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Somatotype Theory and Varna

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Dr. William H. Sheldon first developed his Somatotype theory which suggested that a person's physicality contributed to personality. He divided the body types into three categories as follows:


Ectomorph - thin, tall, refined.

Mesomorph - rectangular, strong, barrel chested.

Endomorph - fat, round (like Santa Claus).


With each he associated a particular personality type. Those who were thin tended to be intellectuals. Those who were strong tended to be outgoing leaders. And those who were fat tended to be the happy, funny characters.


I remember studying this many years ago, and while it may not explain all of personality, I think it tends to be a pretty good model in a generalized sense. Now can we use this model in any way to help implement varnashram?


Most people tend to be a mixture of these various body types, thus blurring the lines of personality. Perhaps this is why in Greek and Vedic times, members of certain castes were not to inter-marry (from my understanding). That is if you could isolate all the thin people, all the strong people etc... into specific classes, then it would be easier to foretell their personality and occupations.


In one sense body type should match Varna. Who would want a pip-squeek to be a ksatriya? And shouldn't a worker be physically strong?


Of course there are problems with this. Napoleon is supposed to have been a shrimp, while the pictures of Madhvacharya I've seen make him look physically huge. So ultimately quality of consciousness is most important.


Still, I think genetics plays a big role in personality. My thinking is that we are born into certain genetically suited bodies based on our karma. Maybe physical structure can give us a clue to help guide people towards certain occupations.

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I definitely think that genetics and varna are closely linked. That is probably why the varnashrama is somewhat linked to birth even though the acid test is one's nature.


Astrologically, it is possible to ascertain the nature of an individual which shows that an individual's nature is determined at the time of birth. But this nature is capable of improvement and degradation.


I think using genetic analysis to guide a person's career, marriage etc. seems like a scientific supplement to astrology. Good idea!

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That is probably why the varnashrama is somewhat linked to birth even though the acid test is one's nature.




Here too I think ones nature is also partly physical. A person who has lots of testosterone pumping through their system is likely to be physically much stronger. At the same time the testosterone makes them more aggressive and less passive. So such an individual needs certain measures to focus their energy towards positive ends. At the same time, perhaps individuals with less testosterone will be more self-controlled and passive and so should pursue a different course.

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