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New Forum invites members to participate in Krishna Consciousness, www.loveology.com. Tell others about it.


It a new forum on the net and would like to have users to make use of it.


Participate in a conceptual framework of categories based on Srila Prabhupada's instructions for the future, yes it is based on Panca-Tattva (5 truths).


There are categories of:


1) Srila Prabhupada


2) Works of Srila Prabhupada


3) Ritviks of Srila Prabhupada


4) Followers of Srila Prabhupada


5) Esoteric Srila Prabhupada


Book mark the webpage www.loveology.com.


Talk to others and tell them.




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Haribol, I will post there as well, but I will post under the "closed minded" threads.


I object to the inference that those against rtvikism are "closed minded", but I wont interfere. Most of my forum friends are rtviks, but my friends have not been able to convince me, not necessarily because of my closed mindedness, but maybe because they lack conviction to convince anyone of their ideas.


I am open minded enough to not declare war on the rtviks like some have, nor do I use harsh words against them, nor do I try to convince them that their way is wrong. So who is closed minded here?


If the owner would like to brainstorm with me on another word (other than closed minded), I would offer to assist. I would never use that term for anyone who reads or posts on a Krsna centered website, and is the word favored by those against the ideas of this science being a gradual process, open to all, and those against offering a place for those who are inquisitive, in need, in misery, or just plain wise.


ys, mahaksadasa

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I agree with Mahak.


The "Open Minded" thread is described as for those that wish to discuss in a humble attitude.


The problem is that that humble inquiry,if genuine, will be reward by Krsna with a firm understanding of the truth.Should we then label that as closed minded?In one sense it may be as after a genuine revelation of some kind one will reject opposing viewpoints.But one can still be open to a further understanding of that truth that has been imparted to him.So his mind also remains open.


Plus "close minded" just carries a negative connotation(sp?).


Looks to be a promising site on an important topic.


I worry however that harsh statements will arise against those outside the ritvik camp,especially those that have taken on the awesome responsibity of sheparding souls back to the Lord.This is the one thing that has really turned me off from the ritviks I have known.


Just some thoughts.I'll see you there as well as here.


Hare Krsna



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Haribol, theist. It is an awesome task of shepherding, especially when one has to do so in a sphere of discord and public bickering. In 1983, there were many devotees who were unfortunate to hook up with me, and I certainly had nowhere to send them for an education above my level. I was overprotective and did not want to get them hooked up with the mess known as the hare krsna movement.


Maybe shepherding in this age is to just get folks interested in chanting the names of god and eating only the stuff offered to god (that he likes). Send them to a center? Dunno if I can handle the reprocussions of such a thing. After all, anyone can jump on the bandwagon and call themselves a rtvik.


If rtvikism was to take place per 1977 instructions, one must approach the infamous eleven, who are the only ones authorized by Srila Prabhupada to act as rtviks. And the GBC is the governing body of rtvikism. So, by logic, only ISKCON under the GBC is the authoritive body of rtvikism, so rtviks outside this standard cannot claim that they are FOLLOWING guru's wishes in this regard.


So, I, myself, support ISKCON and the GBC over any outside rtvik group (if I was certain that rtvikism was Srila Prabhupada's desire).


But, in my complete set of pre-abridged editions of His masterpiece books and translations, I have yet to read anything about "officiating acaryas" or "rtvik priests". The only thing I have read on the subject is Srila Rupa Goswamis prohibition of accepting eccliastic or official gurus, which I will follow, because it is directly instructed in Srila Prabhupada's teachings that he himself approved prior to publication.


ys, mahaksadasa

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Yo, mahak--did you write your last couple of posts, or did I? I also object to the implication that a "mood of humbleness" means, as I assume it does, a willingness to hear the ritvik line submissively. Are they also humble enough to hear a different perspective? Not according to my experience.


I have many friends, on-line and in person, who advocate the ritvik idea. Like you, I've never found anyone whose argument has touched me. That, despite the fact that I share their concerns, even their outrage, corruption of Srila Prabhupada's preaching institution. But they haven't yet shown me any convincing evidence that what they advocate is what Srila Prabhupada wanted us to do.


Okay, I'll get down from my soap box. I haven't decided yet whether I'll register there. I'll check from time to time to see how the forums grow.

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Haribol, stony. Some folks will never understand what a difficult thing it was way back in 74. But you and I and a few others had to swallow a lot of false pride when we returned to the fold, leaving the concerns of the advanced devotees aside in favor of following the program. But after the second ousting and the sending of us into exile from our fathers house, maybe we do get a little closed minded when someone tries to convince us again in our fathers name.


I am no enemy of rtvikvadis, and have actually come out on the net in favor of their idea to establish a church in Prabhupada's name, even give folks names officially in Harinam initiation, and teach all the incomers well as well as we have been taught.


But get the heck out of the way and do not interfere with guru tattwa, which is beyond the realm of the bleacher bums.


I guess I riled them the most when I picked a particular devotee from NYC who was doing rtvik initiations, and asked why he was so fearful of accepting a little responsibility for the folks he brings in. I live in hell for failing my disciples (we all have em, do we not?), but I did not mislead them into thinking they have fulfilled their obligation per NOD in regard to accepting a spiritual master, and receiving initiation from him, hearing from him, asking pertenent questions from him, and serving him with rapt attention (NOTE: MY masculine gender use in my writing here is not discriminatory, just limited use of language, as disciples of guru, are also guru if they follow guru, meaning female disciples are also guru).




Hare Krsna, ys, mahak


PS, did you go to brazil way back when, after gary came back? just curious.

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mahak sez: "Some folks will never understand what a difficult thing it was way back in 74. But you and I and a few others had to swallow a lot of false pride when we returned to the fold, leaving the concerns of the advanced devotees aside in favor of following the program. But after the second ousting and the sending of us into exile from our fathers house, maybe we do get a little closed minded when someone tries to convince us again in our fathers name."


stone: Burn me once, shame on you; burn me twice, shame on me. I think I prefer cautious to closed-minded. I'm very open to real discussion, but it's hard to find.


mahak: "PS, did you go to brazil way back when, after gary came back? just curious."


Nope; institutional politics made it hard to ever fulfill Srila Prabhupada's instruction to work very hard to make the perfection of Krishna consciousness available to those in South America. I'll do it some day, but it will likely not be in affiliation with ISKCON.



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