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Saw The One & Monsters Inc.

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Just a few quick reviews.


First, The One starring Jet Li. Its pretty mediocre sci-fi action. The story is fairly generic, and the action not all that exciting. I for one am getting tired of all the Matrix rip-offs. The moves have been done before, and while originally it was interesting, its effect has worn off on me. These action sequences seem devoid of any real energy. On a scale of 1 to 10, I give the movie 6.5. Worth seeing if you're bored and just looking to get out of the house.


Next, Monsters Inc. This movie is from the same team (Pixar) that created Toy Story & A Bugs Life. Personally I think Monsters Inc beats both of those. Toy Story and A Bugs Life were interesting, but just a bit too "hipper-than-thou". Not sure I can explain what that means, but basically they were trying to be slick and hip, while the soul of the film was pretty phoney (this was very much the problem with Shrek that came out earlier this year, all sight gags, no real feeling).


Monsters Inc. is funny, cute, and actually has some real soul. The movie feels good and makes you leave the theater with a smile on your face. There were a few scenes that I thought were a bit too scary for kids, but overall I really enjoyed the movie. The animation is quite amazing (but then this is Pixar, so we expect this). There is also a VERY funny 'animated short' in the beginning.


Overall I'd give the movie a solid 9 on the entertainment scale. Adults and kids a like will enjoy this movie.



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