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A Yoyo Chapel!

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Yesterday I went with my friend to pick up her son from school. He had a big tantrum because she didn't want to buy him a yoyo, at night he insisted with the yoyo and showed us this paper from school.It really amuses me how they go all the way to convince the kids to buy something and notice how they use God to promote their products (he goes to the Adventist school)




A Yoyo Chapel!


Today our school hosted an exciting chapel. A yoyo professional from USA YOYO EXTRAVAGANZA put on an entertaining, character building presentation. Their professionals have toured from the White House to Disneyland!


The theme of today's chapel was an upbeat message for kids from God's Word on "Becoming God's Champ." The program involved yoyoing, balloon artistry, clean comedy, and audience participation.


In the chapel we saw several advanced yoyo tricks, learned safety, the basics and were shown ten starter "Christian Tricks That Teach". Our school also received and award winning "How to Yoyo" video. For the next five school days, we will be showing the video and have some yoyos available for our kids. The prices include tax, and a percentage of the income goes to our school.


Here they show a few models with prices and characteristics.......


COOL AT SCHOOL! When your student receives their yoyo(s) we will:

*Write their name and room number on it with

permanent marker.

*Adjust the string to their waist height.

*Set the string at the yoyo axle to their

skill level.

*Allow a designated yoyo zone for kids to practice and "test drive" their yoyos.

*Show a fun instructional video to help them

learn how to yoyo.


USA YOYO EXTRAVAGANZA....Lifting kids higher!

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I think the kid should get the yoyo.


I remember when I was first computer programming for God at the church where I worked. It had a very humbling affect me. Worn off now, of course (for the cynical).


It could well give the child some constructive smaranam, at a stage when God's remembrance is not as easy to come by, what with all the fun kids have to contend with.


Your friend may well have God's Champion right in her own home!

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My cousins r 7th Day Adventist. My Paternal Aunt & Uncle were constantly on 'Traveling SankIrtan' in their Motorhome.

After I joined ISKCON & shaved up another uncle told my non-churchgoing father:

"I think u got too much religion in your life."

His straight face + timing made it sound hilarious.

We had a yoyo craze in 5th grade, then a spintop craze in 6th.

There were tricks like 'loop da loo', 'around the world', 'walk the dog', 'swing', 'tightrope', 'trapeze', hang the something...

I forget which was which.

Eddie Corrine & Alan Levy were champions.

Alan was installing car radios.

Eddie was 1st Jamaica HS student kicked out for long hair.

Eddie came with me to 340 W 55St Manhattan Temple in 1976.

He had had some serious substance abuse problem.

A la fois he wouldn't stop chanting KRSNa in between...

AcyutAnanda SwAmI took one good look at him chanting & said:

!@#'s $%^& &*( so he... Nah! I better not repeat it.

ZrIla ZrIdhardev advised:

"Be careful what u put in black & white."

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Talking abt advertisements. Once HH Kavicnadra Swami mentioned that, McDonalds(or Burger King not sure) were once showing in an ad targetted at children, how children were playing around and then going into a garden and plucking beef burgers on a tree.


They are trying to imprint in the mind of children and general viewers a serene image of how beef burgers are made. They are trying to portray how natural a food it is, by hiding the cruel slaughter of cows. These advertising companies do a lot of psychological study before coming out with ads. And the innocent children who see this ads are easily bought in. They also want beef burgers!!





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