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Worshipping Caitanya....

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Once walking in Navadwip, I saw in a shop the same deity of Lord Chaitanya in a smaller version. It was love at the first sight and I asked the shopkeeper from where he got it and he gave me the directions to the pottery shop. I got 2 of them, one very similar to the picture above and the other one Lord Chaitanya with Lord Jagannatha. Really beautiful. I had them for few years until some devotees from San Diego came to Calcutta and one of them who is a sculptor fell in love with them and begged me to give them to him because he wanted to make them in the West. They couldn't go to Mayapur to get them because at that time Mayapur was flooded and I gave them to him thinking I'll get them again in Navadwip. Somehow I didn't make it and I finished here in the West but maybe that devotee in San Diego makes them. I can't remember his name maybe Babhru prabhu knows about it. Gandharvika is the wife's name.

I would love to have Lord Chaitanya again.

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The devotee in San Diego who makes sculptures in Chaitanya Bhagavat das. His wife is Gandharvika dasi, who is president of the ISKCON center there, and he serves as head pujari. You should be able to contact him through the temple.


One of the sculptures he casts is, I believe, Mahaprabhu embracing Garuda-stambha. It's quite lovely, but I really like this one.



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