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References to other religions in Vedic texts?

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Are there references to other religions such as Christianity and Islam within the Vedic texts.

Thank you for writing. There is a text by the name Bhavishya Purana (which means literally the 'History of the Future'), in which predictions of the present age of Kali are given. The book was written by the sages 5,000 years ago, before the Kali yuga began. Through their mystic vision they were able to foresee many events that would take place in the Kali yuga, and for the benefit of humanity they put them down in writing. Some of the events described include the appearance and activities of Jesus Christ (whom it is revealed came to India and spent much time at Puri in Orissa, as well as in the Himalayas), the appearance of Mohammed, and many others. Jesus is described as coming from the planet of the Sun, and is given the name Isa-putra or "son of God". Mohamed is described as coming from the Kailasha planet, which is the abode of Lord Siva. In both cases they were sent to establish non-vedic dharma to put a degraded civilization back on the track of God consciousness.


Yours in service,


Jahnava Nitai Das,

Bhaktivedanta Ashram



[This message has been edited by jndas (edited 08-28-2001).]

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Kalki Avatar was predicted to appear in that place. It is mentioned in Bhaghavtam.


Appearence of JC was noted from the story of Trisanku in Ramayana chapter 3.


I never know about Prophet Md. Where exactly it is mentioned? Please reply. Thanks.

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