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Scholastic Massacre: Teen Terror

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Preface: Anyone devoted to Godhead's Supreme Person knows animal slaughterhouses must be ILLegalized before human slaughter desists.

No two ways about it.


18 Killed in German School Shooting

By JOCHEN WIESIGEL - Associated Press

ERFURT, Germany (April 26) - An expelled student dressed in black and carrying two guns opened fire in his former school Friday, killing 17 people before shooting himself as commandos closed in, police and witnesses said. It was one of the deadliest school shootings in recent history.

During the rampage, a handwritten sign reading ''HILFE'' - ''Help'' - was pasted to a fourth-floor window, and behind it a girl could be seen in the room. Police who later searched the Johann Gutenberg Gymnasium - which had students from grades five through 12 - said they found bodies strewn in hallways, and even bathrooms.

''We found a horrible scene,'' police spokesman Manfred Etzel told N-TV television.

The death toll matched that of the 1996 shooting at an elementary school in Dunblane, Scotland, where 16 children, a teacher and the gunman died. Fifteen people, included two teen-age gunmen, died in the April 1999 shooting at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colo.

The 19-year-old gunman at Johann Gutenberg fired at random with a handgun and another weapon, apparently a shotgun, police said. The unidentified teen had been kicked out of the school several weeks ago.

As police closed in, the gunman shot himself in a classroom where he was barricaded. Among the other dead were 14 teachers, two students and a policeman - who was among the first to charge into the building after a janitor called for help at about 11 a.m - Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder's office said.

Schroeder's office said the chancellor was ''horrified'' by the shooting.

The remaining 180 students were safely evacuated from the school, located in a residential area of the eastern city of Erfurt. After searching the building, police said they could not confirm accounts by school students that there was a second gunman.

Like other parts of the former communist East Germany, Erfurt, a city of 220,000 about 150 miles southwest of Berlin, has been economically struggling. The school, housed in a 1908 building, has a high academic reputation.

Shocked students who fled the shooting reported seeing a man dressed all in black roaming the hallways with a gun.

''I heard shooting and thought it was a joke,'' said 13-year-old Melanie Steinbrueck, choking back tears. ''But then I saw a teacher dead in the hallway in front of Room 209 and a gunman in black carrying a weapon.''

''The guy was dressed all in black - gloves, cap, everything was black,'' said Juliane Blank, 13. ''He must have opened the door without being heard and forced his way into the classroom.''

''We ran out into the hallways. We just wanted to get out,'' she said.

Sixth-grader Martin Streng said he was in math class when he heard gunfire coming from a classroom down the hall. As he and other students filed into the hallway to flee the building, they saw a man with a gun down the corridor behind them, Streng said.

Outside the school, a police officer with a megaphone urged parents to register their children's names before leaving the scene. Groups of dazed and shocked students huddled in the street, hugging and crying. Ambulances and police cars massed in front of the school.

It was Germany's second school shooting in recent months. In February, a 22-year-old German who recently lost his job, shot and killed two former bosses and his old high school's principal in a rampage outside Munich.

In what may be the deadliest mass killing at a school, a farmer angry about his tax bill set off dynamite at a school in Bath, Mich., on May 18, 1927, killing 43 people.

AP-NY-04-26-02 1144EDT



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Other School Killings

April 26, 2002 Posted: 11:16 AM EDT (1516 GMT)

(CNN) -- The mass shooting at a German high school on Friday that left at least 18 dead, including the gunman, is one of the worst outbreaks of deadly violence at a school worldwide in recent history. Following is a look at other incidents of deadly violence at schools around the world.


February 19, 2002 -- Munich, Germany

A gunman killed three people in a rampage. The man started first at the home furnishings company where he had been recently fired, killing his former boss and a foreman. Afterward, he traveled 12 miles to a Munich suburb, entered a high school and shot the headmaster of the school after he was unable to find a teacher he was looking for. He shot another teacher in the face and set off homemade bombs before committing suicide.


June 8, 2001 -- Osaka, Japan

A knife-wielding man killed eight children and wounded 21 people after he forced his way into Ikeda Elementary School. The man was armed with a 6-inch kitchen knife. Seven girls and one boy were killed, most of them first- and second-graders at the private school.


