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New Member / Rushing sound in my ears when in trance.

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Hi All,

I've just joined this fellowship after reading the mystical experiences section which I found fascinating.


I'm writing to ask for advice on something that scares me: when I meditate, and at times when I am falling asleep, I get images

in my mind followed by a floating feeling which is then followed by a rushing

wind-like noise in my ears. This rises in pitch and volume (I'm usually

trembling at this stage) until I inevitably come out of the trance, scared.


This has been happening to me since my teens and I can consciously 'bring' the feeling on if I allow myself to drop far enough into trance.


I need to know what this noise is, what produces it, why it is there and

what would happen if I could stay calm?.

Also any advice on how to beat my fears would also be appreciated!


Many thanks.

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I am a Japanese student studying at a university in America. I came to this country in 1991. I had some personal problems in 1995. I was wasting away under enormous stress, and decided to take a leave of absence for a while. I have never been so stressed out as I was at that time. I went back to Japan in July that year and stayed there until January, 1997.

It was during that time when I began to have mystical experiences. But prior to that, when I was in bed, resting, a number of times I experienced a strange sensation somewhere in the back of my head behind my ears. It felt like that part of my brain was shaking. I recall hearing loud rushing noises. I sometimes still experience this shaking.


The first time it happened I was in a semi-conscious state. Round about this time I began to see smoky lights on the ceiling of my room. I just thought my eyesight had got a little worse from reading, and did not pay much attention to the lights. However, in late November or early December, 1996, I had very vivid but short photographic visions of Boddhisattva and Jesus Christ one after the other. (I used to be a Baptist Christian, but I was not happy with its dogma, and have drifted away from Christians. Christianity caused me nothing but pain.)


I was awestruck, but at the same time I did not exclude the possibility that it was just an illusion. But I continued to have visions sporadically. I soon noted that some of the visions indicated future events in my environment. To my surprise many of them have come to pass. For instance in August 1997, I had a very vivid vision of a friend's wedding ceremony. I was not aware that he was seeing somebody.


A couple of months later a mutual friend told me that he was planning to get married. (In connection with the visions, I must mention something else. I was asked by a meditator to help clear out her basement. I noticed a book about Edgar Cayce. I don't know why. I asked her to lend me that book. She also told me read another book. I believe it was entitled "Joy's way" by Dr.Brugh Joy. I read them in a few days. To my surprise the book went into details about Cayce's and Dr.Joy's visions. I discovered that the descriptions of their visions are very similar to mine.)


Shortly after I came back to this country, Hindus, Buddhists and meditators appeared from out of nowhere and got me involved in meditation. Knowing life here was stressfull, I thought meditation might help fight off stress. I did not take it seriously at first. I don't know why, but I began to practice it every day during the summer. It felt so peaceful and I took a liking to it.


Three or four days later I began to see a very bright white light just like a headlight. In November, that year, I began to experience a painful burning sensation on the sides of my head above the ears. I realized that every time I did meditation, the pain got intensified.


In late November, when I was in bed, I heard a voice, saying something like "I am going to make some changes in your body. This is going to hurt a little. Bear with me." It said something specific in my body, but I missed it. I describe what I heard as a voice, but it was not like someone talking sitting next to me. It was more like thoughts directly coming into your head. At least it felt like that. Almost instantly. I felt some powerful electric current rushing through my body. I remember opening my eyes during this experience. Everything went white during the electric shock. This only lasted for two or three seconds. A couple of minutes later, whatever it was spoke to me again, and gave me a strange prediction which actually came to pass within five days.


I was scared, and thought I might have gone insane. I mentioned my experiences to Hindus and Buddhists. It was then when I first heard the word "Kundalini" They showed me books on meditation. I was shocked to find out that many of my experiences were accurately described. After this event I have heard different voices a couple of times. The third time I heard a voice, it was like a very soothing woman's voice. I noticed it was weeping. I sensed it knew that I was suffering.


This is not the end of my story. A couple of weeks after the electric shock in late November 1997, I began to hear very high-pitched buzzing noises 24 hours a day. I sometimes hear bells, chimes, and clappings as well. The problem is that the buzzing noises don't go away. When I'm reading, working, or talking to people, those noises hardly bother me. They just fade in the background. When I'm relaxing, I find it annoying.


Besides noises and lights, I often feel my body vibrating as if I'm floating. Whenever I do meditation, I always feel a slow coiling motion, and bubbles coming up my body, and smell something burning. I also feel electrically charged in my body, especially on my arms and in the back of my head in addition to moving pressures along the spine.


I also constantly see flashes of bluish white light. In October and December 1999 I felt an upsurge of energy coming up to my chest. It felt like my whole body was exploding. At that moment the noises got extremely loud. I really thought I was dying. I realized I was literally shaking. The bed was making squeaky noises though I was just lying still.


Later that month, I had the most unusual experience. When I was in bed, I felt a couple of fingers beat the back of my neck in a jocular manner several times. I was frightened. It felt so real. I don't know what it was, or whether it was an illusion. In fact I've had similiar experiences other than that. In September 1997 when I was dozing off in bed, I heard a very strong breathing noise right over my face. Almost simultaneously I felt some strong warm air with saliva hit my face. When it hit my face, it made a splash of blue lights. The sensation of having saliva on my face faded a moment later. I jumped out of bed and looked at my face, but there was nothing on my face.


