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One thing you can do is this. Plug your stereo system (or walkman) into your computer by running a wire from the stereos line out (2 wires) to the computers microphone plug (single wire). You need to get a special wire for it.


Then open a sound recording program. I use one called "GoldWave", do a search and you can download it for free.


Start recording, and then press play on you tape system.


Now you can save it in MP3 format. The next step is compressing it so it doesn't take forever to download. For that you can find a program called "RazorLame" which is an MP3 encoder. It will compress your mp3 files to reasonable sizes.


Then you are set to upload them to your site.


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Haribol, and thanks for the info. This would probably be more quality if I use the actual recorder that I uses to make the master tapes. There is actually a midi plug adapter for this purpose on the portable studio.


Ill try out a few things and then Ill go from there.


Thanx again, and thanks for this website, ys in cooperation, mahaksadasa

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Whenever you do get your songs into MP3 format, there are two ways to put them on your site. One is to have a direct link to the file. With this the person has to download the entire file before listening.


If you want them to hear it immediately as it downloads (streaming), you need to make a text file (in notepad) with a single line that has the URL of the MP3 file. Now save this text file as <song>.m3u


On your site, link to this .m3u file (instead of the mp3 file) and the song will stream (i.e. play while downlaoding), so there is no delay for the listener.


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