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a few more questions

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What do you call a man with half a brain?




What do you call an intelligent man in America?


A tourist.


How do men sort their laundry?


"Filthy" and "Filthy and Wearable"


What is the thinnest book in the world?


"What men know about women."


What is the difference between men and E.T?


E.T phoned home


How do you know if a man is lying?


His lips are moving.


Why is psychoanalysis quicker for men than women?


When it's time to go back to childhood, he's already there.


Why are men like commercials?


You can't believe a word they say.


Why don't men have mid-life crisis?


They stay stuck in adolescence.


Why do bachelors like smart women?


Opposites attract.


Why only 10% of men make it to heaven?


Because if they all went, it would be Hell! Posted Image


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Originally posted by Maitreya:

Yeah, but there is reason behind that one.Underware stains don't show so you can get more mileage out of them.


There's a new areosol spray that permanently removes smells from fabric, so now we're left with only the `filthy but wearable category`! It's called `Febreeze` for all you happy bachelors out there.

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Doing laundry too often wears your clothes out faster. It's true.

Even quicker than wearing them on your body and walking around.

Yes, it's a fact. So it stands to reason we should...

And furthermore, this way each wash is worth that much more.

Or should we say that many times more?

Qualitative, quantitative: Either way, both are correct. Men know.

Yes, men are analytically as well as mathematically right on this one. No doubt about it.

Do laundry less often. Wear your dirty clothes.

Wear your clothes dirty. There is a difference.

You save on soap, water, labor, so many things.

Your washing machine and dryer will break down less often.

Last but not least, at no extra charge, you'll attract many types of ghosts: jins, bhUtas, pretas, pizacas, guhyakas, brahma-raxasas, all of whom shall in turn become purified by your intensely loud recitation of HarinAm japa and sankirtan.

It's economic. It's scientific. It's merciful.

It's inversely proportional. What you want more?

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