship and gulab jammons, and I just store it on a shelf, non-refrigerated, and it is also fine. If you find any answers to the question of whether adding the oil to water yourself keeps well unrefrigerated, I would be interested to know. I am wondering if adding vitamin E oil would help, as this is used to preserve so many herbal preparations.


ys, Jayaradhe

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It's something I discovered on my own (about palmarosa). I was dissatisfied with the idea that so many essential oils are grouped together as having the same purpose; this seems counterintuitive to me. My dad has had aromatherapy as a hobby for about 15 years, so he has collected a lot of the oils over that time. Each oil does have its own purpose, I'm working on a book about it . . .

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I forgot to add about palmarosa, that it may have the effect of seeming to increase the depression at first, as natural remedies seek the cause and not to cover up symptoms. When working with the oils, many of them may initially seem to increase what you are working on, (if it is something to be overcome).


Cinnamon helps to release and understand anger, and to discover its causes. The oil made from the bark to look at the anger, the oil made from the leaves for its release. I'm not sure if this is a known use or not.


[This message has been edited by radharani (edited 06-21-2002).]

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  • 1 month later...

Natural Health Tip of the Day - Thursday July 25, 2002

Finding Aromatherapy Oils

You can often find good quality essential oils at herb stores and at good health food stores. Prices range widely depending on the source of the oil. Rose is quite expensive and lavender is much more affordable. Look for 100% pure essential oils, not blends and not diluted with carrier oils. Essential oils are usually purchased in dark or amber colored bottles, and should be protected from extreme heat and cold.

EMAZING Quote of the Day

A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds. - Francis Bacon

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Natural Health Tip of the Day - Wednesday July 24, 2002

Natural Cologne

Many women tell me that they cannot wear cologne, perfumes or scented products due to allergies. The allergy may be to the artificial chemical ingredients in those products. Try this recipe for a natural cologne. Make a small amount and experiment with the essential oils to find your most pleasing blend. In a glass-stoppered or pump-spray perfume bottle, add 8 ounces, or one cup, of 90% alcohol, 2 teaspoons bergamot essential oil, one quarter teaspoon of neroli essential oil, one half teaspoon of lemon essential oil, 5 drops of lavender essential oil and 5 drops of rosemary essential oil. Natural oils will lose their scent over time because of contact with the air. Keep your natural cologne tightly sealed when not in use.

EMAZING Quote of the Day

If you get to thinkin' you're a person of some influence, try orderin' somebody else's dog around. - Will Rogers

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Bible Verse of the Day - Sunday July 28, 2002

The Access Bible, NRSV, Old Testament, Page 953

"Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you."


Natural Health Tip of the Day - Sunday July 28, 2002

**Jasmine Instead Of Viagra

Jasmine essential oil is often used to treat mild depression and anxiety. It is also useful as an aphrodisiac. Add a few drops to a small amount of massage oil for a relaxing yet stimulating massage. Add a few drops of Jasmine oil to an aromatherapy oil diffuser to create an intimate mood for your loved one.

Gita 7.11 - dharmAviruddho kaunteya kAmo'smi bharatarSabha

EMAZING Quote of the Day

After eating an entire bull, a mountain lion felt so good he started roaring. He kept it up until a hunter came along and shot him. The moral: When you're full of bull, keep your mouth shut. - Will Rogers

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Bible Verse of the Day - Sunday July 28, 2002 - Access Bible, NRSV, Old Testament, Page 953

"Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you."


Natural Health Tip of the Day - Sunday July 28, 2002

**Jasmine Instead Of Viagra

Jasmine essential oil is often used to treat mild depression and anxiety. It is also useful as an aphrodisiac. Add a few drops to a small amount of massage oil for a relaxing yet stimulating massage. Add a few drops of Jasmine oil to an aromatherapy oil diffuser to create an intimate mood for your loved one.

Gita 7.11 - dharmAviruddho kaunteya kAmo'smi bharatarSabha

EMAZING Quote of the Day

After eating an entire bull, a mountain lion felt so good he started roaring. He kept it up until a hunter came along and shot him. The moral: When you're full of bull, keep your mouth shut. - Will Rogers

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