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peace on earth???

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Haribol. Seems someone wants debate about turning the other cheek. Well, everyone has opinions and positions on all things, but those who demand peace are demanding something that did not occur, is not occurring, and will never occur. I did not make the rules, we all chose to be here, and the story is that Lord Brahma has created war because the entity he created, the winsome girl he named Death, refused his order to kill everyone, beginning with priests and fools. So the Earth plunged into the causal ocean, so Lord Brahma had to devise a plan where mankind, created to be immortal but only interested in procreation, had to kill themselves. War, disease, lies, and thievery were created for this reason, and all humankind must pay the price. Death still has a job, She is to greet all who die well, then turn them over to Lord Yamaraja, the first one who did die, for justice.


So, we may want peace, and even call our gurus bringers of peace, but when Lord Jesus heard his disciples refer to him in such a way, he admonishes them, saying let the wars take place.


War is a natural occurance, like earthquakes, weather, and other such things. War happens without cause, like a great forest fire occurs by the gentlest breeze. Our Vaisnava tradition and lore is a battlefield, and on both sides of this war are worshippable beings, like Bhisma and Yudhisthira, facing each other, but both considered authority on all religious science. Some say Duryodhana was a great demon, but he was intimate with Lord Balarama, as much as Arjuna was with Krsna. Balarama wanted to kill Arjuna for stealig away Subhadra, but renounced war to avoid facing Krsna.


War is mean. War is scary. War produces only tears, and no one wins any war. This is thoroughly discussed in the Lord's Song. But the war goes on, because our feet should not touch the surface of this planet of death. We are immortal, so our connection to war is only biological, and biology takes place with or without our connection to it.


Yeah, I sure wish the jets were not exploding into the buildings. I sure wish that all the evil beings causing such misery to the world werent living in fourty different countries including our own. I wish they were all in Bhagdad or Kabul so we could try out one of these things I play with every day and see if they really do work, and no innocents would get hurt.


But wishes are for fools, and the fact remains that this war is truely different than the first two millenia C.E. style confrontations. Chem/Bio plants will be bombed, but the terrorists will be dealt with similar to how Jack Nicholson deals with Marlon Brando in the last scene of Missouri Breaks. Assassins are the main weapon of this war. And when we walk down the street, the white guy may be a terrorist while the middle easterner may be the assassin getting a big check from Uncle Sam.


40 countries house large groups with attributes that allow for doing heinous acts similar to the Twin Towers. We cannot declare war on them all for not handing over these folks to us, because US, Canada, Mexico, Great Britain, Russia, France, Italy, and the netherlands top this list.


Afghanistan has one or two such groups, and none of them are Afghanis. Afghanis do not wear turbans, but the evil Saudis who live there do. Iraqis are peaceful Sunnis, not very religious to the extent of fanaticism (like Iran or former SSR states), yet they like what Saddam has done for them, as do the Libyans appreciate Qadafi, also non-religious fanatics.


So you see, there is no formula, just insanity. binLaden's words are no different than Robertson/Fallwell rhetoric, just a different following. Is God responsible? Did He sanction the buildings to go down? Does He sanction the revenge that will fill our newspapers until the silos release their birds?


Yes. Not a blade of grass is moved without His sanction. He Moves to warn us. We are fish out of water. Peace will kill us just as fast as war. Take it as a wake up call.


mad mahax

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Wow. This is enormous food for thought, well put, Mahak, a lot in a few words. Maybe wathcing Gladiators will help me understand better. I started watching it yesterday but only got half an hour in. Intensity in doses, for me. Small ones. Feel like I'm bomb-arded enough as it is. But I guess I ain't seen nuthin'.


[This message has been edited by JRdd (edited 09-20-2001).]

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I never did get back to that movie. Don't know if I will see it before it's due back.


Now I want to say something that is making me a little mad, and I hope you, Mahak, don't mind if I use your soapbox as you are not at present standing on it and I didn't know what I would call a new thread for this. Don't even know if I want that much discussion about it as things can get pretty heated and not go anywhere....


There seems to be some propaganda going on here that proposes or assumes or dares to COMPARE the preaching activities of those interested in spreading the glories of the Holy Names, with those who are for or actually going to battle. There IS no comparison prabhus. Of necessity one does not preclude the other, there is no need to make a choice between the two, they are not only two separate things but also of course are on two entirely different spheres. One is transcendental, absolute, and the othere deals with the temporal things of this world.


I saw this new post tonight somewhere else, which I think excellently makes this point. I say this in appealing to the devotees to respsect the Holy Names, and please don't dare to try to explain them as being of some mundane relative sphere. Here it is:


" Re: Shock and horror


Dear Prabhus,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! I am truly sorry that such nice devotees as yourselves

were exposed to the shocking statements of a very disturbed individual who came...only to cause trouble. I am praying to Krishna to rectify his consciousness so that he can one day return here and take full advantage of the association of the vaisnavas.

This devotee's misunderstanding led him to commit a great offense against the Holy Name. In the Caitanya caritamrta it is

stated as follows:


"One who says that ten million asvamedha sacrifices are equal to the chanting of the Holy Name of Lord Krishna is undoubtedly an atheist. He is sure to be punished by Yamaraja." (Cc. Adi. 3.79)


"xxxxxxxxxxx dasa is suffering right now because he thinks that performing pious activity is more valuable than engaging in the direct glorification of the Lord by chanting Hare Krishna. Although karma kanda activities can gradually elevate someone, they can never compare to the chanting of the Holy Name. Krishna and His name are

far above all mundane pious activity as explained in the following verse from the Vedic literature:


"Even if one distributes ten million cows in charity during an eclipse of the sun, lives at the confluence of the Ganges and Yamuna for millions of years, or gives a mountain of gold in sacrifice to the brahmanas, he does not earn one hundredth part of the merit derived from chanting Hare Krishna."


"Srila Prabhupada concludes his comments on this verse by saying that pious activity is always on the material platform, but chanting of the Holy Name of Krishna is completely on the spiritual plane and,

thus, of eternal benefit to the chanter and anyone who hears it vibrated by the devotee.


"Again, please forgive me for having provoked this devotee to post such virulent statements on this otherwise sanctified forum.


Yours in the service of Srila Prabhupada,

xxxxxxxxxxxxx dasa"



Thanks, JR



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Originally posted by JRdd:

I never did get back to that movie. Don't know if I will see it before it's due back.





That movie does not care if you are alive when it returns.


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