The lady I've contacted who has been suffering Kundalini effects for more than 20 years mentioned that these visitors? might be my "guides"??, and said to try talking to them. (She claims that she's briefly experienced cosmic consciousness.) I don't know if this is the right thing to do, but I've experienced a lot of strange coincidences of different kinds as if someone was trying to either teach me something or make practical jokes on me or perhaps both. Moreover, the most serious symptom is chronic fatigue, and headaches I sometimes get.


Looking back. I believe I was partially responsible for my experiences. When I was a christian, I developed a very strong yearning for the divine. I didn't get anything positive from Christianity other than that. The Bible says: Revelation 3:20 "Here I am I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me."


During my prayer, I often prayed, "No, it is me who is knocking on YOUR door. If YOU hear my voice, please open the door and reveal yourself to me. You say you are the Father, but you never reveal yourself to anyone. Even Billy Graham and Pope have never seen you. There are no such human fathers in the world. What are you, then? If they were, they wouldn't be good fathers by anyone's standard. ---" I suppose I take most of the blame for my experiences.



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Dear Bullero

In Bhakti yoga system mediatation is centered around the sound vribration of the chanting of Maha Mantra.

The Hare Krishna Mantra

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare.

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.

This mantra is chanted on beads numbering 108 and the beginning recommended amount is

16x 108 mantra daily or 1728 mantras.

After a peroid of 6 months practise and the ablilty of following of principals which will assit your mediation one becomes

ready to enter into devotional service Bhakti Yoga.

In Krishna Conscoiusness all of our advancement is based on the chanting of these Holy Names of Hare Krishna and Rama

As we chant all the dust within the heart is gradually cleansed and we understand our oringnal nature which is Krishna(God)Concsious.

At this moment we are tho not ,so we think the refection of spiritual life to be spiritual when actually it is only a refelection.

The body and the mind presents us with many misconceptions which we should carefully decern if we really want to understand our true and oringal nature which is eternal full of knowledge and compeltely blissfully happy


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Does sound like the stages some experience just prior to astral projecting.


I want to take this oppurtunity to recommend a book.It is called Kundalini by Gopi Krishna.


In it he details his experience of an awakening/stirring of his own kundalini-shakti.This is not a technical approach to the subject.He had no guru and he also had no understanding of what was taking place.


He is thrown from states of beatitude to madness.Close to death several times.A wild ride for him and a great read for us.


Published by Shambala in 1971.

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Dear Guest,


Greetings. I recall a discussion a while back, maybe a year ago, regarding ghosts. Seems it was dismissed as "mode of ignorance", and not worth the time to discuss. However, just about every devotee I've known has, at one time or another, experienced something along the lines which you have experienced. A couple of devotees whom I knew from the '70's, who were experienced in astral projection, told me that the experience of the body freezing up, and the feeling of floating upwards, and other similar sensations, was indeed astral projection, although the fear which accompanies this sensation generally causes one to awaken, thereby ending the experience before it has had a chance to finish.


Most devotees I've known have also dismissed astral projection as "the mode of ignorance", and I guess I would agree with that. I recall reading a book published by Eckankar, which advocates the practice of A.P., and meeting spirit guides, that there view on abortion is that it is not sinful, that there is nothing wrong with it. So, that basically ended my intrigue with A.P. I mentioned in a post that I had seen a ghost or a vision (perhaps it was a guide of sorts), on a couple of occasions. I have also experienced the tapping sensation you mentioned on two separate occasions. It was very real, and a bit frightening, and caused me to awaken. I've never been harmed or attacked in any way, so I can't tell if the fear which accompanies this experience is founded or not. The devotees I've known who could A.P. say that one has to overcome those fears. But, it's not easy to do, and for myself, not knowing for sure if there is an entity trying to enter the body, or if I'm merely going to experience A.P., I usually just chant (mentally), and awaken.


I think your question is valid, and I hate to see it simply dismissed as "the mode of ignorance", as it was in my case. Still, out of curiousity, I wanted to know if anyone else with these experiences knew for sure if it was "safe" to stifle the fear and go along with the ride, and see what happens when one does in fact allow the experience to unfold. Sorry I don't have any answers beyond what I've mentioned. Most devotees pass this off as "an attack by ghosts." However, I'm not convinced of that, being that I've known devotees who could astral project and who tried to assure me that it was safe.


Regardless, I don't think there is any spiritual benefit in astral projection. The spirit guides you may meet on the astral plane may very well be in the mode of ignorance, especially if it is true, (according to Eckankar), that these guides see nothing wrong with killing the unborn. These guides don't take you to Goloka, that's for sure. Perhaps to other planets, perhaps even to the Akashic Records, but not to Vaikuntha. So, my opinion is that is just another material experience, and not worth pursuing. Still, like yourself, I have always been a bit curious as to just exactly what is taking place, especially when you get tapped on the shoulder or the back of the neck while asleep.



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