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Jhulan Yatra - Swing Pastimes

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The Jhulan-yatra festival ends today. I am posting some select songs from the "Vaishnava Padavali" collected and translated by Advaitadas (except where otherwise mentioned).




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<big>Jhulana Lila – Swing Pastimes</big>



(rAgiNI kAmoda - tAla chuTa daza kusi)


nava ghana kAnana zohana kuJja;

vikasita kusuma madhukara guJja

nava nava pallave zobhita DAla;

sAri zuka pika gAoye rasAla

tahi boli aparUpa ratana hindola;

tA’pora baiThalo yugala kizora

vraja ramaNI-gaNa deota jhakora;

gIrata jAni dhani korotahi kora

koto koto upajala rasa parasaGga;

govinda dAsa tahi dekhoto raGga</center>

“In the new deep forest is a beautiful kunja where the flowers blossom and the bees buzz. On the fresh leaves on the beautiful branches the female Sari-parrots and the male Suka parrots sing delicious songs. Here is a wonderful jewelled swing, on which the Yugala Kisora is seated. The Vraja-gopis give a push, and Radha takes shelter of Krsna’s lap, afraid that She will fall. How many rasika talks are being held? Govinda dasa blissfully beholds it.”

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(mAyura - tAla daza kusi)


vipina bihAra, koroto nanda nandana,

suvadani dhani kori saGga

sakala kalAvati, duhuG prema Arati,

mana mAhA upajala raGga</center>

“Nanda Nandana sports in the forest with fair-faced fortunate Radha, and all the artful girls are very happy at heart to see Their loving eagerness.”


<center>ratana hindola’pora, baiThalo duhuG jana,

sakhIgaNa deoto jhakori

gaganahi magana saghana rajani koro,

Anande koroto nehAri</center>

“Radha and Krsna are seated on the swing and the sakhis swing Them. Blissfully they watch the cloudy night merge into the sky.”


<center>dekho dekho aparUpa chAnde

madana mohana heri, mAtala manasija,

kAnu nehAre mukha-cAGde</center>

“Behold, behold this wonderful fashion! Seeing Madana Mohana, Cupid is completely perplexed, especially when he sees His moon-like face!”


<center>vArida garaji, garaji ghana gheralo,

bunda bunda koru pAta

koho zivarAma, malayAcala duhuG para,

mRdu mRdu karatohi bAta</center>

“The rain is drizzling, the clouds are rumbling and thick drops of rain are falling. Sivarama says: “The Malayan breezes are softly fanning Them.”

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<center>(rAgiNI mallAra - tAla eka tAla)


dekho sakhi jhulata yugala kizora;

nIlamaNi jaDAola kAJcana jora

lalitA vizAkhA sakhI jhulAyata sukhe

Anande magana heri doGhe doGhA mukhe</center>

“Look, O sakhi, at the Yugala Kisora on the swing, resembling a sapphire embraced by gold! Lalita and Visakha blissfully push the swing, while the Divine Pair is absorbed in bliss, admiring Each other’s faces!”


<center>  garajata gagane saghane ghana ghora;

raGgiNI saGgiNI gherata cauttara

vividha kusume sabe raciyA hindolA

dolAya yugala sakhI Anande vibholA</center>

“Clouds loudly rumble in the sky as Rangini (playful Radhika) sits on the swing, that is decorated with different flowers, surrounded by Her girlfriends that are ecstatically swinging the Divine Pair.”


<center> jhulAota sakhIgaNa karatAli diyA;

suvadanI kohe pAche giraye bandhuyA

vigalita dukula udita sveda bindu;

amiyA jharaye yeno duhuG mukha indu</center>

“The sakhis are pushing the swing with their handpalms (so hard that) Suvadani (fair-faced Radhika) says (to Krsna): “O friend! We will fall backwards!” Their garments loosen and the sweat drops that appear on Their moon-like faces resemble drops of nectar.”


