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Dialectic Spiritualism Excertps (DS) *DELETED*

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Don't worry about some disagreement, that is natural on public forums.


Jagat is a scholar and sees through those eyes.DS is perfect for me who is not really interested in spending time learning the western philosphers in any depth, but for those already engaged in such study it may seem too brief an overview.


I think the original transcripts were lost and then begun again by Syamasundara some time later and that may account for the brevity.Not sure.


I see Dialectic Spiritualism as a seed for a larger project.What do you think?


What would be nice is if some of his learned disciples,and there are many,would flush out these points more clearly.Each major philospher should get his own book.You know, like the philosophers basic teaching juxaposed against the Krsna conscious view point.Just more in depth.One for Aristotle, one for Socrates etc.


Just a thought.




as an after thought maybe if there was one thread dedicated to DS exclusively then who could complain.That would also prevent earlier excerpts from being'lost' onto the back pages.

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as an after thought maybe if there was one thread dedicated to DS exclusively then who could complain.That would also prevent earlier excerpts from being'lost' onto the back pages.




Tha seems like a good idea. Come up with a name for the thread, and keep posting additions as replies. This way others wont complain of cluttering.

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Jndas, Thankyou for your suggestion.


I have crated the thread "Dialectic Spiritualism Highlights".


I will now look through the board and extract all previously related messages into this one. Then, as I reply back here - you can delete everything else but this "Dialectic Spiritualism Highlights"


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Jndas, I think this will work out alot better after all.


I have provided you with the following list to delete at your conveinence. I have backed them up into the "Dialectic Spiritualism Highlights" file. Almost all are on 1st page with 1 or 2 on 2nd page.


Hare bol!


Return to the Material World

MInd Occupies Space

Developing bodies on Earth?

Enjoyment, Progress and Everyone

Everyone Benefits

Evolution and Promotion

Experience of Response from God

Freedom and Force

No One Likes the Truth

Nature Itself is Not Rational

Death of Christ - Emphasized

Accidentally Responsible

On the Waves of Maya

Being a Hero

Faith and Decisions

Man Requires a Guru

Religious Suffering (DS)

Points on Moral Choices

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