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Count the "F's"

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Count the “F’s” in the following text: (then scroll down a bit)













Managed it ? Scroll down only after you have counted them, okay?
















How many ? 3?

Wrong, there are 6 !!--no joke.

Read it again.

The reasoning behind is further down.


The brain cannot process “OF”.

Incredible or what ?

Anyone who counts all 6 “F’s” on the first go is a genius. Three

is normal, four is quite rare. Send this to your friends—it drives

them crazy.

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I got 5 on my first try. Actually, I've seen one of these kinds of tricks before, so I was real, REAL careful counting. Basically, I spelled out each word. The first time through I only got 3 (and I was spelling), but I knew that must be too low so didn't register it as me being finished. So I continued counting. Then I got 5. Very weird how the brain works.


[This message has been edited by Gauracandra (edited 02-10-2002).]

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The reasoning for this mental miss was explained to me. There are two parts to the explanation. The first part deals with the efficiency of the brain. Basically, the brain tries to sort out the useless words that don't really add much to the meaning of the sentence. So it kind of skips over the 'of's because it can still grasp the meaning of the sentence by just glancing past that word. Secondly, we are accustomed to thinking of Fs having a sound like "Off", but 'Of' has the sound like "Ove", so we don't immediately associate it with an F sound.


Just so you know it doesn't actually have anything to do with intelligence. So don't feel bad for only getting 3 Posted Image

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Oh good. I was beginning to think that maybe I only had a six ounce brain after all, and I was planning a trip to Denmark for the sex change. You just saved me a lot of trouble; I don't even know how to tie a sari. And I'm sure I couldn't tolerate those chauvinistic temple men pushing me and my enchantress body to the back, far from my Lord Gauranga.

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Originally posted by gHari:

Oh good. I was beginning to think that maybe I only had a six ounce brain after all, and I was planning a trip to Denmark for the sex change. You just saved me a lot of trouble; I don't even know how to tie a sari. And I'm sure I couldn't tolerate those chauvinistic temple men pushing me and my enchantress body to the back, far from my Lord Gauranga.

I thought you were a dedicated devotee.Shame on you.What you are saying is not clean good joke and I am too disappointed with it.



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I saw this done 20-25 yrs ago on Johnny Carson Tonight Show.

Maybe Dick Cavett was testing JC who also overlooked each 'of'.

dRSTvApi =

Even after have seen it, 1st time I only noticed 3 'F's.

Like jndas, 2nd time too.

While I was being tested I even recalled 'of' phenomena.

Still I only spotted 3.

Studying languages more phonetic than English (which one isn't?) like SanskRt makes us stress sound over spelling.

A similar question for you all:

What does 'ghoti' mean in English?

Pronounce 'ghoti' in English?

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Originally posted by gHari:

I got an F on the test. Then I tried to poke fun at the men who build their lives around Prabhupada's comment about women having six ounce brains. I got an F on that too.

this is not really a joke, but a question. All this time I thought gHari was (is) Gaura hari, who is in a male body, initiated by Srila Prabhupad (and apparently has taken diksha again from Narayana Maharaja). So, assuming that you are not joking about being in a female body, is it safe to conclude that you and Gaura Hari the male-embodied one are 2 separate entities?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Originally posted by Tarun:

I saw this done 20-25 yrs ago on Johnny Carson Tonight Show.

Maybe Dick Cavett was testing JC who also overlooked each 'of'.

dRSTvApi =

Even after have seen it, 1st time I only noticed 3 'F's.

Like jndas, 2nd time too.

While I was being tested I even recalled 'of' phenomena.

Still I only spotted 3.

Studying languages more phonetic than English (which one isn't?) like SanskRt makes us stress sound over spelling.

A similar question for you all:

What does 'ghoti' mean in English?

Pronounce 'ghoti' in English?

ghoti is a small beard.

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  • 1 year later...

ghoti is fish..the gh to sound like "f" in enou(gh), the o to sound like the "ih" sound in women (wh(i)-men), and the ti to sound like the "sh" in contradic(ti)on. I love that trick. There is a band in the US called ghoti hook

(fish hook) and it is interesting to hear the people come into a music store and ask for music by go-ti hook!

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this is not really a joke, but a question. All this time I thought gHari was (is) Gaura hari, who is in a male body, initiated by Srila Prabhupad (and apparently has taken diksha again from Narayana Maharaja).


Gaura Hari das was never initiated by Srila Prabhupada, but from Tamal Krsna Goswami, in the early 80's. Apparently he left TKG long ago, then became a rittvik proponent, changing his name to Gaura Hari, from Balabradra das. Later on he became a guru and had disciples. His disciples left him when they discovered Srila Narayana Maharaja, and after some initial protesting, Gaura Hari realized he wasn't ready to be guru, became humble, and surrendered to Srila Narayana Maharaja as well.


I just now read gHari's humorous post. I don't see how anyone could take offense, unless English wasn't their first language, or else they haven't been following some of the controversies. I like gHari's wit.


Fascinating puzzle, by the way, counting the F's in that text. I will have to pass this along.


Bh Samosa


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I saw one of the F's in one of the "Of" words, but guess I decided the rest were just carbon copies and not worth a repeat. ha So that's a total of four on the first try. The second time after reading their were six, I saw them, but not on the initial counting. Anyway, am surprised I got even the one extra, considering the brain doesn't process the word "of." Am impressed tho, with those who got more. However and not thinking any lesser of those who got 3 so they better not either. As a woman in the movement, I've been down that road! ha And its bogus anyway.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

my sister knows a couple like this one...

get a piece of paper and a pencil so you won't cheat your self








what is











now say 6 as fast as you can for 14 seconds


write down the first vegtable that comes to your mind


















if you said carrot then good for you but your not special mostly every one says carrot.


oh and did ou know that as long as the first letter of the word and the last letter of the word are correct and the middle of the word can be jumbled up you can still read the word perfectly fine (except if you are not fluent in english reading)

please email me where you got that from or a website you can find them at (or even just the name of them)

to mezagirls.mezasisters@verizon.net

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  • 6 months later...

People who have "structured" thought, people who must look at the smallest details, usually count 6. People such as musicains, programmers, historians. People whose mind can wander, such as lawyers, business, philosophers and the majority of human kind, miscount.

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Hey yeah, I did think of a carrot. I wonder why that is! Here is the word thingy you were talking about...


"Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy,

it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are,

the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer

be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it aynawy

Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe."



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