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uncomfortable energy

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Hari bol,

I am seeking advice on an uncomfortable feeling that arises in the left hand side of my chest. It is like a welling of energy and there is fear in there also and it is not pleasent. It happens only in contact with certain devotees iether in person or via e.mail and I am hoping someone may be able to shed some light on what this maybe and how to remove it.



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This may be your bodies way of warning you that those devotee are practicing a "left handed" sadhana.


You may be a human divine rod to sense out sahajiyas.


Just joking a little syama.


Actually it may be some sort of nervous reaction.How do you feel about those devotees personaly?

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Thanks for the response.It is more like some kind of power that seems to come from outside and attacks the area mentioned before rather than an internal ailment but I could just be mistaken, I only posted incase anyone had come across anything similar and knew what it was.



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It sounds psychosomatic.Certain people trigger it so that means others don't.Saying it is generated by your mind doesn't mean it isn't real.


I was in a relationship one time and this lady was just smothering me with so-called love.I actually experienced one time the inability to breath and started gasping for air.


I ended that chapter, choosing breath over her.


It works both ways of course.This other one blamed her inordinate amount of abdominal gas on my presence.


I gave her some beano and moved on.


People may be devotees and all but that doesn't mean that the modes that are still active in our lives will always match up well with other bhaktas.


Sometimes a respectful distance can be healthy IMO.

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Definitely. yellow red blue = 3x3x3...

One devotee walked in my house. I tried to be nice to him. Within minutes my wife was digging her nails into his bald, sikha-less head. And I mean digging.

I was surprised. He was surprised. Turns out she was right. A few months later he ripped me off. She felt it right away. I was numb to his nonsense... till it was too late.

To avoid excessive suffering ZrIla ZrIdhardev advised:

"Keep discrimination in front, tolerance in back."

Some want to suffer for others imitating Jesus or VAsudev Datta.

Do we have their capacity? Something, but not nearly as much.

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Who's photo, name or image in print/TV makes u uncomfortable?

Who's countenance inspires u to forget KRSNa? To c Govinda?

Adams? Adolph? Arafat? Ali? Allende? Ashcroft? Booth? Buddha? Bush? Carter? Cheney? Christ? Clinton? Edison? Einstein? Gandhi? Giuliani? Jefferson? King? Ledbelly? Lincoln? Madero? MadhvAcarya? Malcolm? Mao? Moses? Noriega? North? Oswald? Pinochet? Pope John Paul? Putin? Rama-KRSNa? Reagan? Roosevelt? Sadam? Sharpton? Stalin? Szaron? Tesla? Tucker? VivekAnanda? Washington? Wilson?

All His parts & parcels, different levels of consciousness.

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Haribol Syama,


You know it could be something as simple as a panic attack. Thats what it sounds like to me. Maybe on a subconscious level you are nervous about interacting with these individuals. When you think of them, meet them etc... you panic a bit. Your heart races, and you might feel anxious. My only advice is if you are conscious of how you feel around these folks, then you can consciously try to counteract it until it doesn't affect you any more. Might work or it might not.

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What worries u most? Dealing with them financially?

Having kIrtan with them? Arguing with over which guru is best?

Having to lend or borrow books, tapes from them?

Sensitivity depravation means accepting a lower birth.

Increased sensitivity means accepting a higher birth.

Tuning into our inner discomfort should be emphasized.

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Thanks Gaurachandra,

Yes it could be although I have had panic attacks before many years ago when I was moving in pretty dangerous circles in the city and it is not the same.



It is very hard to pinpoint exactly what characteristics in a person sets it off but it is usually turns out the person has a powerfull position and has been practising in an institution for many years but the funny thing is I feel this energy well up often before I am aware of any of this.


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I am not sure if my post befors this worked so I write again if the other reappears

all well and good.



Thanks prabhu but it doesnt appear like a panic attack




It is usually people who are in power who seem to think I should automatically except or embrace their position or opinion but often I do not know this about them untill after the feeling comes first, like the aroma from an incense stick hits you before you see the incense stick only the fragrance is not nice.



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Materialistic Group membership can be intimidating.

One local vaiSNav was picked up by NYC cops Sunday afternoon on way to Feast.

Cops said he looked like murder suspect.

He was released after 72 hrs with a simple "Sorry".

Not good enough. Unsatisfactory. U know what it's time for.

U know what happens next. Party time at our local court.

I'll be dancing on their choice judge's bench in no time.

Don't let any rascal or rascal group intimidate u.

So long u r innocent, remember & take strength from PrahlAd, Dhruva, Joseph, Moses, Jesus, HaridAs ThAkur, all our acaryas + most of all:

Harer nAma Harer nAma Harer nAmaiva kevalam

on or off beads.

Nuclear weapons r nothing in comparison to HarinAm. Nothing.

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  • 1 month later...


Originally posted by syama:

Hari bol,

I am seeking advice on an uncomfortable feeling that arises in the left hand side of my chest. It is like a welling of energy and there is fear in there also and it is not pleasent. It happens only in contact with certain devotees iether in person or via e.mail and I am hoping someone may be able to shed some light on what this maybe and how to remove it.



When I am around people who eat meat, I sometimes experience fear, I think this has to do with the fear accumulated in their energy fields due to the fear from the animals that they have eaten (fear experienced as the animals are about to slaughtered, fear experienced during that whole life of being raised as food and treated as a commodity). Maybe the devotees that you talk to are absorbing some of this fear in service to Krsna, accumulated as karma from the meat eaters so that they (the meat eaters, or maybe new devotees) can more comfortably become vegetarian.



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