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Enjoyment, Progress, and Everyone

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Sysmasundara dasa: According to Alexander, on the mental level, we are capable of enjoying objects and receiving pleasure from them, but cannot understand them as they are. On the higher level, we can contemplate objects and understand them as they are, as well as enjoy them.

Srila Prabhupada: Yes, that is our philosophy. A common man may see a rose and think, “Oh,, I will offer this nice flower to my girl friend.” But when a devotee sees a rose, he thinks, “How wonderfully god's enrgy is acting!” he understands that it is through K§øëa's energy that such a wonderful flower exists, and therefore he knows that the flower should be offered to K§øëa. After all, since K§øëa produced it, it is K§øëa's property. After offering the rose to K§øëa, the devotee smells it. Then it is pras¢dam, the Lord's mercy. This is higher consciousness. Lower consciousness thinks, “Let me pick it and enjoy it!” That is mere enjoyment without understanding. And animal eats just as man eats, but a man should have sufficiently developed consciousness to understand that what he is eating is given by K§øëa.

The Vedas state: eko bahün¢à yo vidadh¢ti k¢m¢n. “The Supreme Lord is supplying all neccessities of life to everyone.” (Kaöha Upaniøad 2.2.13) When one understands that K§øëa is supplying everything, he thinks, “First, let me offer this to K§øëa.” If evcerything is not offered in sacrifice to the Supreme Lord, we will be entangled. Higher consciousness is mature consciousness. It is like a flower that has blossomed and is emitting a fragrance. That full blossom of consciousness is K§øëa consciousness.

Sysmasundara dasa: Alexander believes that the entire world is moving to that point.

Srila Prabhupada: Well, nature is giving us the chance, but because we have independence, we may or may not take the opportunity.

Sysmasundara dasa: Will only certain individuals attain that higher consciousness, or will the whole world attain it?

Srila Prabhupada: That is a nonsensical question. sometimes rascals inquire, “Swamaji, if everyone becomes God conscious and goes back to Godhead, then who will remain here?” What is the meaning of such a nonsensical question? Why is a fool anxious for everyone? Why is he not anxious for himself? It is the same to ask, “If everyone is honest, then who will go to jail?” As if maintaining the jail is a very important business!



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