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Toobad for Toogood

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Ok, that’s a bad pun. But seriously what the media is doing to this poor girl is reprehensible. I’m not defending what she did. It “looks” bad to hit a kid. But it must be a slow news day so the press is getting its kicks by kicking this girl around. I’m mean come on, its on every blazing channel 24 hours a day practically. And I’m not sure I like that lawyer guy. Call me suspicious, but this girl is doing a press conference every few hours to plead guilty before the world, and I’m just thinking this lawyer is advising her so as to maximize his own publicity. I could be wrong.


Apparently she comes from a group called “Irish Travelers” who are gypsy like folks in the U.S. They are supposed to run a bunch of scams and such. I don’t know if this is true or just stereotype. But I think we should give the poor girl a break. She is obviously not well educated. But I think just send her to some parenting courses, stop exploiting her for television ratings. It almost seems like one of those reality programs where we revel in the agony of others.

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She's caught up in the anti terrorist frenzy, as her cult, Traveler's (see USA today, 9-24) is under scrutiny by the brit-Bush mob. She whacked her kid, which is not good, but her love for that kid is not challenged, and anyone who is homeless (travellers are amerikka's gypsies, here since the 1800s) trying to raise kids knows the normal and natural pressures. She is getting more press than the more than three hundred parents making porn movies of their own children who are not affiliated with the IRA.


haribol, dont read amerikkan press, it is propaganda. Only the president (Gore) speaks to me about the issues.


Football? Im in seahawk country, so I am not so fanatic for obvious reasons. =;-}


haribol, ys, mahak

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