April 28, 1999 -- Taber, Alberta, Canada

A 14-year old boy fired four shots from a .22-caliber rifle at W.R. Myers High School, killing a 17-year-old student and wounding another student, also 17. The 14-year-old was a former student at the school.


April 20, 1999 -- Littleton, Colorado

In the worst incident of school violence in U.S. history, two students at Columbine High School killed 12 students and one teacher and wounded 23 others. Eric Harris, 18, and Dylan Klebold, 17, assaulted the school with guns and homemade bombs. After an hour-long rampage, the two shot themselves.


March 30, 1997 - Sanaa, Yemen

Mohammad Ahmad al-Naziri, 48, open fired with an assault rifle on hundreds of pupils at two schools in Sanaa, killing six children and two others. A Yemeni court sentenced him to death the next day and he was executed by firing squad a week later.


March 13, 1996 -- Dunblane, Scotland

Armed with four handguns, Thomas Hamilton entered an elementary school in the small Scottish town of Dunblane and killed 16 children, all ages 5 and 6, and a 44-year-old kindergarten teacher before killing himself. Eight other children and two adults were wounded in the attack.

Uncut & Unedited


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I would not be surprised. Many of mass shootings are done by victims of CIA mind control program called MK-Ultra. CIA is controlled by Illuminati, aka New World Order. Their desire is to confiscate guns from all world citizens. One way to do that is to send some lunatic on shooting rampage at a school so people demand stricter gun confiscation-registration laws.

Here is link to recent school shooting in Germany.

I strongly suspect CIA involvement.

If not CIA, then one of their sister organizations.

I don't know nom de guerre of German version of CIA.

Yours truly, Ed Safra.


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Here is link to article which postulates exactly what I said yesterday.

Recent school shootings in Germany, and past ones in United States, England and Australia are not work of deranged individuals.

They are part of plan by world's ruthless elite to induce desire for stricter gun control laws in every country.

Author presents good evidence why "lone gunman" theory does not hold up.

Yours truly, Ed Safra


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  • 1 month later...


Our next meeting will be Sunday, June 9 at Riverside Church at 1 PM.

One of the main items we hope to discuss is the current policy of ACS in regard to the removal of children from the home for neglect.

Although we recognize that some children are in need of immediate protection from danger in the home, we have been disturbed that removal has been done or threatened if parents have objected to medicating their child with drugs such as Ritalin or for other

inapporpriate reasons. Policies at ACS are evolving, and we hope to learn what current policies and perceptions are.

We have also met with some special education workers in Manhattan as the result of a broadcast interview on WBAI. We will continue to discuss how to investigate and influence school policy on diagnosis and treatment of ADHD.

Lastly, we will discuss changing our name, since we are no longer concerned primarily with the violence initiative. How about CABRIC, Coalition Against Biodetereminist Research in Children. Think of something better and bring it along.



RM 240 (Check at security desk to confirm

the number and get directions)

Claremont Ave. (1 block east of Broadway) opposite 121 St.


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  • 1 month later...

Last Night in Holland they broadcast Child Play 2 featuring Chucky.

U remember Chucky.

The Stuffed Doll u'd throw your shoes at if u had an extra pair handy.

Demonic Films like these r meant (calculated)to increase child rebellion.

Children r shown inconsiderate un-understanding parents who refuse to believe kids even when they speak truth.

Frustration mounts.

Such negative persistent theme dominates this entire flick.

Mixed with horrific, bloody violence, should Teen Terror surprise us?

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  • 2 months later...

By JULIET WILLIAMS .c The Associated Press


MILWAUKEE (Oct. 3) - One boy said he does not attend school because his mother does not know where to send him.


Another was arrested for burglary before he was 10. His father is dead and, at 14, he's a father himself.


A third in the mob of boys accused of beating a man to death with broomsticks, shovels and poles said he took part because he didn't want anyone calling him scared.


Four days after as many as 16 boys killed Charlie Young Jr., seven of them were charged Thursday with first-degree reckless homicide. An eighth - 10 years old, the youngest of those held - was charged as a juvenile with party to the crime of reckless homicide.