<center>heri sab sakhIgaNa doGhAkAra zrama;

cAmara vIjana lei koroye sevana

bhramara kokila sab bosi taru DAle;

rati jaya rAdhA-kRSNa rAdhA kRSNa bole

kohe jagannAtha kobe hobe zubha dine;

sakhI sahe doGhAkAre heribo vipine</center>

“Seeing how the Divine Pair perspires of fatigue, all the sakhis begin to serve Them by fanning Them with yaktail fans. The bumblebees and cuckoos are sitting on the branches of the trees and are singing: “Jaya Radha Krsna! Jaya Radha Krsna!” with great love. Jagannatha dasa says: “When will that blessed day be mine when I can see Them both in the forest with the sakhis?”

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<center>(rAgiNI mallAra - tAla teoTa)


dekho sakhi jhulato rAdhA-zyAma -

vividha yantra, sumeli susvara,

tAna mAna suThAma</center>

“Look, O sakhi, how Radha-Syama are swinging! Various musical instruments are being played, and songs are sung with beautiful voices and with nice rhythms and tunes.”


<center>ASADha gata puna mAha zAGana

sukhada yamunA tIra

cAGda rajani, sukhamaya sukhodaya,

manda malaya samIra</center>

“The month of Asadha (June-July, when it is very hot) is gone and the Sravana month (July-August) has come on the delightful bank of the Yamuna. The moon is rising in the blissful night sky and a gentle Malayan (southern) breeze is blowing.”


<center>paripUrNa sarovara, praphullita taru vara

gagane garaje gabhIra

ghora ghaTA ghana, dAminI damakata,

bindu barikhata nIra</center>

“The lakes are full and the trees are blooming (due to profuse rain at that time of the year) and the clouds rumble deeply in the sky. The lightning flashes and drops of rain are showered.”


<center>tahi kalpadruma, tala chAya suzItala

racita ratanahi Dora

jhulaye tachu para, gori zyAmara,

jhulAye sakhi dui ora</center>

“A swing is hung there on jewelled ropes in the cool shade of a wish-yielding tree. On it Gauri Radha and Syama Krsna are seated and pushed by sakhis who stand on each side.”


<center>taDita ghana janu, dolaye duhu tanu,

adhare mRdu mRdu hAsa

vadana hema nIla, kamala vikazita

sveda bindu parakAza</center>

“Their bodies resemble the lightning (Radha) and the clouds (Krsna) as They oscillate on the swing. Their faces, that resemble golden and blue lotusflowers, show drops of perspiration and are adorned with tenderly smiling lips.”


<center>charama heri koi, vIjana vIjai

karpUra tAmbUla yogAy

suraTa megha, mallAra gAota

mohana mRdaGga bAjAy</center>

“Some sakhi, seeing that the swinging reaches a climax, starts fanning, others offer betel-leaves, and others sing the surata, megha and mallara ragas while playing fascinating mrdanga.”


<center>kusuma caya vara, hAra naTa koto

bhramara guna guna rol

haMsa zikhi sArasa, susvara zabadita

dAduri ghana ghana bol</center>

“Radha and Krsna wear excellent flower-garlands that dance in so many ways [along with the oscillating swing] while the bees buzz around them. Swans, peacocks and cranes sing with beautiful voices and the frogs croak loudly.”


<center>duhuG bhAle candana, cAGda camakita

tilaka racita kapola

caJcala mukuTa, sucAru candrika

pITha pora veNI dola</center>

“Radha and Krsna wear sandalwood-tilaka on Their foreheads that astonishes even the moon. Krsna wears a beautiful wiggling peacock-feather crown and Radha has a braid that dangles on Her back down to Her buttocks.”


<center>duhuG zravaNe kuNDala, capala jhalamala,

hRdaye zazimaNi hAra

jhalake AbharaNa, jhaGkRta jhana jhana

jhukita jhulana vihAra</center>

“Their restlessly dangling earrings shimmer on Their ears and They wear moon-stone necklaces on Their chests. Their ornaments glitter and chime along with the rhythm of the swinging. In this way the Jhulan-pastimes is ended.”


<center>koi candana gharSaNa, sugandhi chirakata,

zyAma gori aGga heri

sakhi bhASa iGgitahi, dAsa uddhava,

koroto kusuma Dheri</center>

“Some sakhis grind fragrant sandalwood. Looking at the limbs of Syama and Gauri some sakhi gives a verbal hint to Uddhava Dasa to go and pick flowers.”

