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krishna and 16000+ .........wives

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Yes, it is mentioned in the scriptures. We are to learn that we are different from God for one thing. Krsna not only had so many wifes, he also lived with each one personally. This is not humanly possible. We are also to learn that Krsna can protect everyone and be present everywhere simultaneously. Krsna is not limited like we are. We can all be part of his family - imtimately related to him. These are just a few of the lessons that one might learn from this pastime of Lord Krsna.


Your servant,

Audarya lila dasa

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  • 4 weeks later...

Vinayji & Audaryaji:

Hearing Alice Walker describe her childhood home reminded me of KRSNa's 16,108 palaces for his 16,108 Dvarka Queens.

Scroll down about 15 inches. See below.

= = = = = = = =

VedAnta-sUtra III

3rd adhyAya, 1st pada - Invocation:

na vinA sAdhanair devA, jnAna vairAnya bhaktibhiH |

dadAti svapadaM zrImAn, atas tAni budhaH zrayet ||

God does not manifest His Highest State unless there

be proper sAdhana/practices,

Consisting of wisdom, dispassion & love. Ergo, let the

wise have those sAdhanas.

= = = = = = = =

Interjection: Alice Walker, author of The Color Purple, spoke from her home in

Mendecino, CA.

She described her new book Warrior Marks.

Its subject is so gross, though true, I cannot even type it in.

I’ll just type its initials: FGM

You may not agree with her views but she said some interesting things.

= = = = = = =

“My employer is/are the ancestors. Now I study

gardening & dharma.

My parents were Mississippi sharecroppers. We lived in

a shack.

We were very poor but we didn’t know it.

My mother would can/jar/preserve fruit, so our home,

though modest,

appeared like a jeweled palace.

How's that?

Because sunshine would daily pass through

all her colorful fruit-filled jam jars stacked against our walls.

My mother had that ability to transform any place into a special place.”

This description by Alice reminded me of ZrI KRSNa’s Dvarka-lila Palaces.

Actually, fruit jars are worth much more than jewels.

De Beers is busy stockpiling diamonds.

So many in fact, you’d be shocked.

Actually diamonds are almost worthless. Like peanuts.

Their price is artificially inflated.

KRSNa clearly points this out in Bhagavad-gItA.

Extremely foolish women like Marilyn Monroe glorify diamonds with song & dance.

And men who are even more foolish become trapped like

rats in a maze, chasing diamonds to impress such distaff.

Kaliyuga depends on such illusion. Stick with it.

Don’t become intelligent. Remain a fool lifelong.

It’s a dog’s life, at least for some.

Never abandon your Kaliyuga idea & practice. Eyes Wide Shut.

Keep'em that way.

Dvarka-lila is so high, so pure, who can understand it?


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Originally posted by Tarun:

Vinayji & Audaryaji:

Hearing Alice Walker describe her childhood home reminded me of KRSNa's 16,108 palaces for his 16,108 Dvarka Queens.

Scroll down about 15 inches. See below.

= = = = = = = =

VedAnta-sUtra III

3rd adhyAya, 1st pada - Invocation:

na vinA sAdhanair devA, jnAna vairAnya bhaktibhiH |

dadAti svapadaM zrImAn, atas tAni budhaH zrayet ||

God does not manifest His Highest State unless there

be proper sAdhana/practices,

Consisting of wisdom, dispassion & love. Ergo, let the

wise have those sAdhanas.

= = = = = = = =

Interjection: Alice Walker, author of The Color Purple, spoke from her home in

Mendecino, CA.

She described her new book Warrior Marks.

Its subject is so gross, though true, I cannot even type it in.

I’ll just type its initials: FGM

You may not agree with her views but she said some interesting things.

= = = = = = =

“My employer is/are the ancestors. Now I study

gardening & dharma.

My parents were Mississippi sharecroppers. We lived in

a shack.

We were very poor but we didn’t know it.

My mother would can/jar/preserve fruit, so our home,

though modest,

appeared like a jeweled palace.

How's that?

Because sunshine would daily pass through

all her colorful fruit-filled jam jars stacked against our walls.

My mother had that ability to transform any place into a special place.”

This description by Alice reminded me of ZrI KRSNa’s Dvarka-lila Palaces.

Actually, fruit jars are worth much more than jewels.

De Beers is busy stockpiling diamonds.

So many in fact, you’d be shocked.

Actually diamonds are almost worthless. Like peanuts.

Their price is artificially inflated.

KRSNa clearly points this out in Bhagavad-gItA.

Extremely foolish women like Marilyn Monroe glorify diamonds with song & dance.

And men who are even more foolish become trapped like

rats in a maze, chasing diamonds to impress such distaff.

Kaliyuga depends on such illusion. Stick with it.

Don’t become intelligent. Remain a fool lifelong.

It’s a dog’s life, at least for some.

Never abandon your Kaliyuga idea & practice. Eyes Wide Shut.

Keep'em that way.

Dvarka-lila is so high, so pure, who can understand it?

If anyone who puts value on diamonds could witness the slave-like, dangerous conditions that men who mine for the diamonds (for which the companies make most of the money and the workers are paid a pittance)they would appreciate the real value of home-made jams and perserves, expecially the beauty of the sun steaming through nature's true jewels, and renounce diamonds; humanity's most fickle friend.



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Originally posted by vinay:

it is said that krishna had 16000+ wives. is it true? is there any mention of this in the scriptures?

and what are we supposed tio imbibe from this?

I don't wonder at all that more than 16,000 women wanted to marry Lord Krishna, the Most Attractive Posted Image And He kindly married them all, He is the most merciful.



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