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Information on road permits for cows needed

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"Mother Linda"

4. We urgently need information about Padayatra in the U.S.

Sun, 8 Jul 2001 10:43:59 +0100


We urgently need information about Padayatra in the U.S. We are experiencing a lot of resistence to our cow protection and especially our ox working activities here in western NY from the local inhabitants. One neighbor actually ran us off the road with is all terain vehicle while we were crossing a street with the ox calves pulling a cart load of hay! The local village government is trying to bar our cow from being in the village and our oxen from walking on the road with a cart, although the Amish are allowed access to the roads, as are individuals who use horses for pleasure rides.


We urgently need information about Padayatra in the U.S. I would like to speak with anyone who has worked on getting road permits or permissions from government municipalities to practice Padayatra. I need to give proof of prior precidents to the attorneys and news people who are working with us. Could anyone who has had experience with this type of work please contact me? I would be glad to here from anyone who knows who I can contact about this matter or about getting exemptions from local ordinances which prohibit cows in suburban areas. I can be reached at: krsigoraksa@webtv.net Thanks for your help,


All Glories to Srila Prabhupada's cow protection and ox working program. Mother Linda



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Haribol, no legal help here, but I do remember walking my cow on the paved road. It is a very good way and easy way to keep their hooves trim and healthy.


Also, a legal hassle happened up here in washington in a remote community where a gentleman had a regular cart drawn by big hoof horses. He was run off the road by the cops because of "complaints" by the "hurried" drivers, and a long court battle upheld the rights of the engine folk. It will be difficult to get permits if one causes a traffic jam.


Good luck, to you, ys, mahaksadasa

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