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<center>(rAginI kalyANI - tAla caJcu puTa)


jhulato zyAma, gaurI bAma,

Ananda raGge mAtiyA,

iSata hAsita rabhasa keli, jhulAto saba sakhinI meli,

gAoto koto bhAtiyA

hema maNi-yuta bara hi Dora, racita kusuma gandha bhora,

poroto bhramara mAtiyA

navIna latAya joDita DAla, vRndA vipine zobhita bhAlo

canda ujora rAtiyA

nava ghana tanu dolAya zyAma, rAi saGge jhulato bAma,

taDita jaDita kAtiyA

tArA-maNi candra hAra, jhulita dolato gale dohAra

hilana duhuka gAtiyA

vidhi koto dhiyA tA-thaiyA bola, bAje mRdaGga mohana rola,

tinA-nA tinA-nA tA-ti-yA

bheda pavana grAma pUra, ghora zabada jIla sura,

varaNa nAhiko jAtiyA

maNi AbharaNa kiGkinI baGka, jhulane bAjaye jhunura jhaGka

jhana jhana jhana jhA-ti-yA

rAdhA mohana caraNe Aza, kevala bharasA uddhava dAsa

racita pUrito chATiyA</center>

Syama swings with Gauri on His left, intoxicated by Jhulana’s ananda rasa! Yet with Their sliver-like smiles They arouse the mood for Ananga Keli! Radha’s sanginis push the Hindola and sing, displaying madhura gestures.


The hema-mani Hindola is decorated with fragrant flowers that allure hoards of bees.


Syama appears like a cloud, and Rai Rangini is like the brilliant lightning embracing His left side!


Radha-Syama wear candra hara (moon-necklaces) and tara-mani (star-jewels) that toss as Their bodies clasp together.

The mohana mrdangas play - bi-dhi, bi-dhik-a-di-ya and tini-na, tini-na-ta-ti-ya.


The gopis’ high-pitched singing traverses the sky to fill the surrounding area; it’s simply indescribable! Yet their ornaments and kinkini malas tinkle as the jhunura (large karatalas) resound: jha-na, jha-na, jha-na – jha-ti-jha!


Thus overwhelmed, Uddhava dasa takes shelter at Sri Radha-Mohana’s lotus feet.


<center>(Translation by Gadadhara Prana dasa)</center>

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<center>(rAgiNI kedAra - tAla eka tAlA)


Aju lalita hindolA mAjha

raGge jhulato nAgara rAja

rAi suvadani vAma pAza

koto hu Ananda sAyare bhAsa</center>

“Today Lalita blissfully pushes Nagara Raja as He sits on the swing with fair-faced Rai on His left side, floating in an ocean of transcendental bliss.”


<center>kibA adabhuta duhuka zobhA

nAhiko upamA bhuvane lobhA

duhuka vadana duhu se heri

hAsi cumba dei beri beri</center>

“How wonderful is Their beauty! Nothing in the world can compare to Them! Looking at Each other’s faces they laugh and kiss Each other time and again.”


<center>AGkhi bhaGgi kori koteko bhAGti

kohe gada gada rabhase mAti

lalitAdi sakhi se sukhe bhAsi

nehAre dohAra vadana zazi</center>

“The Divine Pair makes so many gestures with the eyes and speak so many disordered words with faltering voices. Lalita and the other sakhis float in bliss as they behold Their moon-like faces.”


<center>raGge jhulAyato manda manda

miliyA gAoyate pada suchanda

bAjate veNu vINA upAGga

madhura mRdaGga muraja caGga</center>

“Blissfully and slowly They swing and together They sing nicely composed songs, play flute, vina, upanga and sweet mrdanga and muraja-drums.”


<center>keho nAce koto bhaGgi kori

ati mohita tA dohe heri

sura-nArI nija gaNa saGge

puSpa vRSTi koroto raGge

jaya zabada vRndAvana bhari

zuni raGge mAte narahari</center>

“Some are dancing, making so many gestures, looking at the Divine Pair in total fascination, while the goddesses in the sky blissfully shower flowers. The whole of Vrndavana is filled with the sounds of ‘Jaya’, and Narahari is raving when he hears it.”