It was still unclear Thursday how many boys were in custody overall, or why they beat Young so brutally. But statements from some of the boys have begun to shed light on the deadly fracas.


The violence started when 13-year-old Artieas Shanks threw an egg at Young, police say. Young then struck 14-year-old Marlin Dixon in the mouth, knocking out a tooth. That prompted a growing group to go after the man, hunting him down and beating him bloody and unconscious outside a home where he sought to escape them.


Young, 36, died Tuesday after he was taken off life support.


``If I had known he was beat that bad, to tell the truth I would not have touched him at all,'' wrote Marlin Dixon, who said he retaliated when Young punched him. ``I do not want him to die because my tooth is not more important than his life is. I'm sorry.''


In addition to Marlin Dixon and Artieas Shanks, the other boys charged as adults were Marlin's brother, Don Dixon, 13; Lee Mays, 16; his brother Kenny Mays, 13; Montreon Jordan, 15; and Devin Beamon, 16. The charge filed against them carries a maximum prison term of 60 years.


Of those charged as adults, all except Don Dixon and Shanks were ordered held on $100,000 bail. Dixon and Shanks were ordered held on $50,000 bail.


Lawyers for the boys 15 and younger said they planned to ask to have the cases moved back to juvenile court, as allowed under state law.


Lawyers for all eight boys said Thursday that the statements they gave police were unreliable. They said neither attorneys nor the boys' parents were present when the statements were made.


According to the statements, five of the boys' fathers are dead. Shanks' father is in prison. Marlin Dixon is a father himself.


Most of the boys have criminal histories - from curfew violations to possession of cocaine and a 9mm handgun. Most grew up in the neighborhood where the beating occurred. Some were gang members.


Two of the boys said they participated in the attack because they were scared of later being accosted by the group.


The 10-year-old hit Young with a stick, a milk crate and a pole during the beating. He said his clothes and shoes were bloody afterward. Prosecutors said he was not charged with the more serious offense because they didn't believe a 10-year-old is capable of understanding the possible consequences of his actions.


The 10-year-old's lawyer, Craig Mastantuono, said the boy should be released to his parents because he has a stable home and has been attending school.


``He is in fourth grade,'' Mastantuono said. ``Judge, he can't drive a car. I doubt that he is a flight risk at all.''


But Assistant District Attorney Joy Hammond said the boy took part in the attack from beginning to end and reportedly told another boy, ``we went back and beat him some more.''


The boy made one brief remark in court: ``I don't wanna talk to no police officers.'' His name was not released. Judge Tim Witkowiak ordered him detained in a juvenile facility.


The 10-year-old's brother was among those arrested in the case.


Their half-sister said the boys sneaked out Sunday night because they were bored and wanted to hang out with friends. She's afraid her brother will be sent to prison.


``If a grown man can't handle being in prison, how can a 10-year-old with the mentality of a 10-year-old handle being in prison for 10 or 20 years?'' she said. ``He's not a monster. He is a 10-year-old boy.''


Lee Mays' statement reveals the 16-year-old can read and write only a little. He said he is not attending school, because his mother does not know where to send him. He printed his name on the police statements with big, block letters.


Beamon said he held the already bloody Young in a wrestling move he learned on television, called a ``cripple cross face hold,'' so the others could beat Young in the face.


Marlin Dixon told police one of the boys involved told him to go home and have his mother take him to the hospital. In his statement, he said his mother called police, then told him she had to go to work and would take him to the hospital the next day.


Shanks told police he hit Young once with a broomstick before the group beating began because he was mad at Young for pushing him down and knocking out his friend's tooth. According to his statement, he also did it because he wanted Young ``to feel some pain.''


During the beating, Shanks' mother called him home, telling him, ``If I see you on the corner with that group of guys again, I'll hurt you seriously,'' his statement said.


In an interview with The Associated Press, Louise Shanks said her son was sorry.


``He didn't know they were going to do all that to the man,'' she said. ``He's scared. He knows what he did ain't right.''

10/03/02 22:43 EDT

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