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Giuliani wants to dump World Trade Center dead into the garbage. Firefighters protest

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Propaganda of the firefighters is continuing. These frauds cost hundreds of lives who were already orderly retreating the WTC. These gung ho cowboys got in the way, blocked the escape routes, and even ordered folks back into their offices. If I hear another "poor heroic firefighter" story, Im gonna heave chunks.


They were not heroes, they were stupid, and I dont shed a tear for their corpses.


The mayor is intelligent, dump those carcasses immediately before cholera and other horrible disease kills whats left of lower manhatten.


Throw them punk &%$ anti-heroes in jail and let them rot. Someone tell the TRUTH about 911, and throw them liars brokaw, rather, and jennings off the air.


Want better news, go BBC, CBC, or anything not covered by 50 USC or NSA.


Hell them bodies are rat stool by now anyway, whats the problem.


mad mahax

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(AP) - Hundreds of firefighters demonstrated Friday against a plan to cut the number of workers searching for bodies at the World Trade Center site, and several scuffled with police.


``Mayor Giuliani, let us bring our brothers home,'' read one sign at the rally near the site, where 343 firefighters and 23 New York City police officers were among the thousands of people lost Sept. 11.


Some protesters tangled with police, who initially refused to let them into the sealed-off area around the collapsed towers. After a few minutes, they continued on their march, then paused for a minute of silence.


The group marched a few blocks to personally deliver their message at City Hall, where police in riot gear and officers on horseback stood by. Mayor Rudolph Giuliani (news - web sites) had announced the staffing cutbacks earlier this week, citing worker safety.


``Our message has been delivered. If we come back here again, we'll come back with 5,000,'' promised Peter Gorman, president of the Uniformed Fire Officers Association, as the protesters stood outside a gate at City Hall.


Once there, the marchers observed a second moment of silence before singing ``God Bless America.'' There were no clashes with police at that scene.


Firefighter Bob McGuire, whose nephew Richard Allen was among those missing in the rubble, said remains had been loaded into trash bins. ``I don't want him to end up in a Dumpster,'' McGuire said.


McGuire denied speculation that firefighters wanted to stay at the site to pad their checks. ``This has nothing to do with overtime,'' he said.


``Do the right thing!'' the protesters chanted as they listened to union leaders give speeches on bullhorns next to a chain link fence decorated with an American flag.


The firefighters, joined by members of other unions, have worked virtually nonstop at the scene since the towers collapsed.


Giuliani said he wants no more than 24 firefighters and 24 police officers at ground zero at any one time.


The firefighters' union says it fears that would turn the recovery effort into a ``full-time construction scoop-and-dump operation.''


``That site, besides containing roughly 250 firefighter bodies, also contains many, many, many civilian bodies as well,'' said Michael Carter, vice president of the Uniformed Firefighters Association.


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