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<center>(rAgiNI kalyANI - tAla caJcu-puTa)


(chorus) Aju kuJje rAdhA - mAdhava jhulari

(jhulari jhulari jhulari jhulari)

Aju kuJje rAdhA - mAdhava jhulari</center>

“Today Radha and Madhava are swinging in the kunja.”


<center>sakhIgaNa meli koroto gAna

ghana ghana muralI zAna

locane locana toDai mAna

nAsAya vezara lolarI </center>

“The sakhis meet and sing while the flute plays incessantly. Meeting eyes uproot pique and pearls dangle under Their noses.”


<center>hindolA racita kusuma puJja

ali kula tAhe vihare guJja

sAri zuka pika beDhalo kuJja

gheri gheri gheri bolari</center>

“The swing is made of lots of flowers and swarms of buzzing bees enjoy there. The female Sari-parrots, the male Suka parrots and the cuckoos fly around in the kunja, surrounding them and singing.”


<center>jhulanA dhamake camake rAi,

vihasi mAdhava dharai tAi

Anande avaza paraza pAi

cApi dharai kolari</center>

“On the swing Radha is alarmed and scolds Madhava, Who laughs and holds Her. He becomes overwhelmed with bliss when He touches Her and keeps Her pressed on His lap.”


<center>priya sahacari TAnai Dori

alase avaza hoilA gori

ghumAolo dhani rase vibhori

dIna kRSNa dAsa bolari</center>

“The priya sakhis pull the ropes of the swing and Gori Rai becomes overwhelmed with fatigue. Dina Krsna dasa sings: Absorbed in rasa Dhani Rai fell asleep.”

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<center>(rAgiNI jaya jayanti - tAla eka tAlA)


manera Ananda, sakhi manda manda,

jhulAyato duhuG sukhe

vega avazeSa, pAi avakAze,

tAmbUla deyai mukhe</center>

“Blissfully the sakhis reduce the speed of the swing, to the pleasure of the Divine Pair. Now that the swing has slowed down they find the opportunity to place betelleaves in Their mouths.”


<center>Ara sakhIgaNa, sugandhi candana,

parAgAdi loiyA kore

nAgara nAgari, aGgera upari,

varikhe Ananda bhare</center>

“Other sakhis take fragrant sandalpaste and flowerpollen within their hands and blissfully shower this over the bodies of our Hero and Heroine.”


<center>kona sakhIgaNa, koroye nartana

mohana mRdaGga bAy

vividha yantrete, rAga tAna tAte

AlApi susvare gAy</center>

“Some sakhis dance and play enchanting mrdanga-drums, singing along with the rhythms and tunes of different musical instruments with nice voices.”


<center>heriyA vihvala, deva nArI kula,

Urdhva-pathe sabe rahe

puSpa variSaNa, kore anukSaNa

e dAsa uddhava kohe</center>

“Seeing this, the goddesses in the sky become ecstatic as they hover in the sky. Uddhava dasa says: They are showering flowers all of the time!”

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<big>Descending from the Hindola</big>



(This kirtana concludes the Jhulana Festival)


jhulanA hoite, nAmilA turite, rasavatI rasa-rAja,

ratana Asane, bosilA jatane, ratana mandira mAjha

su-cAmara loi, bIjana bIjai, sevA parAyaNA sakhI

subAsita jale, badana pAkhAle, basane mochAiyA dekhi

thAri bhori koi, vividha miThAi, dhari duhu sanmukhe

sakhIgaNa, kotohu kautuke, bhojana korilo sukhe

tAmbUla sAjAiyA, kono sakhI loiyA, dohAra badane dilo

ei keza kusume, ApAda vadane, nichiyA nichiyA nilo

kusuma talape, alape alape, bosilA rAdhikA zyAma

alase iSato, nayana mudilA, heriyA mohita kAma

dekhi sakhIgaNa, kotohu jatane, zutAyalo duhu tAya

sakhIra iGgite, caraNa sevite, ei dAsa vaiSNava dhAy</center>

Rasavati Rai and Syama-rasa-raja swiftly descend from the Hindola, enter a ratna mandira, and sit on jewelled asanas. The seva parayana sakhis fan with camaras. One sakhi offers scented water, and wipes Their faces with a soft cloth. Then large plates of assorted sweets are brought before Them. Thus Radha and Krsna enjoy a delightful feast with the sakhis. Afterwards, a sakhi slips pan into Their mouths. And then Radha-Madhava are decorated with flowers (from head to foot) and escorted to the flower bed. Feeling tired, Sri Yugala Kisora’s eyes slightly close, yet mohana kama awakens! And seeing the situation, the sakhis carefully put Them to rest. Then with the sakhis’ que, Vaisnava dasa comes to massage Their lotus feet.

