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What is the cure for mental aparadha?

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As many of us who have been endeavouring to study and practice Vaishnavism would know,Vaisnava aparadha is tantamount to spiritual suicide,for the mad elephant disease tramples over the creeper of devotional service.


The mind is,as Krsna describes in Bhagavad-gita, "turbulent, obstinate and very strong." (Bhagavad-gita 6:34) I have experienced on countless occasions, critical and cynical thoughts regarding certain devotees (even Srila Prabhupada) flashing through my mind.I find myself very much disturbed by all this mental aparadha and it seems that if I were to confess my thoughts to other devotees,I might end up contaminating them.What should I do? What is the cure for all these mental aparadha?


vancha-kalpatarubhyas ca

krpa-sindhubhya eva ca

patitanam pavanebhyo

vaisnavebhyo namo namah


"I offer my respectful obeisances unto all the Vaisnava devotees of the Lord who can fulfill the desires of everyone, just like desire trees, and who are full of compassion for the fallen souls."


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Chant,Chant and Chant.There is no other way.

I am also falling down(temporarily) coz of anxiety and bipolar delussion disorder.Such thoughts also coming in my mind(obsessive?).


Beg Krsna and Srila Prabhupada for forgiveness.They love us more than we will ever know.We should not forget that we are pure spiritual beings and the love that God has for us will never be diminished.From his viewpoint everything is perfect and going on according to his plan.


God bless you

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As long as the soul is associated with the material body and the body entangled in the three modes of material nature, there'll be always some or other kind of mental aparadhas. these should not make us bog down in the spiritual journey. As we rise in the consciouness, these mental aparadhas gradually disappear. Till then we needn't worry too much about them. Simply observe the thoughts as if you are watching from a pure devotee's mind, but don't get immersed in those thoughts. It shows there is still a long way to go!

With sincere devotion and chanting, there wouldn't be even a whit of mental aparadha.



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Thank you,Bhakta Joy, Prasad and Guest for your instructions.


Blasphemy and fault-finding of the Vaisnavas must be avoided if we desire the grace of Krsna,but I am so unfortunate that my mind is always plagued with negative thoughts about the Vaisnavas.I pray for their forgiveness and mercy.The very presence of the Vaisnavas are so auspicious for this material world.


A devotee friend once informed me that according to Srimad Bhagavatam,offences committed by the mind are excused in Kali-Yuga.Does anyone know the scriptural reference?

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>>A devotee friend once informed me that according to Srimad Bhagavatam,offences committed by the mind are excused in Kali-Yuga.Does anyone know the scriptural reference?


Really?I see.My problem is that I am already suffering from anxiety and other mental disorders.My mind has become my greatest enemy.I am off all spiritual practises right now not even chanting.Last year I attained the joyful stage of Brahma-Bhuta and love for Krsna.Sex desires completely left me for 7 days while I was immersed in thought of lotus feet of the Lord.All glories to Vaisnavas who are like desire trees.Progress in spiritual life is possible only by their blessings.Guru and Gauranga ki jaya!

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I know it's easier said than done Leah but if you can find a pure devotee of the Lord, granted that's a rare commodity these days, but their very presence draws you into a vortex of love, honor and forgiveness so that the anarthas of aparadhe don't have a place to fructify in that field, like oil and waters' natural repulsion.

By diving deep into the association of saintly souls our whole existence and mindset shifts to where we can only concentrate on sadhu-seva, how we can practicly please the vaisnava. I think maybe your mind is just going through a screening process of who is who and which vaisnava's to associate with more. Because obviously we all need that association which is most beneficialto our souls evolution back home to godhead. But it's only the pure devotee who can give total relief and full satisfaction for they fill your mind, heart and spirit with Krsna consciousness, leaving no room for fault-finding, they actually draw you into the world of their own purity where Krsna is at the centre of every point and moment.

From what I've heard from you, you usually have a very respectful mood towards the vaisnavas. But sometimes it seems the Lord in His infinite kindness throws these things in our path to see how much we want them removed.

You could always take up the babaji line, bit difficult in Singapore, but I think you're far too personal and social for that.

Krsna is behind everything, He's also in front of everything, above, below, within and without, and on the side of everthing too, hard to imagine huh! and a whole lot harder to be like that.

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Ghari Prabhuji Bhakta Joy here.


Thank you for hitting right on the target.Yes I am struggling very hard...I have insulted vaishnavas many times on the net here and there thats why I have lost all bhava.

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leyh:"The mind is,as Krsna describes in Bhagavad-gita, "turbulent, obstinate and very strong." (Bhagavad-gita 6:34) I have experienced on countless occasions, critical and cynical thoughts regarding certain devotees (even Srila Prabhupada) flashing through my mind.I find myself very much disturbed by all this mental aparadha and it seems that if I were to confess my thoughts to other devotees,I might end up contaminating them.What should I do? What is the cure for all these mental aparadha?"


One thing is to realize that the mind is not the self.That is not you thinking those thoughts.Observe it, like watching clouds in the sky.Sometimes the thought clouds appear bright and happy.Sometimes dark and forboding.Let them float by.


As best as you can, try not to be disturbed too much.Krsna knows that those thoughts are not you.We can from any platform approach the Lord in the heart and request His assistance.Of course His help is guarunteed.In fact it is already there or how else did you become aware?Awareness preceeds resolution.


To me they seem so natural I don't even noticed them.Now that is a problem.


How pleasing it must be to Him to witness your concern over experiencing thoughts adverse to His devotees.



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Dear Theist Prabhu:


You wrote: "How pleasing it must be to Him to witness your concern over experiencing thoughts adverse to His devotees."


These words of yours have really gladdened my heart and made me see the issue from another perspective.I am really grateful to you and all the other devotees whose merciful words I gladly receive.


A grateful "Hare Krsna!" to all of you from your foolish servant here.




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Gaurachandra:"But I believe in Catholicism, you are supposed to even confess your mental sins, as they count against you."



Yes it remains true no matter what age, or if the reactions are coming or not.What else can we do but acknowledge our short comings, our fallen status, to the Lord and pray for His mercy.


Everyone in material consciousness is adverse to the Lord and His devotees to some degree.


When we become aware of this within our own minds at first it may seem as though it is something appearing out of nowhere.Perhaps though it was there all along,lurking,unseen by us.


I believe it to be Krsna's grace that that He peels back the illusion to give us a glimpse of the actual situation.It may even precipitate a crisis.Look at Arjuna on the chariot,"Krsna I shall not fight..."


Krsna used external circumstances to confront Arjuna, to make him confront himself.That breakdown preceded Arjuna's becoming a true disciple.Arjuna turned to Krsna and was strenghtened thereby.


Such a crisis is truly an auspicious thing.



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