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My favorite places in Vraja are Govardhan Hill and Sri Radha Kunda. To go in parikrama there is pure nectar.

The first time I did the parikrama I did the mistake of going with a big group and we took so many hours that at the end I just wanted for everything to finish as soon as possible. After that every year for Kartika I just went with 2 or 3 devotees, very early in the morning and everything was much better, because we didn't have to walk at noon when gets really hot. Normally we took a book with us with the description and pastimes of the different places and from time to time we sat down to read.

At the end we used to finish in Radha Kunda (fron where we started) and have the holiest bath ever.

I recommend Govardhan Parikrama as one of the most rewarding spiritual experiences.


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