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This pada- Kirtana is from the 'Nikunja Madhuri' of Prema Rasa Madira of Sri Kripaluji Maharaj.


This Lila is about the celebration of Swing Pastimes of the Divine Couple, Radha Krishna.


The Saint-Poet sings in the melodious tune with his choking voice full of Divine Love:


<big><font color="red">paro sakhi, jhUlan me jhajaro</font></big>


Some thing very special happened today! Instead of enjoying the Swing Lila, the Divine Couple entered into a unique Love Quarrel !!


<big><font color="blue">ratana khacita candan ko jhulanA, yamunA pulina paro,</font></big>


The eternal associates, Sakhis and the dedicated playmates have arranged the beautiful swing made of sandalwood and studded with precious diamonds, hung from the blooming fragrant Kadamba tree on the sandy bank of Yamuna River, in a charming bower for the swinging pleasure of the Divine Couple.


<big><font color="red">lalitA kahI, "calo jhUlana kaham, dovu ThAkura hamAro",</font></big>


Lalita Sakhi has made a cordial request,

"O dear Sweethearts! We invite Our precious Lordships to enjoy the pastime of swing lila showering Divine joy on all the blessed souls!"


<big><font color="blue">kahyo lAla "lADilihim jhulAvaim, nahi haum rahata kharo",</font></big>


Then the naughty, quarrelsome Young Boy, Sri Krishna said with a smile,


"Let My Fair Girl sit alone on the swing today. I feel like doing My 'seva' (loving service) of pushing gently while Her Highness is seated Herself upon the blessed swing !


If not, I am standing right here firmly!!


I am not going to move at all from here nor joining Her in the playful swinging!"


<big><font color="red">kahyo lADilihu "lAla jhulAvaim", vacana gumAna bharo,</font></big>


Hearing His words, the tender Sweet Girl, Radharani arrogantly replies with pride and distaste,


"Let the mischievous Boy be seated alone on the swing today! I have no desire to accompany Him. I too long to enjoy rocking My Lord slowly on the swing in gentle movements!!"


Her words are full of feigned anger and Her decision seems to be final.


<big><font color="blue">taba 'kRpAlu' kaha hari te "tuma kata Ajuhim nayI karo!"</font></big>


All the Sakhis and playmates are very much disappointed as their Lordships have entered into this love quarrel and Both of Them decided not to swing together, unless Their demand is met.


In the concluding verse, Sri Kripaluji then prays to Lord Beloved, Hari,


"O my precious Divine Beloved! Why have you resorted to this unwelcome decision today? I am fully aware of Your heart-felt desire to serve Your Soul selflessly.


Please also consider the yearning of Your surrendered souls to be engaged in Your Loving service. Graciously reconcile with Your Mistress and let us all enjoy the celebration of Your playful pastime of Swing Lila to our hearts' content!


Come on, kindly be seated upon the swing so that we can gently push Both of You together!"




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It is interesting to note that in the material world quarrels occur due to selfishness of individuals. Everyone is mostly concerned about serving one's own self and making one's own self happy instead of selflessly serving and caring for one's Beloved.


But in the spiritual abode, in that Land of Divine Love, Vrindavan, love quarrels do take place but for different reason.


Lord Krishna wants to make His Beloved, Radhikaji happy through His seva, and on the otherhand, Radharani stubbornly refuses and desires only Her Beloved's happiness and His loving service.


The playmates and Sakhis too become happy and satisfied only by rendering their seva, loving service unto the Divine Couple, through selfless love. The Supreme power of Divine Love alone reigns there.</font>



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