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Wny do you hate Amerika???

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This is what America holds as a pinnacle for progress:


1.The claiming of resources that don't belong to them.

2. Pollution of the world from processing raw materials in factories.

3. Unsavory marketing practices… someone always in your face: "You want this. You need this!" …along with misrepresentation.

4. Corruption of politicians and lawyers to facilitate coporate explotation.


Now the world is not just a physical field, it is also a moral field. the question is, "Where is the morality in any of the above activities?"


American businesses corrupt third world leaders who sell their countries resources to them, ignoring their people. Americans directly and indirectly devastate alot of the world like this. And what for? Ultimately, so some suits can eat off gold plates. Yes, it is ultimately for the cheap gratification of a few privileged individuals.


And this world explotation is now turned inward as well:

30 years ago in America one man could pay the bills, put the kids through college and keep the wife at home. Now, "maybe" two people can do that… with no one to raise the kids.


But that's not enough, they have to have arbitration… no one has ever won an arbitration hearing! They want your retirement in the form of 401K and they don't want to give benefits.


Business is a self-serving process. It is greed. It is exploitation. People exploit others in the name of service. And America runs the government like a business.



A dog's master is he who feeds him. A man's master is he who gives him a paycheck. If you don't help the suits rape the public you will not be blessed with the bones they throw you and it's hard for you to survive. That's your freedom.


Sadly, many people accept freedom in rather superficial terms. They're satisfied with the freedom to go shopping or off to the game. Now, it's certainly true that freedom entails choices and options, but those are fast dissapearing for even the middle class.



No such thing. Never has worked. Never will. So democratic fools elect a few glorified fools. So what? That has nothing to do with truth or even with what works.



I can do it and you can't.



I'll get you before you get me.


It is not all bad, granted. But it is bad enough to ruin the world.


I resent having to breathe this pollution, but Mr. Bush says, "Get used to it."


Why do I hate America? Because America is ruining the world. America may be advanced in terms of technological dogma, but it has no soul. Spiritually speaking, it is perhaps the lowest class nation on earth.


America reminds me of the Duryodhana types from the Mahabharata.

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If anyone knows the tv show "South Park" there was once a very funny episode that was showing the hatred the world had for America.



One of the Characters asked "why does the world hate America so much"


THe answer was "Because America doesnt know the whole world hates them"


It was just funny. Didnt make sense to the character who questioned it either but was funny.

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Americans r too addicted to cars, having been century-long sufficiently brain-washed by gas-guzzling auto manufacturers's advertisements + their oily partners.

Americans r so, so, so tamoguN they agreeably or even deliberately move far away from their work place just so they daily drive wasting more 'unrenewable' resources than all other nations combined.

A sorry bunch.

ps - SP ziSya & BBT artist Jay RAm dAs gave BhAgavatam class in Mexico City 1973 in which he compared oil drilling to blood-sucking Mother Earth aka BhUmi.

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WASHINGTON, DC.Responding to recent criticism of reconstruction efforts in Iraq, the U.S. Defensive Department released a statement to the public Monday suggesting that perhaps they could do better, since they're obviously so smart.

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Above: U.S. soldiers in Basra reconstruct Iraq, while you do nothing but criticize.

"Well, it looks like you American people have figured it all out, then," the statement read in part. "There's no need for the old government to do anything, because the citizens know just how to handle this whole reconstruction-of-Iraq thing. Well, go ahead! If it's so simple, and if you're so smart, then what's stopping you? Come on."


"Oh, gosh!" the statement continued. "Wait! It looks like Iraq is a whole big country! And it seems that someone just fought a war there, to oust a despotic regime! So, gee, this might take a while, huh?"


At a press conference Monday, visibly upset Defensive Department spokesman Lawrence Pettibone addressed key points of the ongoing reconstruction process, such as its cost.


"Oh, dear!" Pettibone said. "It's taking a little bit more time than expected. Maybe the U.S. military should quit, huh? Then you could do the job for them, Mr. and Mrs. American Genius. Go ahead!"


"In fact, I'll pay for it!" said Pettibone, extending his wallet toward the assembled press corps. "Here! Here's, let's see, $49. Go ahead! Rebuild the infrastructure! Find the weapons of mass destruction! Keep the peace! What? This $49 isn't enough? Do you wish you had, say, about $87 billion to use right now? Well, well, well. How quickly things change."


Washington Post reporter Giles Mifflin asked Pettibone to address the issue of ongoing American casualties in Iraq, specifically the fact that more than 100 U.S. troops have been killed there since Bush declared an end to major combat six months ago.


"Well, Giles," Pettibone said. "I'd better get on the phone and inform the military that the soldiers in Iraq are still in danger, shouldn't I, Giles? Because they probably don't know that already! Or maybe I should just shut up and stop whining, because I'm a big pansy who never would have gone to Iraq in the first place!"


Added Pettibone: "Weren't some of you complainers the same ones who wanted us to get rid of a little problem called Saddam Hussein just a few months ago?"


Above: A neighborhood in Baghdad, which is not as easy to reconstruct as some people seem to think.

"So what's the big problem now?" Pettibone asked. "Can't make up your minds? I wish we'd known that before we went and did what you wanted!"


Pettibone then gave short, peevish answers to reporters' questions about international involvement in the reconstruction, including those surrounding the issue of France, Germany, and Russia's recent opposition to a U.N. resolution that didn't set a timetable for returning self-rule to Iraq.


"Germany and France have a problem with the U.S.!" Pettibone said. "Maybe we should all side with them. Look at me, I'm the American people! I worry about what the whole world says all the time! I'm gonna ask the whole world if I can go to the bathroom from now on, because the rest of the world knows so much more than America! La di da di da!"


Pettibone muttered that members of the Bush Administration happen to have a little bit of experience in matters of foreign policy.


"Those working on the reconstruction effort are not just a bunch of idiots," Pettibone said. "Many have studied Mideast policy for decades. They have extensive experience serving under past presidents. What have you done? You read an article in U.S. News & World Report!"


Continued Pettibone: "Listen, you guys don't really know what's going on over there. We know what's going on over there. And you're not making my job any easier with these emotional outbursts! The worst part is—I didn't want to say this—most of you don't even vote! There, I said it! Most of you don't even vote, okay? So shut up!"


The Defensive Department was founded in the mid-1960s to manage the official U.S. position on the Vietnam War. The department has recently come under fire for the size of its budget, which is currently larger than at any time since Richard Nixon was in office

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