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Palestinian oppression unseen by americans?

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Palestinian oppression unseen by americans?


Do people even care what is going on in this land that is referred to by some as Palestine and by others as Israel? If people did, wouldn't someone have the courage to write about it? Does anyone even know what is really going on over there, or do people just accept the so-called "facts" they read in the biased and distorted newspapers everyday?

Allow me to explain some real "facts" to you, whoever you may be. I should know something about this place because I was just there in the summer of 1999. Forty days in a historical land like this and you are bound to discover some things.

Palestine and Israel refer to the land located in the southwestern part of Asia between Jordan and Egypt.

Some of the land may belong to the Palestinians on paper, but this is definitely not true in reality. Anyone who visits Palestine will realize that Palestinians don't truly own the land when they see all of the Israeli settlements there.

The Israeli people choose to settle in this land when there is a vast amount of barren land in territories occupied by Israel.

The greed and selfishness of these people absolutely amazed me. Do they have any decency? Do they not remember how the Palestinians welcomed them into their land and allowed them to live there when they were being persecuted by so many people before and after World War II? Do they not remember how they took the Palestinian state and made it their own state of Israel? Do they even care?

The bottom line is that the Palestinians are being oppressed by the "children of Israel." You tell me if you think that not being able to go to the beach and swim without showing your passport to an Israeli soldier is oppression.

You tell me if you think that having the electricity go out constantly at the hands of the ruling government is not oppression.

You tell me if you think that not being able to go and pray in a place that is sacred to you no matter what you say is oppression.

You tell me if you think that being treated differently because you are Palestinian is oppression.

I certainly think it is.

The truth is that most Palestinians cannot go to Jerusalem and pray to God in one of the holiest places in the religion of Islam. My family and I were allowed to go because we have American passports. Although we were still ridiculed by the Israeli soldiers over there.

When you pass the border between the Gaza Strip (Palestinian land) and Israel, you have to "check-in" with an Israeli soldier and wait until he checks your passport and logs you into the computer. If the computers are down, you have to wait. You will not be allowed to leave the Gaza Strip without having a Palestinian passport in hand.

The Palestinian people want their own state, just like the Jews wanted their own state in 1948 and established it on Palestinian territory. As long as the Israelis do not give us back the land that is rightfully ours and give us the human freedom and dignity we deserve, we can forget any hope of peace.

It will not happen. May the One and Almighty God give victory to the just and punish the oppressors.




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First allow us to distinguish between Jews & Zionists.

I have so many Jewish neighbors that hate what is going on.

Zionists love it. They're bathing in it, however pachydermish.

Or is it pachydermatous? Not to be confused with Paky-dervish.

Zionists feel it their destiny to rule this planet.

Even if it means 'extinguishing' a few ethnic groups.

Anyone gets in their way, "we'll just flush'em out!"

Which strongly suggest suitable future employment 4'em:

Toilet attendants.

ThAt'll keep'em busy peacefully FLUSHING all day long...

They can even engage their Rifle barrels as plungers.



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It is much deeper than all of that. It is at the root of their philosophical bent, that they are the "chosen people", the curse of sectarianism. If national theology dictates such a discriminatory stance, then everybody else is nothing but a "palestinian" to such a group, and "occupation" is not for just a sliver of desert coastline, it is also internationalism, world domination of economics, media control, you name it. It is all used to "serve" their tribal warlord they call god.


The religion of king david, solomon, et al, is not practiced in the sense of bhakti, which is how it was designed by God through His agents, it is practiced with a full interpretation of the external story of war (common to all world theology), out of context.


Kinda like hitler's attempt to do Kuruksetra in his perverted interpretation.


Nothing at all religious in discussion of current Middle East events as they unfold. Just the quarrel, chaos, and confusion of the age which makes actual religion the only outlet for liberation.


mo latah, haribol, ys, mahaksadasa

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Lot of truth in what you said.It works both ways though doesn't it?


I see a lot of racial and religious hatred coming from the Palestinians.


Equal vision of all living beings as parts of Krishna would solve the problem,but in the midst of the chaos not many are interested.



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The point is, quarrel, chaos and confusion comes from those who are fully enveloped in Kali Yuga influence. As Jesus, says, cant have it both ways, thus, one fully immersed in the entanglement of kali yuga is not at all religious.


Religion means that one agrees that (s)he is not the body. Bodily identification is anti-religious, so all wars based on false identification are viewed as animal defense mechanism, not even worthy of human status.


So, if we go "US, US" and they go "Iraq, Iraq" both are in false identification of the body as the self, and the differences cannot be resolved outside the way of kali yuga, the solution is steeped in chaos, quarrel and confusion.


So, of course, Palestinians are filled with hatred bred from false identification with the body as the self, and the Jews are afflicted with the Kali disease, as are alqaida, hamas, chechnians, amerikans.


Bottom line, though, is that the truely innocent happen to be those who have no national identy, the residents of refugee camps. I personally have a bias against Israel because of their historical and continual attack on refugee camps. There are no Israeli refugees (yet), there are no Amerikans who cannot identify their US bodies as their selves, but they have no problem attacking the truely downrtodden, like somalis, afghanis, palestinians and others who may be truely experiancing that thier temporary forms are not from here, are not enveloped in bodily identification, .....


Bottom line, Middle East problem has nothing to do with religion. A fanatic is not religious in any way. Religion is a "FREE CHOICE" to serve God, and fanatics are diametrically opposed to all such notions of free expression of love to the Supreme Being. All stuff labeled "religious" by the media is the third leg of kali yuga, confusion, accepting irreligion as religion.


haribol, ys, mahaksadasa

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Theistji: Each sides History of region will differ.

One side stresses possession as 9/10 of law. We were here 1st!

Other side stresses ancient history, Balfour, UN, 6-day war.

Then, how to settle?

"Might makes right? Which makes new vikarma-viphalam.

No chance for liberation, only continued frustration.

Put'em all on a forced pakora prasAdam diet. That'll settle it.

Throw in a few jumbo samosas for good conduct.

Introduce halavah & laDDus as they gradually progress.

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Looks likes its all a British ploy. They have taken care to sow tension in most of the places which were their colonies. They never wanted the colonise to rise in power at any point of time and overtake them. This is exactly the reason in dividing India into 2 and bringing in Jews in a Arab area. The super-powers wanted the other countries to keep on fighting, wasting their resources and draining them. Its a longterm plan designed by men of vision.


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It is not terrorism, it is war. Terrorism is a buzz word only that has been used by real terrorists to justify their horrible exchanges of evil on innocent non-combatants.


The suicides are carried out by those in the state of Israel, not those living in WB or Gaza.


Sharon is wanton murderer whose fanatical idea is to make the arabs all leave the area, tear down the rock and rebuild the ancient temple (That Lord Jesus Christ arranged to be destroyed). What he and the Zionist really wants is to have solomon's loot, which is still massive under the dome of the rock, and only partial lootings over 1,000 years ago financed construction of european cathedrals and still existing monarchies.


Its the love of money that is the root of all evil. Solomon declared all his wealth as vanity, yet zionists hate solomon, david, abraham, and God Himself. Dont fool yourself by the dualistic rhetoric.


Just duck, and dont look at the flash, and learn to eat earth worms and pond scum.


Mad Mahax

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